I'm falling apart

Hello guys, this is my first time posting here.
I’m really seeking help as I’m currently falling apart.
I’m about to start a job that’s not my dream job, and leave my desired one behind or at least postpone it.

I’ve been procrastinating forever and I had one goal is to finish some projects for my portfolio and I didn’t even finish one, I’m scared and my anxiety is growing stronger and I know I have depression cuz I was on pills until I lost feeling to everything and I had to stop taking the meds after I took the permission from my doctor, and I’m turning 30 this year, also I sleep too much these days, I wanna be commited and determined, and stop procrastination, be energetic and ready and prepared for everything, always be in the mood to study and finish my personal projects.

Please help me I wanna be a stronger person and stop being afraid from the unknown.

I’m sorry if my post is not well built but I’m currently crying and I think I’m panicking.

Thank you in advance.


am in the same boat as you, i know how u feel, i hope the recommendations by others can help you


Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me :’) <3


Sounds like me too, lol. Or at least the me from a few weeks ago…

Quite a bit of issues… For me, it’s anxiety the one that makes me procrastinate, depressed, lonely, have low energy, low confidence, and just overall turns everything good into bad and the bad into worse

Is it the same for you? Do you know the root of those issues?


I’m so sorry for you :’) yes it is the same for me.



I love this guy, Jim Rohn


Thank you for it, I’ll watch it :’)


Hey hi,

I don’t know your exact situation. It seems to me you are self-fueling this vicious cycle.
So first of all, let’s tackle the anxiety. For this, I always first recommend:

Breathe in deeeeeep (count to 5 seconds)
Breathe out naturally

Breathe in deep
Breathe out naturally

Breathe in deep
Breathe out naturally.

These 3 rounds will reset your system.
Then I would like you to make it a habit. I personally enjoy and have been doing Wim Hof breathing for a couple years now. You can also do Pranayama.

Secondly, I would like you to make meditation a habit. That sounds daunting at first, but it is real simple: Set a timer at first for 5 minutes. Do the 3 times breathing in and out, close your eyes. And relax. Let all those anxious thoughts come. And LET THEM ALL BE. You are simply observing. No fighting them, no ignoring them. Let them be as you let yourself be. 5 minutes, thats all. You can extend this time later on when you feel good about it.

These two habits alone are fully life changing by themselves.
But lets also add fields :slight_smile: :

I am not sure, if you are able to purchase paid fields, so I will try to recommend free fields as best as possible:

  • Subconscious Limits Remover 3.0: This will help you overcome procrastination (and many other limits and obstacles)
  • Luck and Probability Alteration: This should help with general luck in life, as you mentioned you lost your dream job for some reason. This is one of many free luck audios, you can search more in the search bar.
  • Litany Against Loneliness: This is just in case you feel lonely on your path. It happens to everyone.
  • Outlook Retrainer: This is to feel good about life and make that a permanent fact.
  • Love Graviton: This is to refill you with unconditional love energy and let this radiate out from you. Has loads of beneficial effects on life.
  • Angelic Intercession: This is whenever you need the presence of angels or help in your life. A very powerful tool to have.

You can target more specific things later on. These should give you a good basis for now, for you to reclaim your inner power.

And the forum is here always, of course :slight_smile:

You can do it!


Hello :hugs:

Welcome to the forum!

First off.

Surrender and Fall apart. Fully. Completely :slight_smile:

With the knowing that after we reach the bottom there is no other way but up, and you will get up and reach higher. I promise you.

So let it all out. Cry it all out, deep felt shed tears wash the eyes… ironically then, we “see” better

When we cry because we feel like we are falling apart, that cry comes from the soul so we must let it because it has all the reasons and information we need to build from zero once all the buried, clogged up tears are released.

To be sure you let all out, while crying keep asking things to yourself.

Why am i really crying?
Why does it hurt?
Why do i feel like falling apart?

What is falling apart?

For something to be falling apart it has to had been a structure.

What structure is falling apart?

The life i built in my dreams, how i imagined it.



and then youll realize that the one crying is the Inner Child.

Its always the inner child. Always.

So talk to him/her, he/she is the one that feels betrayed by grown up you.

But why tho?

Because you forgot about him/her and the dreams you both were supposed to achieve.

The problem is not just forgetting about those dreams, but leaving behind the partner (the inner child) that should have been there all the time to
build with you.

Every single time our world “falls apart” is a cry from the inner child, it cant take it no more, its upset, angry, rebellious.

The good news is. That we just need to merge with them again, give them the importance they deserve, name them the Vice President of our life again.

Because its them where we find joy again
Its in them where we find the wonder in life again, the innocence, the raw genuine hope.

The inner child never runs out of dreams, energy, and courage. Never.

And once we team up with them again, we can face life and the world with the knowledge and experience of the grown up plus the push, exciment and confidence of the inner child.

Do that and once you have clear where you have failed not the grown up, not society, not your family but the inner child you will have somewhere to start.

Also, kindly tell us if you have the means to buy fields, or just free ones you are looking for or could be both, so we know better how to advice you.

But one thing i do want to advice you from now, since its imminent that you will starting the new job soon, and you need it, things cant turn around just at this hot minute to do what you want. Thats ok, we gotta face life’s responsibilities with what we can but without forgetting the new plan with the inner child.

After you talk and cry with the inner child. Dust yourself up, go wash your face with cold water, iced water actually all the way to the back of the neck.

Then imagine the new job as if it was “someone” and actual person.

And be grateful to it. Immensely. Feel full grateful to it.

