Jing restoration (YouTube, iTunes, Patreon)
Negentropic Jing (teespring)
Ojas refined and defined (YouTube, Patreon)
Also on Instagram there was (is? I’m not on Instagram) the Kitsune mandala, heard tell it made some appear mysterious. I think you are to wear it or at least carry it in your person
Wear the Lion Mandala for a few days and you won´t anymore.
A lot men fear me when I wear it, women definetly love the animalistic energy.
Just keep yourself in check, it made me pretty agressive/ready to get into combat like
Anything that strengthens your Aura/repel negativ projections
Dont have em myself but from what I´ve read the Soul restoration audios should help
Energy blockage removal
Transmutation and Microcosmic
Become whole
Inner Beauty Reflected Outward
If you are a man:
Estrogen reducer