🦷 Dental Tech: Preventive Restorative Dentistry (Public)

None. Categorically. I got this advice from a very good and smart man in my area-he’s a medic.
Never engage in self-initiative in this matter. Certain drugs can only be taken after clear medical examinations that clearly show the need for a certain ingredient in blood

Also, a little information - having worked in pharmacy, I am well aware of the quality of the drugs that come on the market. The quality is zero. Beautiful packages and lots of promises.

At one time I bought supplements here (but I gave up on that idea)

(that’s where I bought vitamin K, but K7)

If you do not pay attention to my advice - then when buying certain supplements, take into account the composition of the mineral components
For example - Calcium gluconate is an ineffective and unsafe form of calcium.

Calcium carbonate is in 85% of calcium preparations. It is relatively inexpensive because it is based on ordinary chalk, and not always purified from lead and other harmful impurities. Its bioavailability is 20%. However, at reduced gastric acidity it falls sharply to zero.

Calcium citrate is a mineral formula that is harmless to the digestive organs. Its absorption is not related to stomach acidity, and its bioavailability is up to 44%, which is 2.5 times higher than that of carbonate salt. Its production technology eliminates the presence of foreign impurities. In addition, the use of this form of calcium minimizes the risk of formation of kidney stones, since citrate prevents crystallization of the mineral and promotes the timely excretion of its excesses in the urine.


this applies to any mineral or ingredient
Do your own research and gather information.

I have given up on all pastes and have been for a long time. I use certain “dry” tooth powders


I have used ayurvedic tooth powders in the past, but I don’t remember their names unfortunately

I currently have x3 cans of the above powder - and I have enough for a long time.

I also use dental probiotics

This is my best friend’s store. And this is not an advertisement. He refused to send products to other regions unfortunately. The specifics of the store are dental products.

(other questions if any, and questions in other threads like Mental Health, I will answer either tomorrow or Monday. As is my tradition, I have Easter tomorrow, and I’m still recovering from yesterday’s meeting with friends :laughing:)


Thanks a lot, useful info :100::100::100:
Enjoy ur time…



Is it still OK to get this NFT if one has dental crown and filling?
(I wonder what would happen to existing dental crown and filling with this NFT. Will they come off maybe, if the enamel start regenerate?? I’m curious)

Will this NFT work for dental root infection as well?

Thank you!

1 Like

as a first effect, after 2 weeks of listening, I have no more bleeding from my gums, and it’s already an excellent result … let’s go ahead and see what else happens …


I approximately answered the first question here.

That was my personal opinion.
Anything that happens in your case will just be a guess. But maybe it all depends on your goals. :slightly_smiling_face:

About the infection, I answered you personally here.

We even had a conversation, as I recall.
Will the fields help you? Yes, I’m sure they will.
How much - I don’t know your case, I don’t know the level of infection and how much the infection is in your tissues and body
(if your question was related to a specific existing issue ?)

if so - you need to decide for yourself what to do next.
I would personally go to a doctor and use the fields as a powerful additional tool in your treatment.


I appreciate your reply.

I use teeth regeneration field from YouTube, I don’t use it everyday, but I noticed dental onlay is slightly coming off. I think that is because enamel is regenerating??
I’ll keep monitoring. It’s such a cool experience.
So, I was curious what would happen to the one with crown on using this NFT

I don’t have dental infection at this moment, but I had a few in the past, so I thought it would be nice if this NFT would help in the future.

I clean my teeth every time I eat something, but I still get oral problems.
In Eastern medicine (I’m Asian), it’s said your mouth is a part of your digestive system, so your digestive problems may affect your oral condition.
I clean my teeth responsibly but still I have problems, that means it may have something to do with digestive issue?

Human body is very mystical.

Again, thank you for your reply


i have an infection from a tooth extraction. i have to wait two weeks for surgery (the doctor has an eye infection :frowning_face:). i used bacteria destroyer and intestines fields and lymphatic field and my tongue is almost clean.
the infection is relatively quiet now.

i think you are right that some have to take care of the digestive system for teeth.


My dentist told me to do so.
Not necessarily brush every time, but rinsing mouth, flossing to clean food stuck between teeth and such is good to keep your mouth clean

Everybody’s oral / health condition is different
We do our best keep ours in good condition, and how we approach is different as well


I was coming home from school and on the way I met my grandfather. I started to tell him that our Earth is round, but he didn’t believe me. I was overwhelmed with emotion - how could it be? After all, I had been told at school that the Earth was round. I really wanted to convince him that it was. But my grandfather demanded proof. In our closet we kept the Encyclopedia, at that time the equivalent of the Internet. I searched for a long time and found a description of our planet. Of course, I would find it much faster on the Internet today. The encyclopedia said that the Earth was shaped like a ball. I showed that article to my grandfather. And that’s when he believed me. Yeah, just like that. Of course, he knew the shape of our planet before, but he wanted to teach me to think and look.

Do not read, a lot of text (but it is shortened) :)

Everything we sacredly believe may turn out to be a myth. In 2019, there was an online presentation of a book by Australian biologist Professor David Sinclair titled “Longevity: Why We’re Getting Old and Why We Don’t Have to.” [1]. Many in the scientific community are skeptical of the claims he made about human longevity, as they are based on preclinical data obtained in studies on animal models and do not yet have evidence as applied to humans. University of Alabama biology professor Stephen N. Ostad said: “David is a good friend, but I do think he has excessive ambition.” [2]. Sinclair is one of the most controversial figures in science because he overestimates his work and its potential. Some critics cringe when he talks about miraculous molecules and eternal life. Others whisper that his science may not be entirely healthy. Still others are perplexed by his habit of taking drugs that have been shown not to slow aging in those who are not mice [2].

In 2008, he sold resveratrol, a sirtuin activator, to pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline for $720 million, assuring that this drug might be taken daily in 100 years to prevent heart disease, stroke and cancer [4, 5]. In 2010, Pfizer scientists published an article stating that Sinclair had not obtained reliable results while working on sirtuins and had published false conclusions.


Despite the resveratrol fiasco, Sinclair has not stopped making other grandiose promises unsupported by evidence in human studies. One of his latest compounds of interest is nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), an NAD+ donor [2]. In Time magazine, Sinclair stated that NAD+ is the closest thing to a fountain of youth. Nicotinamidanedinucleotide (NAD) is a non-protein chemical compound that participates in redox reactions in the body by transferring electrons from one substrate/substance to another. Addition of nicotinamide riboside, another NAD+ donor, to the diet of mice starting at two years of age increased the maximum lifespan of the animals by 5% to 1015 days [7], improving cell sensitivity to insulin. However, the first randomized controlled trials of NAD+ donors in humans ended in failure. Contrary to expectations, nicotinamide riboside administration did not change cell sensitivity to insulin in humans [8, 9], although it significantly increased NAD+ levels [10, 11]. It had no effect on skeletal muscle mitochondria (energy stations of body cells), the number and functions of which decrease in the process of aging and when insulin sensitivity is impaired [12]. Experiments by European scientists, contrary to the results of earlier animal studies, have shown that taking nicotinamide riboside worsens the physical performance of rats by 35% compared to the control group. In particular, the authors of these studies also showed that nicotinic acid, another NAD+ donor, impairs long-term exercise capacity. Nicotinamide riboside has been reported to cause fewer side effects than nicotinic acid, with the use of both NAD+ precursors almost equally increasing NAD+ levels in most cell types and tissues.

Despite his many unsubstantiated claims, David Sinclair is respected by many. People read his books and believe what he says without demanding proof. And why should they, when the truth can be just as unappealing. When we hear a lot of information, even if unreliable, we develop an illusion of truth. At some point we become accustomed to such information and regard it as truth [30]. The illusion-of-truth effect is often used in politics, advertising, and the media.


The term “evidence-based medicine” was coined in 1990 by Gordon Guyatt of McMaster University [89]. Evidence-based medicine was born with the goal of ensuring the credible effectiveness and safety of any medical decision. Thanks to an audit using evidence-based medicine methods, it became clear that the effectiveness of every other intervention was not proven [90]. Today medical schools in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and other countries have created courses on evidence-based medicine [91,92].

