Attract and Radiate Quantum Love Album

This love vibe radiates chez @ecaiii
Blasted through while prepping and cooking
Thoughts, emotions, energetic state affect our food.
So infusing myself and environment with the pronounced energy of quantum love state
(followed by the food charger and enhancer)

Meals are served piping hot and loaded with extra potential :sparkles: :sparkling_heart:


I bet now it’s extra delicious :yum:

What you are cooking btw?


@GamiroCFC veggies in coconut milk paired with rice :blush:


We have south Indian recipes with these ingredients. Delicious, all of them. :slightly_smiling_face:
Especially with the special dream spice!


Great idea, thanks :+1:


I’ve made few times some recipes using coconut Milk, like chicken breast with coco and curry, paired with rice.

It’s indeed delicious!


Wonderfull idea. Thank You sis :blue_heart::purple_heart::heart::kissing_heart:
:sweet_potato::carrot:🫚🫛🫕 :green_salad: :rice::honey_pot::cupcake:


If I am a premium patreon member, am I able to share these audios w/ my mom?

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You can send her the link for the album on youtube if you like just to be sure they’ll work for her

I make her playlists and download them onto her phone to make it easy for her to use. I’ll wait to see if I can get any confirmation and if not I’ll just buy the album its only $5

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Ah yeah i forgot that.

Thats the confirmation, 22 tier is only for the subscriber, thats why the option to buy was put there, so thats the best way. Buying the $5 for the album :)

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Na this is so energising tho dont play at night lol.
Been feeling a lot more love though recently and been recievinf more from my close ones.

Ive been feeling the universal love more aswell, that we^re all one and connected

Would u guys say this helps with more self love tho ?


Comment from Patreon:

Quantum Love: Use Your Body’s Atomic Energy to Create the Relationship You Desire

This is a love that goes beyond even the intensity of new love, and is imbued with intimacy, joy and passion. It’s a love that allows you to tap into your soul and that of your mate, consciously feeling and experiencing the depth of that soul-to-soul connection.


I asked The Mystic Tarot chatGPT to explain the new art for Quantum Love


This image could represent “Quantum Love” through its various elements, which combine to create a sense of wonder and the metaphysical:

Swirling Cosmic Sky: The dynamic, swirling patterns in the sky invoke the idea of quantum entanglement, where two particles remain connected across vast distances, reflecting the concept of interconnectedness in love that defies space and time.

Enchanted Castle: The castle could symbolize the timeless and fairytale nature of love, an idealized destination or state of being that people strive for, akin to reaching a place of perfect harmony or union in a relationship.

Vibrant Colors and Light: The bright, almost neon palette and the way light is depicted, shining through the columns and reflecting on the landscape, suggests energy and vibrancy. Quantum physics often discusses the dual nature of light, and here it may metaphorically illustrate the dual aspects of love – both visible and invisible, tangible and intangible

Fluid Columns: Resembling both fire and water, these columns at the image’s periphery could represent transformation and flow, essential qualities in quantum physics and in relationships where change and adaptability are constants.

• Reflection on Water: The landscape seems to be mirrored on water, which could signify symmetry and balance, principles that are central to both quantum physics and harmonious relationships

Overall, this image evokes a sense of unity, connection, and a transcendence of the ordinary, which are all qualities that “Quantum Love” may be said to embody – a profound bond that’s beyond the physical, resonating with the mysteries and energies of the universe

Ayeee :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


The image features hearts overlaid with what appears to be a web of complex lines, creating a sense of depth and intricacy within each heart. Here’s how it could depict the concept of “Quantum Love”:

Interconnected Lines: The network of lines within the hearts might represent the interconnectedness of all things, a fundamental aspect of quantum theory where particles are entangled and affect each other regardless of distance. This can be analogous to deep connections in relationships that transcend physical space.

