Mass Meditations 2.0 Testimonials 🌍

Thanks Benny for kicking this off :raised_hands::heart:

Here was my first impression yesterday


So does it passively work if I leave it on?

First impressions from a short session: I felt my heartbeat increase, had some nice 3rd eye visions of heart energy expanding. I also felt inspired to do some magical rituals for the world with this going on in the background. I did one for increasing perception of truth and beauty.


By the way the mandala for this just posted to Patreon is gorgeous. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


It surely does :slight_smile:


I enjoyed it was nice.

Firstly the mandala radiating oure heaven on earth vibes, changing you to match that frequency along the way.

And then the audio as well, causing rememberance of good things that can actually happen on thos earth when we start aligning back to thr harmonies of the environment between all there is on earth.




This is an absoultey beautiful field.
I took a nap of 30 minutes and had this playing on my phone in the background. I woke up really light and refreshed. I am still curious about its effects on the individual but I’m happy regardless that we have a complete field with the best concepts which we can just play to make this world a better place.
Just a couple questions,

  1. Can I just let it play in a spare room on a spare phone for it to work? My idea is to add to mother earth whether I’m meditating or listening to this or not,24x7.
  2. Any idea about what the file does to us as individuals and what could be the karmic implications?
    @anon32464289 any guidance appreciated.

Thanks for the testimonial man :pray:

My experience with it so far is that it is a super potent field.

I spammed it those last 48h, and I hit quite a detox yesterday evening and this morning due to lack of grounding.

I would personally use it during focused time.
Meditations with it every day + 1-2h on the back maximum.

This with grounding fields.

But feel free to experiment and keep us posted!

For this, we will be awaiting Dream’s description.

But we can expect everything from the “old” Mass Meditation:

The tracks here are streamed and infused with energies to raise the vibration of the environment around you and yourself, while promoting a deep state of meditation where you are infused with unconditional love.
A deep feeling of energy of inner joy and a profound feeling of peace.
You will also reflect this beauty and love to everyone you interact with as well.
Finally each time it is played it will work on infusing the earth with positivity and love.
Creating a gentle loving push for a better future for all. (by helping to raise your personal and the earth’s vibratory state)

It also forms a temporary connection with each person who is listening the field itself, to help spread these thoughts, feelings and mental states throughout the earth by the interconnected listeners. (you become like a temporary node in a giant nexus)
This can be a major catalyst for earth shifting/change.

(This is an actively growing field, lets make a change together on earth) You can actively use this or passive use it while chatting, or just play it to uplift your surroundings)

Plus some of the goodies we suggested to Dream:

We delivered one page of Suggestion to Dream, such as those, and we fully trusted him with the creation.

Edit: Content of the field here


it was as you all asked, with modifications to make it all work and be harmonious lol



yes its everything
but in way that works and builds and keeping growing with perpetual momentum


Holy, no ponder it is that powerful :sweat_smile:

Amazing man.

Will redo the script then, based on your feedbacks, and share it publicly.


@Captain_Nemo should one expect same effect if say print mandala at workplace etc? i mean i should not activate it anymore once printed and it will still work when i leave here for home?

a feedback…it is a wonder. undescribable in its power and effectiveness.

if the mandala has same properties as playing the audio i would suggest everyone in this forum should print and share the mandala as far as believers are to be encountered.

i am amazed. gratful and relieved from alot of …trouble.

and it makes my effords up to now very very insignificant and tiny. :yum:

glad for it.

a question…may we or may we not use this instead or better with other enviromental fields? or it is a dumb question…




Here man


@Captain_Nemo will the meditation mandala work for family members that aren’t on Patreon? Meaning I can print it out for them to put in their place.




Beautiful! Thank you :pray:


This field I immediately feel stronger than any field I have worked with so far. I am very happy I can participate in this. I hope to do meditation with it 2x a day, and I will be sharing the mandala with my friends and family.


I am so happy mass meditation has made it’s return I feel exhilarated while listening and feel connected with the depths of my being. I see a brighter future for the collective and sense many great treasures to come for all.


Welcome to the forum man :slight_smile:

And welcome to this amazing initiative