If a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial is organized without failure, it avoids all of the misconceptions that we discussed above. It relies on randomization and blinding for unbiased evaluation.

The times when we were given a “magic” potion are over. Everyone, armed with the methods of evidence-based medicine, can check for evidence of a drug’s efficacy and safety. If someone says about a drug that it is a miracle cure, we can ask for references to studies. If they are provided to us, we can check the study design (study design). The most reliable results come from randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. The vast majority of studies are not. Most aim to make a hypothesis, which is then tested in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. And even when we are given a link to a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, you have to look at it carefully to rule out irregularities.


In the United States, the law defines a dietary supplement as a product intended to supplement food that contains at least one of the following: a vitamin, mineral, plant fiber or other plant component, an amino acid, and certain other components [1]. Dietary supplements may also contain essential fatty acids and other substances extracted from plants or animals, fungi or bacteria, and live bacteria if they are probiotics. Since there is no experimental evidence for the effectiveness of supplements in treating disease, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 does not allow manufacturers to classify supplements as therapeutic. However, depending on preclinical or clinical evidence, supplements can be said to affect human body tissue structure and function, that, for example, “calcium builds strong bones.” [2]. There is a perception that nutritional supplements, or, by the definition of other legislation, dietary supplements (BAD), are a harmless addition to the diet. But this is not true. Nutritional supplements, like foods, are not subject to the same rigorous long-term safety controls as drugs; only their short-term effects are monitored. Hence the illusion that they are harmless. A 2017 review found that the use of supplements and herbs was associated with an increased incidence of liver damage.

There is a lot of advertising on the Internet about how supplements can prolong life and should be taken by everyone, such as to prevent cancer and reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, experts from the German Institute for Human Nutrition Research in Nutetal find no support for this in clinical trials [4]. And no matter how unique the composition, no matter how convincing the advertising may seem, it is not worth using such nutritional supplements uncontrolled and without special indications in addition to nutrition. In any case, the main criterion for choosing a supplement for use in certain indications is its effectiveness, proven in clinical trials. Nutritional supplementation may be necessary for critical deficiencies of certain substances, such as vitamin C deficiency in mariners.

In contrast to the United States, different countries have long lacked a unified system and regulatory framework governing the circulation of dietary supplements (NS). As a result, dietary supplements became the object of uncontrolled commercial activity with unfair and aggressive advertising. Many NS were advertised as drugs, when in fact they are not.

The dietary supplement advertising industry is masterfully constructed and provides a powerful flow of information. Without knowledge of basic biology and evidence-based medicine, it is virtually impossible to discern where the advertising is true and where it is not.

Usually the benefits of nutritional supplements are tested in animal studies at best, in short-term human studies, and then they hit the market and become sales hits. But the long-term effects of uncontrolled use remain uncertain for a long time.


Another dietary supplement whose effectiveness for longevity is questionable is fish oil. To begin with, it is curious to consider how fish oil and the omega-3 fatty acids it contains affect mammalian longevity. Are they that useful? In 2015, scientists at the University of California showed that fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids offset the effects of increased longevity in mice on a low-calorie diet. This is probably due to a decrease in the resistance of body cell membranes to lipid peroxidation [15, 16, 17]. Feeding mice foods with fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil or krill oil) shortened the lifespan of both long-lived [18] and short-lived mice [19]. The benefit of prophylactic omega-3 supplementation to reduce mortality risk in humans has not been proven in independent randomized, placebo-controlled trials. A 2018 Cochrane review found no evidence of benefit of omega-3 in reducing the risk of CVD mortality [20]. In 2020 AstraZeneca discontinued a large (including 13 thousand patients from 22 countries) phase III clinical trial of the omega-3-carboxylic acid drug Epanova derived from fish oil. Its use did not reduce the risk of adverse cardiovascular events compared with placebo [21]. And only elderly people aged 61 to 74 years who have type 2 diabetes, are overweight, and are on statin therapy can presumably add a few months to their lives by using omega-3 for 5 years [22].

However, a report published by Variant Market Research predicts that the global fish oil market is expected to reach more than $2 billion by 2024), a figure that was $1.524 billion in 2016 [23].