Translucent Overlays: The hearts have a translucent quality, with layers of colors blending into one another. This could symbolize the non-binary nature of emotions and relationships, where feelings and connections aren’t just on or off but exist in a spectrum

Vibrant Colors: The use of vibrant colors transitioning from one to another could represent the dynamic, ever-changing nature of love and relationships. In quantum physics, particles exist in states of probability until observed; similarly, emotions can be fluid and shifting

Heart Shapes: The heart is universally recognized as a symbol of love. Combined with the quantum-like lines, it suggests a love that is not only emotional but also has a deeper, almost mystical connection.

Different Sizes and Intensity: The varying sizes and intensity of color in the hearts might represent the different strengths and stages of love, acknowledging that love can exist in different forms and intensities

In sum, the image uses the metaphor of quantum mechanics to express a complex and profound concept of love, one that is connected, multi-dimensional, and transcendent.


Prompt: “draw a card that represents Quantum Love combining the elements and concepts of the two pics”

Mystic Tarot Reader

The card ‘The Quantum Heart’ was created to encapsulate the essence of “Quantum Love” as depicted in the two images you shared. Here’s why this card was chosen:

  1. Interconnected Lines: Reflecting the complex lines within the hearts from the second image, which symbolize the interconnectedness that is central to the concept of Quantum Love.

  2. Cosmic Backdrop: The swirling cosmos and enchanted castle from the first image represent the vastness and mystical nature of love, evoking a sense of wonder and timelessness.

  3. Vibrant Heart: The gradient of colors within the heart mirrors the vibrant, dynamic nature of the emotions present in both images, suggesting a spectrum of feelings

  4. Smaller Entangled Hearts: These embody the idea that every individual connection contributes to a larger, universal experience of love, resonating with the idea of entanglement in quantum physics.

  5. Overall Synthesis: The card combines these elements to visually communicate the depth, complexity, and transcendental quality of Quantum Love, which connects deeply with emotional and cosmic dimensions

Prompt: “explain how the combination of those 2 pics can help the people in the forum”

Mystic Tarot Reader

The two images shared earlier, one featuring cosmic landscapes and an enchanted castle and the other displaying hearts with intricate lines, could be inspiring and beneficial for people in a forum in several ways:

  1. Emotional Resonance: The images, with their themes of interconnectedness and the vastness of love, might resonate emotionally with forum members, offering comfort or a sense of belonging.

  2. Discussion Prompt: They could serve as prompts for discussions on topics such as the nature of love, human connection, and the mysteries of the universe, encouraging deeper conversation

  3. Mindfulness and Reflection: The imagery might encourage viewers to reflect on their own experiences with love and connection, promoting mindfulness and self-awareness.

  4. Inspirational Symbolism: The symbols of castles and hearts can inspire people to pursue their aspirations, dreams, and to cultivate meaningful relationships

  5. Quantum Love Concept: For those interested in new age philosophies or metaphysics, the idea of Quantum Love represented by these images could offer a novel perspective on love and relationships.

  6. Community Building: Sharing and appreciating art can help build a sense of community within the forum, as members bond over common interests and shared feelings elicited by the images

Beautiful Mr Captain



Pls send the link of mystic tarot gpt

It does have energy in it, or maybe i sensed it wrong. Do they get auto fielded by the fields in the gpt?

I wouldnt think they are fielded per se, but maybe we feel energy emanating because whatever creation AI makes is coming from what the corpus spiritus tarot answer is giving?

And you feel it more with the one i asked to be drawn because AI created the meaning through the CST for 2 already fielded ones. (Now watch people trying to create cards with NFT pics :sweat_smile:) i guess its like how all NFTs you always feel the energy exuding but it doesnt mean it would have the actual effect if you dont own them.

I remember the tags when the website was selling them they all exuded energy but that was it not fielded just a clear energy coming from them.

I would print them and then carry them around :laughing:

Haha i did that one time for a week looong time ago to like test which one would feel better to buy :sweat_smile: then i realized of course it was just energy i was feeling but not THE energy of the tag duh and also i felt weird and bad doing that even if it was just to test to then buy lol