Feeling Awful After Using Fields

Hey how are everyone doing today?

I’m in a bit of a situation for the second time in as many weeks. I seem to be very very very sensitive to the Morphic Fields. Last week I foolishly listened to far too many fields my mistake and I paid for it severely. I started to feel a small bit better after just over a week (I was able to get up and walk around a bit) but I still felt the inflammation in my stomach, chest and throat still. Yesterday I decided to try the DNA Healing, Smart Stem Cells and Lymphatic effusion. I could feel the energy fully stuck in my body again but I was able to get a bit of sleep but I woke up in the middle of the night and I had to run to get sick and use the bathroom all at the same time. I am still very spaced out of it and awful inflammation and energy stuck all through me again and it is burning through me and prickly heat stinging also with a severe headache and slowed down eye movement, as in things are moving in slow motion.

I am very sensitive to electricity already, constantly being shocked by everything, even people which is very strange. It kind of brings on the same variations of symptoms as I am feeling now but maybe not as severe.

Is there any Fields which would help me to grow accustomed to being able to get the benefits of the Fields instead of feeling terrible by them? I feel like the Morphic Fields are my last chance at trying to get back a “Normal” life as nothing else has worked so far. I have a huge list of things that I have wrong with me and from speaking to new friends I have made through Sapiens work and have been guiding me, I feel like the best Fields for me to start on a road to recovery would be Smart Stem Cells, 25 50 millivolts, Advance Healing, DNA Repair and Autoimmune Reversal.

Would anyone have any quick fix tricks or a field which might help get me through this awful feeling at the moment or for the long run to try and get my health back again, I basically have issues with every organ, every system, Autoimmune diseases and severe stomach problems along with a few more issues.

I would be very grateful for any bit of advice that anyone could give me.
Have a great day everyone🙏🏻

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You’ve got an energy overload Just stop using fields for a while or use these field to ground yourself (Automatic grounding & anxiety removal, it also helps me) when you feel fine listen to a few fields a day. I suggest to you one field for a day like DNA repair system with recommended listening time. 2-3 times


When I’ve felt overwhelmed by fields, I have taken the advice that many have posted throughout the forum about grounding videos. The Emotional Release and Utter Relaxation fields also have helped me quite a bit.


I would start gently with the point of no return stack if I were you…

Or just start with using nothing but:

  • deep auric cleanse
  • subconscious limits removal (SLR)
  • energy blockage removal
  • grounding or Schumann resonance

For a month or so…
Or if it is too much, only SLR.
If that is too much, only SLR for 1 minute and slowly increase.

Etc. Go slow.
Do not use other energy products and videos (for some time).

To be honest,
I think you should probably be okay to do the listed 4 fields without issue. If you are, use it daily for one month.
When the month is over, add into that stack after energy blockage removal one of the physical audios you are having trouble with now and see how you react.

Another good tip is to use the star exercise, it will help you become more resilient. Being so sensitive is not a good thing.

Oh and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:


Yes they were the 2 that I tried when I had the overload 2 weeks ago, I didn’t have much joy with them but I think that’s because I stupidly also put myself through a strong detox by listening to the detox fields also.
I am currently listening to Grounding & Anxiety now so hopefully I will see a bit of a change by tomorrow​:crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3: Would you recommend how many times to listen to them to try and relieve all of these awful symptoms as quick as possible?

Thank you. I have been doing the Grounding & Anxiety fields at the moment, I will look into the Emotional Release & Utter Relaxation fields now. Would it be ok to play all 4 of those fields together while I have all of this stuck energy in me?

Hi MonkeyOwl. What is the Point Of No Return Stack? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I have made a playlist on my phone of the 4 you mentioned, thank you for that. I will try it for a month and hopefully see some changes. I am very sensitive to the fields, it is so hard to function while my body is overloaded. It would be a good way to show a skeptic who doesn’t believe in fields just how powerful they are. Tell them to listen to a load of different fields for the day and see what happens to them😂 I wouldn’t wish it on anyone🤢
I am not familiar with the star exercise, would you mind explaining it to me?
Could I do long term damage by being so sensitive to the fields if I kept using them and these symptomskeep happening? I feel my stomach, chest and throat are fully inflamed now after it, even drinking water is very sore going down and making me dizzy.
Thank you for your reply🙂

I mean, I play those fields all the time. I probably have stuck energy, though in all honestly, I’m not sure I’m fluent in the energy conversation. I think I’m sensitive to it, but I lack an overall theory of it. Someone does, though, and they will no doubt be along shortly to give you an answer.

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What do I do? Where do start?

Clarification on the point of no return stack

Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation

You can read about them Mean while Monkey replies :blush:


I would do 3 times grounding
And 2 times Anxiety


Hi seamie,
See i told you the people here are awesome :sunglasses:

The fields from the course come to mind, especially energy sensitivity, but right now perhaps grounding is indeed more useful. Exorcism perhaps too? I think it’s in the point of no return stack.

Maybe The Tree Experience to feel extra grounded.

Your situation is tricky… On the one hand you want to heal, on the other not get the overload effects. We’ll get there

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Thank you PsiMindSet🙏🏻 I am just going trying the Energy body/Aura Clearing Cleansing now and I will do 3 Grounding and 2 Anxiety after it. Thank you.

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Luna was nice enough to link all the relevant info to your questions :)

This part just sounds to me like detox maybe?
Let us know how it goes with the 4 fields.


Thank you for telling me to join the Forum, so many nice people on here​:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:. I’ll look up the exorcism and tree experience now​:+1:t2:

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Wait. Why did the words slightly smiling face come up? I put in 2 smiley faces? :joy:


You can use this function to search the forum ;)

This is a testimonial of the results of following that stack:

And this is the stack - it is the title of an article on the blog.


I will. Thank you MonkeyOwl🙏🏻 From a bit more information I looked up last night, it seems my nervous system is a big part of the problem and that makes sense to me as I feel like I am in a stuck version of fight or flight response 24/7 and maybe almost as well PTSD since I got very badly mistreated in hospital many years ago and I have not been the same since.


Thank you so much for all the information LunaMoon :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:t2:


Ah thank you :blush: I’m still trying to get the hang of using the forum. I’ll check out the testimonials and articles now. Thank you again :pray:t2:


For a non-field cure you can always use a salt bath to pull the energy from you. I prefer Epsom salts but I understand that any salt would work, really. Salt baths are very restorative and can be used to pull any excess energies from you and restore you to balance. Good luck!

Edit: As an interesting aside, salt baths are also great at removing parasitic beings and other negative energy attachments.