Moreover, the boom in nutritional supplements is gaining momentum, with many famous people taking them by the dozens a day and even by the hundreds in the hope that it will prolong their lives. American inventor and futurist Raymond Kurzweil admits that he cared little about his health until he was 35, when he learned that he had impaired glucose tolerance, a precursor to developing type 2 diabetes. That’s when he met Terry Grossman, a doctor, with whom they worked out a plan that included taking hundreds of supplements aimed at prolonging life. In 2005, an article was published claiming that Kurzweil was taking 250 supplements every day [24]. Later interviews with Kurzweil revealed that he had reduced the number of supplements he took daily to 150 [25].

Sergei Fage’s article "I am 32 years old and I spent $200,000 on “biohacking” became one of the most popular on Medium and was liked by a number of well-known figures in Silicon Valley [26, 27]. It was probably largely responsible for the boom in biohacking. Among other things, Sergei Fage describes the supplements he consumed to become more energetic, healthy, happy, confident, strong-willed and intelligent, to improve his mood and concentration, and to prolong his life. This list, which included 31 items, included omega-3 fatty acids, which, as stated above, have no effect on mortality, the complex dietary supplement Life Extention Mix, whose consumption reduced the median life expectancy of mice from 983 to 892 days [28], alpha-lipoic acid, whose addition to the diet also reduced the life span of mice [29], and so on.


The intracellular concentration of magnesium in the human body decreases with age

So how does magnesium work in people who are practically healthy? A pilot study involving postmenopausal women showed that a 30-day course of 300 mg/day of magnesium citrate could conceivably delay the development of osteoporosis by increasing osteocalcin levels (a marker of bone formation), decreasing intact parathyroid hormone levels in blood, and decreasing deoxypyridinoline levels in urine [63]. Higher levels of deoxypyridinoline indicate the predominance of bone destruction processes. A meta-analysis of RCTs showed that adding magnesium to the diet of individuals with impaired insulin sensitivity (prediabetes) reduced systolic blood pressure by 4.18 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 2.27 mmHg. [64]. An RCT in people with metabolic syndrome and initially low magnesium levels showed that magnesium therapy (382 mg/day) for 16 weeks reduced blood pressure as well as triglyceride levels in the blood [65]. A meta-analysis of RCTs found that the inclusion of magnesium drugs in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes and patients without diabetes lasting more than 4 months compared with therapy with magnesium drugs lasting less than 4 months allows better control of blood sugar levels, reducing the insulin resistance index HOMA, insulin levels and glycated hemoglobin in the blood [66].

It can be concluded that magnesium preparations are advisable to use in postmenopausal women, as well as in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, it is important to understand that magnesium levels should be within the optimal range. Studies on rats show that if magnesium intake with food is even slightly higher than the norm, there is no effect of protection against calcification. The bioavailability of magnesium is individual for each individual [67]. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the intake of this trace element with food under control of its level in the blood.

increase in blood magnesium levels as a result of excessive intake with food is unlikely in healthy people, because excess magnesium in the blood is quickly excreted by the kidneys

Magnesium deficiency can occur due to excessive excretion of magnesium by the kidneys or loss through the gastrointestinal tract, in alcoholism, due to excessive movement of magnesium from the blood into the tissues through the vascular endothelium. In the elderly, the absorption of magnesium from the intestine decreases and its excretion with the urine increases. This is often due to the use of medications (proton pump inhibitors, diuretics, etc.). In most cases, magnesium deficiency is asymptomatic. Chronic magnesium deficiency is seen in diabetes mellitus and hypertension [75]. Low blood magnesium levels occur in 2.5-15% of the population. Optimal blood magnesium levels are between 0.95 and 1.03 mmol/L [60, 77, 78].

Sometimes it is advised to determine the intracellular magnesium level rather than the blood level. However, the correlation of this index with the risk of mortality has not been well studied yet. A short-term study in people with chronic kidney disease showed that increasing blood magnesium levels even without changing its intracellular content probably reduces soft tissue calcification, which was determined by an increase in serum calcification propensity marker (Serum Calcification Propensity) [80]. This index well predicts the risk of CVD mortality [81].

