Manifesting fields

Yo, can anyone suggest some fields specifically for manifesting? Anything that boosts manifestation or strengthens your ability in it

Also heard of the “torsion field” can anyone explain it to me as if i were 5? My english is not good enough to understand the explanations about it :sweat_smile:

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Hi @hyuka

Welcome on Purple

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Solidifier , the magician, self love fields, raise your vibration, gratitude and appreciation

loads more aswell but too lazy to list lol


These are on youtube right? Just looking for free fields as I’m broke and manifesting money lmao

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yeee some of them are, use the search bar my friend.therr will be more info there :smiley:


Thank you :pray:

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Welcome to our awesome forum, @hyuka :slightly_smiling_face:

These could definitely help

Since you’re new, best to use the :mag: function and type in any keyword to your liking.
Start reading here
How to Create Great Stacks


I’ve searched up torsion here and looked for explanations but can’t understand any of them… Thanks anyways

A torsion field is a theoretical concept in physics that proposes the existence of a kind of energy field that can be generated by rotating masses, such as spinning particles or objects. It’s a term often used in fringe or speculative theories rather than mainstream physics. The idea of torsion fields is not widely accepted in the scientific community, and there is little experimental evidence to support their existence. They are often associated with claims of alternative energy sources or paranormal phenomena.

  • ChatGPT3.5

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This, in short torsion is a field of moving and dynamic energy that increases all your energy functions, even your thoughts


This is great for manifestationit may even be too much, dont overuse


For free fields, actually try angelic intercession ;)
If paid, try Cone of Power

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Do cone of power works better than solidifier?

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Not “better” - it just works in a different way.


Hi hyuka, welcome to the forum. I am pretty new to the forum and the whole field thing too, so it’s good that more experienced members are giving you some ideas and inspiration.

I have found these two free fields to be helpful for manifestation and for improving the abundance mindset:


Good luck with everything!



Can using the free ones on YouTube be enough?


yeppp , its all about your mindset :slight_smile:


Hi @BlueLight!

Welcome White Tara new

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Enjoy! :slight_smile:

Captain says this is one of the best abundance audios! Abundance Mindset


I just have to say I love this forum! Look at the quality of interactions here! - everyone being polite, helpful, detailed, constructive… I hardly ever find this on the internet. There’s rarely a thread on this forum that I visit that I don’t learn something, or get rewarded by learning about some new field that I ust happen to need in my own life, whether I knew it or not. The ‘Environmental Energy Accumulator’ and the ‘Abundance Mindset’ are exactly what I need right now - thanks so much for posting information and links to these fields! :pray:

Anyway, I was reflecting on the information being presented on this thread and wanted to agree with the people that had mentioned the ‘angelic’ fields. Being pretty fresh to the whole field thing, I have found that these ‘angelic’ fields really give a sense of harmony and inner peace when used in conjunction with the manifestation fields mentioned above. I think when the mind is calmer, whatever it is that one is hoping to manifest is more easily envisaged and brought into one’s life. The ‘angelic’ fields seem to give one more confidence that ‘all is right with the world’ and that whatever direction you are hoping to proceed in, is open and available to you.

This is, of course, just my personal perspective and admittedly from only a short period of time (maybe two months of daily use, approx five to ten times a day), so if you are new to Sapien Medicine, I would certainly combine these ‘angelic’ fields with the other fields that you think might help you in specific areas. Indeed, I was so happy with their influences that I ‘bit the bullet’ and bought the "Angelic Intercession + " NFT about a month ago and have not been disappointed, quite the contrary!

Anyway hyuka, the other members who suggested you try these free fields in the replies above are, I think, right on the money (pun intended):


You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.



Thanks everyone :two_hearts::pray: