How come fields also works in Online interactions?

So now i’m 100% certain that fields also work in online interactions, both text-wise and meetings/voice.(i’m an extremist when it comes to experimenting, i’ve experimented with pheromones for 4 years, nofap/celibacy 4 years, steroid usage 3months and then regular TRT, nootropics and much more)

I can type exactly the same thing before and after using various fields, such as knight/warrior, charisma and glamour, androstenol and several self love fields/vibration raising fields and the responses are NIGHT and DAY literally, plus the amount of people that will randomly start convos with you in various chats are insanely different too. I also keep receiving text messages now lately, a spanish girl i hadn’t met or talked to for a year suddenly out of the blue messaged me “I can’t stop thinking about you the past days” (the past days I had been using a lot of vibration raising fields, cort cutter and more) as well as an old friend from 5 years ago randomly added me on linkedin.

Can anyone explain these phenonemons to me in a way that makes sense? I know it is 100% real and not random coincidences, and a hundred percent based on fields and vibration.


I could explain you that easily, but first check the descriptions, check the entire threads for them, check auras, study the theory here a bit and you will soon understand very well, I’m sure of that.

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What needs explanation?

Being someone has effect on reality
Being someone else has another effect on reality


My guess (after reading some articles and some topics on this forum) is that online is just a medium, a part of Reality, so it would be weird for fields not to work online; also, Energy Work and Magic and any of this stuff (somehow related) work no matter the distance.

Energy is dynamic. It doesn’t matter whether you interacting online or in real life. Though there is advantage of real life interactions. The results still . showing online. For example if you use charisma and glamour. For many months. That energy will cumulative in your energy system. So to show your energy. It’s better to take a newer picture of yourself. As it will capture the energy. And the people online can feel the difference. Everything has its signature.

When you sad and you take a picture. Of course you emit that negative low vibe in that picture. It doesn’t matter how long the picture can be. The moment that picture is taken. Your energy is captured in that moment.

This goes to your energy fields.



Your observation is correct.

Because through our Subconscious Minds we are all collectively connected.

Everyone’s Subconscious Minds are constantly downloading info about you from your Subconscious Mind. And vice versa.

Imagine, as if we are all actors (in our incarnational roles).

Then, everyone treats each other according to what has been downloaded (beliefs, assumptions, thought forms, vibration etc.) from each other.

Everyone confirms each other’s “reality” on a regular basis.
This is part of the collective co-manifestation process.

For this to work, you do not have to see or visibly interact with others.
This process happens all the time in the background.
Does not matter if you meet people live, online, through text, by thinking about them or not doing anything at all.
This process is active 24/7.

Our minds do not really have firewalls and there is no such thing as “privacy” on a subconsciousness level. So whatever someone deep down beliefs about themselves, the subconscious minds of others will pick that up and make their owners behave to that person accordingly.

When you change your current role setup and beliefs through the use of fields, others will download that and treat you according to your new role setup.

Since you did nofap for so long, you may have experienced this effect from there in a practical way too, where you suddenly become more attractive to women which you apparently don’t know and them suddenly reaching out to you out of the blue etc.

If you want to know what role someone subconsciously is playing out and how they see themselves, simply think about that person and ask yourself to what behavior and emotions you are triggered towards that person.


Always think positive about your boss :slight_smile:


:joy: Damn…
Think positive and the job remain yours. :wink:

Great info. Thanks, Jaaj.

Super interesting - yes. The first month on nofap was extreme. I think that was the most surreal of experiences i’ve had in terms of spirituality, because, I quit like 4 addictions at once, and once withdrawal ended, and i meditated + nofapped, on week 2 or 3, i could walk in to a store, and the cashiers heads would turn and stare at me for 5 seconds, like even being 20 metres away from me. It’s really crazy. I also felt like a demi god, and saw myself as one

So this is a bit of a red pill term and most are probably not fond of red pill stuff here - I don’t like the community, but I absolutely love the books (art of war, the way of the warrior and a ton more) that are tossed around in those communities. I 100% stand firm on the biological beliefs and aspects when it comes to male-female interactions within redpill teachings, but I absolutely do not feel any resentment or anger towards it, like unfortunately many teens/incels do.

Either way, to the term itself, “Frame”. Is that something relevant in the spirituality as well, walking in to someones frame, i.e someones reality, that his/her frame is so strong, that that persons reality becomes yours as well. So the one with the stronger frame, is the one who owns the reality space in a sense. And that could be in a spiritual way also. The way that person sees him/herself is so strong and dominant that people interacting with that person automatically enter that persons reality and abides to it.

And outside of the actual semen release/loss - I assume that is why porn is so bad for you in general, because of how it impacts your self esteem subconsciously. Because your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between pixels and real life events. So it tells you that you are watching another man fuck the woman you want to fuck but you stay hidden and masturbate instead, which makes you automatically put yourself on a lower hierarchy platform and telling yourself you do not deserve sex because you are not good enough, the man on the screen is good enough, but not you.


I get it, but, man, is it a hard :joy: addiction…
It’s like there are more layers to us (I think there are) and we are our worst opponent; a part of us just wants to get laid/wants pleasure (real, imaginary, whatever) and a part of us is analyzing and sending feedback to the rest of our being (that part is more important, it is the reality maker)…

Exactly. I made a long post about this topic here:

You may want to check out Neville Goddard’s concept called Everyone is you pushed out.
To make it simple, what you experience in outer reality is a reflection of your self concept and since the fields change that self concept the reflection (outer reality) changes as well


The real challenge is to stop paying attention to the prn/ no prn; when you start to get out of this addiction, the problem does not even arise, you look at that world as if from afar and you feel indifferent. It is an addiction like alcohol and so on, but unlike the others it is more markedly set up to prevent freedom in people; without even discussing any ancillary effects such as the possible use of magic, it mainly serves a certain power group, to control people on a large scale by creating this addiction.

The replies here are so fascinating and make sense in a way. Are there more ways to keep “improving” or “upgrading” my self-concept in order to achieve the outer reality in my favor, or make the outer reality more “my realm” or “frame” so to speak?

So far I mainly know these “tricks”:
Audio fields
NFT/Image fields (I have never tried them, but I see no reason to not believe that they work, considering how everything else works)
Meditation (to get rid of a lot of clutter, raise your own vibration)
Staying away from porn, news/media etc
Not masturbating at all, semen retention

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Would anyone recommend me a fairly cheap, or free NFT/picture that is “easy” to feel/get effects from?

Yes, it is basically everything that Neville taught.
It comes down to the kind of conversations and imaginal scenes you entertain in your mind on a daily habitual basis and what state you occupy and live from

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Does the book give any more advice on how to optimize these daily imaginal scenes and conversations than the ones I listed?

You mean the Complete Reader?
Neville goes into that in great detail and he focuses 100% on imagination, so it is quite unique and very different from the things you have listed

His lectures are almost all on youtube though, completely free