Thus, when blood magnesium levels are less than 0.95 mmol/L, a physician can recommend taking supplements containing 300 mg/day for women and 400 mg/day for men with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and patients with chronic kidney disease in the absence of contraindications.

A very small number of supplements are effective in increasing human lifespan, and this has been proven in clinical studies. If you do not know how to analyze scientific studies on your own and find and evaluate the evidence in them, it is advisable to simply and rationally balance your diet. Despite the benefits of the vitamins and macronutrients discussed, this does not mean that other vitamins and macronutrients have evidence either, although the internet will convince you otherwise.

There are conditions when other vitamins are needed. For example, vitamin C is needed by seafarers who have no fresh fruits or vegetables, and without them scurvy, a disease caused by an acute deficiency of vitamin C, leading to disruption of collagen synthesis and eventually death, can occur [151]. But if you have at least some fruits and vegetables in your diet, vitamin C deficiency is unlikely. There is no evidence that supplemental intake of vitamin C, if not deficient, can reduce the risk of mortality [152, 153].

The producers of nutritional supplements are not known for their honesty. You can buy anything you want in a beautiful package. If the subject of the Nobel Prize is on everyone’s lips, you can find ingredients for as many as three such prizes in one package. Scientists around the world are trying to use epigenetic rejuvenation to reverse the age of animals and humans, but so far it has not succeeded. However, supplement manufacturers are already selling epigenetic rejuvenation. They are literally collecting all the key words that are most often heard in the press and associated with new technologies, scientific advances, and credibility. Telomeres, peptides, epigenetic markers, gene expression, senolytics, autophagy, etc. Many will realize that these are nothing, and some will buy them for a lot of money. By the time everyone realizes they are being duped, the manufacturers will have already created new ones. The same capsules in jars will start selling with a new label and new advertising. Whose fault is that? Partly our own fault, since we don’t even look into it and don’t check it, and naively trust the advertising. Partly the flawed legislation that does not oblige the sellers of nutritional supplements to prove every word said in the ads in clinical trials. Let’s start with ourselves. We need to learn to look for evidence when we look at any dietary supplement we don’t know is offered. The evidence is not in animal experiments or cell cultures. After all, animals are not the ones who will consume these supplements. Evidence should be based on clinical studies in humans.

Extra info

I cannot guarantee that all the links will work
But let the information provided be a starting point for self-study

Links for self-study
  1. Hassan S., Egbuna C., Tijjani H. et al. Dietary Supplements: Types, Health Benefits, Industry and Regulation. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42319-3_3 [In book: Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (pp.23–38)]. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/343843720_ Dietary_Supplements_Types_Health_Benefits_Industry_and_Regulation (дата обращения: 08.03.2021).

  2. Structure/Function Claims. Dietary Supplementsю Conventional Foods. (Электронный ресурс) URL: www.fda.gov/Food/LabelingNutrition/ucm2006881.htm (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  3. Navarro V.J., Khan I., Bjornsson E. et al. Liver injury from herbal and dietary supplements. Hepatology. 2017 Jan;65(1):363–373. doi: 10.1002/hep.28813. www. Liver injury from herbal and dietary supplements - PubMed (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  4. Schwingshackl L., Boeing H., Stelmach-Mardas M. et al. Dietary Supplements and Risk of Cause-Specific Death, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Primary Prevention Trials. Adv Nutr. 2017 Jan 17;8(1):27–39. doi: 10.3945/an.116.013516. Print 2017 Jan. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28096125 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  5. ЗаБАДали!.. Медицинская газета. № 22 от 22 марта 2013. (Электронный ресурс) URL: www.mgzt.ru/№-22-от-22-марта-2013 г/забадали (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  6. Онищенко напомнил, что биодобавки не являются лекарствами. Газета. ru. 16.10.2007 (Электронный ресурс) URL: www.gazeta.ru/news/ lenta/2007/10/16/n_1129366.shtml (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  7. Report Forecasts Supplement Market to Reach $278 Billion by 2024. Опубликовано 07.01.16. (Электронный ресурс) URL: www.nutraceuticalsworld.com/ issues/2016-09/view_breaking-news/report-forecasts-supplement-market-to-reach-278-billion-by-2024/ (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  8. Half of Americans use supplements. By Madison Park, CNN. April 13, 2011. (Электронный ресурс) URL: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/04/13/supplements. dietary/index.html (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  9. Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD). National Institutes of Health. (Электронный ресурс) URL: https://ods.od.nih.gov/Research/Dietary_Supplement_Label_ Database.aspx (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  10. Baker D.J., Childs B.G., Durik M. et al. Naturally occurring p16(Ink4a)-positive cells shorten healthy lifespan. Nature. 2016 Feb 11;530(7589):184-9. doi: 10.1038/ nature16932. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26840489 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  11. Attaallah A., Lenzi M., Marchionni S. et al. A pro longevity role for cellular senescence. Geroscience. 2020 Jun;42(3):867–879. doi: 10.1007/s11357-019-00066-2. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31098949 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