Because lets choose a specific gender for the sake of the explanation

Lets say your new job is a man.

Imagine the man was the one that chose you.
Out of all the participants. He - chose - you.
And he chose you because he saw great things in you.
The man is happy and eager to meet you
Is dreaming of all the things that you two will do together
Is anticipating with excitement all the new fantastic things you will bring to the organization.
He cant literally cant wait to meet you.
He is waiting with open arms and heart full to welcome you.

Imagine if he knew what you are feeling now.

Imagine what he would think if he knew you are almost disgusted about meeting him, you are rejecting him before meeting him, you will accept him because what you want is not possible. You will use him. And then more likely leave him the minute you find the chance to run away. You cant wait to run away one day.

How do you think he would feel if he knew this now?


Thats why you gotta imagine and actually talk to him. Because everything is energy and energy vibrates with what we emanate and answers back with the same vibration.

Be grateful to him
Deeply grateful
Be honest with him
Tell him all you feel
But then while you are being honest with him, also acknowledge the good things about him
At the end of the day you too chose him.
And then make a deal with him.
Promise to be grateful, promise to respect him, promise to treat him and do as he is expecting.
Let him know that tho you will still make a plan and little by little persuit what you would love to do, you will still give your best, out fo respect and gratitude because he chose you.

And notice how the whole vibration of it changes hugely in a positive way.

And you will fell much better about it. Once because you did the right thing, because no matter how difficult something is hard for us to do WE MUST ALWAYS DO THE RIGHT THING it does not change when circumstances change.

And because you were honest with him, he"ll be gentle to you and help you.

And trust me when we embrace with love whatever comes our way, that something unfolds surprises or pathways or people who would turn out to be of help to build the dream you have with your inner child. Trust me. The minute we release the apprehension is the minute the universe rewards you.

Its a never ending universal test. :)


Thank you so much for your help, I will never forget it.


Whoa wow :’) thank you so much I really appreciate the time and the effort to help me out, I will re-read your reply once more because I also have ADHD and I have a hard time to concentrate.


Thank you again for your help, I started listening and will tell you if anything changed in the next upcoming days :’) also thanks for considering sharing free fields this is very thoughtful of you.


For both anxiety and adhd, research shows that boosting mitochondria helps. Far Infrared light can do that. Certain diets help.

There are fields that directly address mitochondria and there are some (one? More? Can’t remember. They might be worth a listen.


Hello Lemonade,

I feel you’re judging yourself way too much. There’s no need to do that. Maybe in the past others did judge you and now it has become a pattern and limiting beliefs. If you have the money i would buy The Malleable Ego and also listen to Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0. Maybe finish the mini stack with New Perspectives. There’s also a new course that has been released. Maybe this is divine timing for you and everything was aligned to this point. A time to for change and letting go of old beliefs and habits. Maybe someone can point out the name of the course.

I also had a huge fear of the unknown and a lot of things helped me but the most important thing was to actually fully reincarnate in this physical body, to land in it. Grounding is the most important thing that one has to do, to fully accept this life. I spend a lot of years on this topic until it was integrated and understood on a deep level but the benefits are huge and essential to live in harmony al the time.

I wish you all the best! :white_heart:


@Lemonade You already received wonderfull advices from @Nice2knowU
@Lunamoon22 @RobbyHa … You guys are on fire :boom::muscle:

I’ll add just a bit .
I would add hope and happiness field.
and depression be gone , perhaps neuro album to fix those neuro trnsmitters.

1.Next try to create some self discipline.
Wake up early and do some kind of activity,You can meditate with fields for example , strech,read a book…
2.Drink water with a grain of celtic or sea salt in the morning as your brain need potassium and magnesium in first place
3. Force yourself to do something unconfortable.
A long walk on the morning? Cold showers? Gym ?
4. Find a hobby even a simple one and commit to it.
5. Try doing things diffrently to build new neuropathways
If You use your right hand try left for example.
6. Look in the mirror and tell your self i love You.
7. Take care of quality of your sleep.
Righ temperature , air revitalisers from Energetic Alchemy, ,lavender tea to calm your nerves?etc

8 . If You watch tv or scroll… Stop
I had a bad habit of scrolling for few minutes daily. I stopped recently. After two weeks shift is so huge :heart_eyes:
And i wasn’t even watching a lot. Still enough to pollute my mind and make toxic comparisons …

This is just an example. You can do things your way add or take away something…but in my opinion you need self discipline that will turn into habit.

And more self love…

You got this :green_heart:


Wonderfull advice :heart_eyes: so creative :tada:
I’ll use it myself.

Imagine job or a buissnes oportunity as a person to be grateful to . It sounds like a gamę changer to me :tada::muscle:

Thank You Luna :green_heart:


Thank you!, I will look into it : )

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Wow thank you :’) I can’t recall people judging to be honest, but I have this sense of judge because I always want to improve myself and I’m not good enough in any aspect of my life, I will try to practice grounding because I really need it, I always feel unsafe and wanting to have someone beside while doing anything


I will try to apply your advice, and I’m really blessed with you guys advising and supporting me.
Thank you from all my heart


I drifted away in your reply
I think I lost connection with my inner child because I can feel my passion fading away and maybe that’s one of the reasons I procrastinate, that fire isn’t there anymore.

I’m actually not able to buy anything online in USD because of some unreasonable restrictions my country has set, which is also holding me back from purchasing online courses too.

I love how you described the job as a human being, it actually meant something to me and it makes sense because yes I should be grateful for it.

I really can’t thank you enough, I wish you a blissful life.