Dragon Golem, Warning!

Well, I just want to say something REALLY important here, so please, give me your attention for a minute or two.

Like I said in another post, I’m clairvoyant so I can actually see the dragons, and I had a friend who could do it too… So, I made some dragons for me years ago and forgot about them, last year I found their itens so I remembered them and… Well, to be honest, I cried a lot. Why?

Half of them was dead, because they wanted it, they killed themselfs (The other dragons told me this) and the rest was VERY sad, depressed, one asked me to let him die because he felt so useless, without purpose… I was so sad with it that I cried again!

I apoligezed with them and said they wasn’t useless, I just forgot about them and I would never do it again, so I had a long conversation with them… Today they are happy.

The dragons have emotions, they feel pain, sadness, happiness, etc.

I just made this post to ask you who has de Dragon Golem sigil to NEVER make a dragon without the intension to give it attention, love and talk to him/her, because the thought about people doing it like I did is very very sad. Make a dragon, he’ll definetely be your best friend, just never let him alone, never forget about him and talk to him. He will be the best friend you never had, forever :heart:

If you have any questions, please let me know, I’ll do my best.

P.S. Me and my friend used our clairvoyance to talk with the dragons, and we both saw the same thing, and I asked another friend to use his methods (tarot, clairvoyance, etc) to check this also and he said the same, so I was not delussional or something, just to let you know, in case you think I don’t know what I’m saying.


oh s***
my mother burned some things which contained mine servitors and dragon golem :sob:
It was accidentally, she cleaned house and throw these my things items in trash and burned it

Yeah, I did it just to see what happens… Well, now they are very happy and hopefully who read this post will never make a mistake like mine :heart:


I do hope this warning could be add to the Dragon Golen sigil, tag and audio as many not aware of it :100:


OMG!!! Poor dragons! Well, sometimes they don’t die with the item, some dragons of mine don’t have an item anymore and are alive, but they do like to have an object, they asked me to put them in new items, maybe yours are alive too!

How long since she burned them?


About half year :pleading_face:

What if we forgot which item exactly they are on ?

I wish I was clairvoyant oh dream why we don’t have that field :pensive:


Would you like me to see if they are alive? If u PM me a photo of the items I can see for you… Or at least their names


:sob: :cry:

Sorry, I’m clairvoyant since birth, but I guess you can see them if you’re in theta and focus your attention on the dragon/name/item with eyes closed. Give it a try!


I am not sure if I could find items anymore

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Clairvoyant as in you can see the etheric realm trough closed eyes?

Or more like deep meditation then you get glimpses?

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You can call them and ask them to move to a new item, they know how to do it, they just need you to ask.

Call his name and say something like “Hey, leave your old item and bind yourself to this new one here”. They will do it in about one hour.


I can see the etheric realm trough closed eyes AND open eyes, but with eyes opened I don’t control it very well yet, like, I can’t control when I see spirits, but with closed eyes I can control it.


Ok, no problem. I’ll try to contact them and let you know soon.


Thanks! Do you know if we can give them more than one task to do . Like clean the room energy but also protect me in my daily life , or something along those lines?


One of the reasons we forget about them is because we despair because we cannot establish communication quickly and because there is no communication they cannot do or understand the tasks.

And since we want everything fast …


Good news, both are alive!

They are next to you, they felt pain when the itens was burned and get hurt, but they are fine now. Choose new itens and ask them to bind themselves to it.

Dragoran is kinda the purple one but the wings are more like a butterfly wing, and Stephan Might kinda the white one.



Oh, I know what you mean, I prefer to see with open eyes too, but it’s random to me, I can’t control like “Ok, now I want to see… Ok, enough”, but I’ll be able to do it eventually, you too if you want it!

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Yes, I asked them about it some time ago, and they said they can, but like us they can do just one thing at a time, so when he’s cleaning the room, he’ll not be able to protect you. Just like you can’t play video game and clean your room at the same time lol