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  13. Schafer M.J., Haak A.J., Tschumperlin D.J., LeBrasseur N.K. Targeting Senescent Cells in Fibrosis: Pathology, Paradox, and Practical Considerations. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2018 Jan 26;20(1):3. doi: 10.1007/s11926-018-0712-x. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/29374361 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  14. Yousefzadeh M.J., Zhu Y., McGowan S.J. et al. Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan. EBioMedicine. 2018 Oct;36:18–28. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.09.015. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30279143 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  15. Lopez-Dominguez J.A., Ramsey J.J., Tran D. et al. The Influence of Dietary Fat Source on Life Span in Calorie Restricted Mice. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 Oct;70(10):1181-8. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glu177. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/25313149 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

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  18. Villalba J.M., Lopez-Dominguez J.A., Chen Y. et al. The influence of dietary fat source on liver and skeletal muscle mitochondrial modifications and lifespan changes in calorie-restricted mice. Biogerontology. 2015 Oct;16(5):655-70. doi: 10.1007/s10522-015-9572-1. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24816553 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  19. Tsuduki T., Honma T., Nakagawa K. et al. Long-term intake of fish oil increases oxidative stress and decreases lifespan in senescence-accelerated mice. Nutrition. 2011 Mar;27(3):334-7. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2010.05.017. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/20621447 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  20. Abdelhamid A.S., Brown T.J., Brainard J.S. et al. Omega-3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Jul 18;7(7):CD003177. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003177.pub3. www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30019766 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

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  22. Hu Y., Hu F.B., Manson J.E. Marine Omega-3 Supplementation and Cardiovascular Disease: An Updated Meta-Analysis of 13 Randomized Controlled Trials Involving 127 477 Participants. J Am Heart Assoc. 2019 Oct;8(19):e013543. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.013543. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31567003 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

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  25. Glenn Beck. Interview with Ray Kurzweil. Aired May 30, 2008. (Электронный ресурс) URL: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0805/30/gb.01.html (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  26. Serge F. I’m 32 and spent $200k on biohacking. Became calmer, thinner, extroverted, healthier & happier. Originally published by Serge Faguet on September 24th 2017. (Электронный ресурс) URL: https://hackernoon.com/ im-32-and-spent-200k-on-biohacking-became-calmer-thinner-extroverted-healthier-happier-2a2e846ae113 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  27. Serge Faguet. Мне 32 года, и я потратил $200 тысяч на «биохакинг». 4 окт. 2017. (Электронный ресурс) URL: Мне 32 года, и я потратил $200 тысяч на «биохакинг» — Будущее на vc.ru (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

  28. Spindler S.R., Mote P.L., Flegal J.M. Lifespan effects of simple and complex nutraceutical combinations fed isocalorically to mice. Age (Dordr). 2014 Apr;36(2):705-18. doi: 10.1007/s11357-013-9609-9. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24370781 (дата обращения: 19.01.2021).

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Information taken from a very large community of evidence-based medicine.

Do your research and be smart about your (supplement) choices
(the translation may not be accurate)


Can anyone Plz upload the original image of this NFT :pray:

Original image:


Thank You Sir :pray:

1 Like

So i have this nft for 4 days now.

