Alternate lifetimes or past lives have always intrigued the curious, We know that Time and space doesn’t work quite the same when we look at it beyond our mental limitations. We may instead we perceive multiple dimensions of reality where all versions of ourselves are happening simultaneously. We can infer that we do not lead a linear existence, our souls may have cyclical lives, much like like an infinity sign that folds over itself.
This 10 min track with a bamboo flute, can help provide a meditative means by which we can lift some limitations and allow some of past sensations, feelings and memory to flow through to the conscious mind.
Sometimes we can use this to understand ourselves more deeply and grow in profound ways.
Best used in a introspective and active meditative way.
This can be used as an opportunity for metamorphosis, by learning and understanding you can help create context and resolution through ‘self-awareness’. Any time our consciousness expands in this way, we can increase our potentials and speed of inner and outer evolution.
I am currently working with this device. SuperBeacon
It allows me to integrating parallel universe personas of myself into this dimension. Coincidence? Nahhhhh!
Since I wrote that post, I’ve had sensations and memories (I think) and I think it already changed a piece of me. Made me more self-aware. I’ve felt like this dude living his life and then right after that I knew what is wrong with my life now. It’s a bit more than that, it’s like I’ve listened to a weird mindset field…
And having felt his body, mine is kinda garbage. I saw some kind of tools that I don’t think I’ve seen before, but it could be my mind messing with me.
Like a visual, then some sensations, a feeling of what he thinks and his doing then next chapter. A chain of event.