1st day - Had massive speech improvement and speech was so much clearer.

2nd day - No more pain when flossing and no more spitting blood after flossing.

Third day - I have some redness around wisdom teeth, and on second day noticed that if i press with tongue the wisdom teeth, it was painful. Well on third day, there was 0 pain.

Fourth day - Before, eating foods and chewing was painful. Now there is no pain when chewing food.

My teeth are very damaged. I cant even chew food properly because of the damage.
Will see how the regeneration process goes. :tooth: :shark:


It’s great to hear about your positive change! Here’s hoping for full recovery.


I started to use it yesterday. My mouth has all kinds of feelings. I usually have toothache and often bleed from my teeth. After using this nft, I feel different. I hope that if I continue to use it, it will improve so much that I won’t have to use mouthwash so often to stop the pain.


this field is extraordinary


I want to give some explanations, because yesterday I was contacted by a person with personal specific questions (of course, I will not touch on them), but one of those questions was general, and I think it is worth quoting

How does remineralization of tooth enamel happen with this NFT,

what if there are not enough minerals in the body for this NFT to work? In that case will this NFT “take” the mineral from the bone?

Before I give an answer, I will give a theory for a deeper understanding of the process. This theory is very concise, I have really tried to shorten it for a clearer view of the mechanism of action

in a “global” sense this theory is not important to the user

Info 1

Caries resistance and enamel “strength” factors:

I. At the molecular level:

  1. enamel hydroxyappatite type;

  2. Micronutrient incorporation of hydroxyappatite;

Natural apatites containing six or more calcium atoms Ca8H2(P04)6 - 6H2O, Ca10(P04)6 - (OH)2 and, therefore, having Ca:P ratio in apatite 1:3 and more, and also fluorapatites Ca10(P04)6F2 have the greatest acid resistance.

Presence of vacancies in crystal structure;

  1. The degree of mineralization of enamel;

  2. Correctness of formation and deposit of protein matrix;

  3. Interaction of protein and mineral components of enamel.

II. At the level of tooth enamel structure:

Functionality and caries resistance of the pellicle. The pellicle is an organic film that is the structural element of the enamel surface layer

Regularity of enamel structure;

The presence and number of enamel defects;

The nature of formation of enamel fibers and bundles, the peculiarities of their exit to the surface;

The mosaic nature of the electrical charge that prevents or promotes the adsorption of microorganisms to its potential

Also, it should be noted that the resistance & strength of tooth enamel to caries is influenced by:

The quality of tooth structure formation (prior to eruption);

The level of mineral metabolism in the body;

The functional state of the dental pulp;

The concentration of fluoride, phosphorus, calcium in the enamel and oral fluid.

The strength of enamel itself is formed prior to tooth eruption (formation of enamel by ameloblasts and their production of calcium-binding protein. Growth of enamel crystals due to the placement of Ca ions in the nodes of the three-dimensional network of calcium-binding protein molecules), then there is “maturation” of enamel

After the tooth erupts, post-eruptive mineralization (during the first year that the crown is in the mouth)

Calcium is one of the most important macronutrients in the prevention of dental caries, as its large proportion in the human body is concentrated in the mineralized tissues. If there is a difference between the amount of calcium consumed and the body’s need for it, enamel with low resistance is formed (vitamin D should be taken at the same time, BUT IF There ARE INDICATIONS, AND UNDER THE DEPARTMENT’S CONTROL). Phosphorus, like calcium, is one of the most important elements in the prevention of dental caries.

When there is a difference between the amount of phosphorus the body consumes and the need for it, enamel with low caries resistance is formed. The daily norm is 1000-1500 mg.

Fluorides contribute to the formation of relatively stable fluoride-containing apatite in the enamel. Optimum is the range of the factor that is most favorable for the life of the body. Speaking of fluoride load, its optimum is determined by the dosage necessary to achieve caries prevention rather than physiological needs. N = 0.02-0.04 mgF⁄kg per day.

The concept of negentropy was included in the project itself, also approximating the recovery process: :bulb:

Assistance in the maturation of apatites (calcium, phosphorus);

assistance in the formation of acid-resistant forms by isomorphic incorporation into the appatites (fluorine replaces the hydroxyl group, strontium, iron, tin-cadmium, vanadium replaces the phosphate ion);

influencing and catalyzing the rate of de- and remineralization reactions (fluorine accelerates remineralization processes of appatite by 3-5 times);

Fixing the crystal face and protecting it from dissolution (fluorine, hydroxyl-ion);

supporting the concentration of fluoride ions in the oral cavity;

exposure to calcium and phosphorus ions for exogenous prevention of dental caries allows to achieve supersaturation of oral fluid by apatite and, therefore, will prevent dissolution of apatite enamel or promote precipitation of calcium and phosphate in the tooth enamel when the pH decreases.

In modern preventive dentistry to replace the opinion about the need to use low concentrations of drugs Ca and P (1-3mmol/l, which corresponds to the content in saliva), based on the fact that their high concentrations due to precipitation and closure of the enamel surface pores prevent further remineralization of dental tissue, is increasingly being introduced a modern concept. Its essence is a directly proportional relationship between the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the preparation and the quality of remineralization of enamel.

Dyscuttable questions are whether Ca and P can be delivered to the enamel: in the form of ions or neutral compounds (CaNRO4), and whether an acidic or alkaline oral environment can be favorable for remineralization.

Nevertheless, I would trust the creativity of the energy fields

Now let’s get to the main question.

Info 2

If all systems in the body are working and functioning normally, and if all trace elements are absorbed naturally, then there is no problem.

Are you asking if this NFT will “take away” minerals from the bones? I am confident that all of Captain’s fields are optimized to not harm the body or its integrity in any way.

Human bone tissue is constantly changing throughout a person’s life. As stresses change or as injuries occur, it is able to change its structure.

There are two types of cells for this purpose:

Osteoblasts form the bone matrix itself;
Osteoclasts break it down. This process is called resorption.

Osteoclasts make new tunnels in the bone tissue, and osteoblasts fill them with bone.

In adulthood, certain conditions cause calcium to be washed out of the bone tissue, causing it to weaken. For example, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman must consume more calcium, as the body actively uses it to build the baby’s skeleton.

Oestrogen deficiency is one of the strongest factors that affect the bone health of women. They inhibit the work of osteoclasts and thus slow down resorption processes. At menopause, estrogen production decreases significantly. This causes the level of bone resorption to increase. Bone tissue thins, becomes more fragile, and bones become more brittle.

Increased intake of natural calcium-containing foods helps preserve bone tissue by reducing the number of osteoclasts and increasing the number of osteoblasts.

Normally, thyroid hormones increase the activity of both osteoclasts and osteoblasts. But with hyperthyroidism resorption begins to prevail over the creation of bone tissue, which also leads to its weakening. If its pathology is suspected, an endocrinologist should be consulted - and the sooner the better.

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is involved in the destruction of bone tissue (resorption), promotes the formation of osteoclasts, and its metabolites increase the absorption of calcium in the intestine and the excretion of calcium by the kidneys. It would seem that the less vitamin D, the better? But no. The situation is exactly the opposite. Vitamin D is also involved in the production of citric acid, which forms insoluble salts with calcium and thus increases mineralization of the bone matrix. In a cholecalciferol deficiency, this process is impaired and plasma calcium levels are reduced. In the worst case this leads to osteomalacia - softening of the bones.

The sun is a factor that affects the production of vitamin D in the human body. Regular exposure to the sun is enough to protect against rickets and a whole list of other equally unpleasant diseases.

I’ve written what I know and what I had in the records :laughing:

I want to emphasize again that in the future, very specialized medical questions I will reject, because I believe that for a detailed diagnosis, analysis, prognosis need a doctor’s consultation :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you bro for sharing this precious very detailed information :blush::pray::sunny::orange_heart:!!!


Another helpful effect is saliva quality. I wonder if mine is more alkaline now. My breath rarely smells in the morning anymore. Plus, my mouth doesn’t dry out as much either. That could be a part of helping to prevent cavities.


That was the 1st thing i notice was the like super fresh breath