Muscles Beyond Limits

Looking ripped… Awesome… Congrats; keep going …:clap:


Great progress brother! I definitely see more definition in your lats. You are my rival, along with my friend I work out with but you use fields so it’s a little different lol. I’m currently at 170 lbs, I have a higher body fat percentage than you. It’ll be one year of consistent training in February, I’ll post pics most likely in this thread soon. Which field do you think really helped with that raw strength gain?


As far as using fat to make muscle goes, does it use fat from around the organs, or subcutaneous fat (fat that you can actually see disappearing)?

I can see fat slowly melting away, but it’s not drastically quickly. Over time, it’s almost as if my body is adapting to being able to metabolise fat. I don’t get as fat quickly but I also don’t lose drastic fat.

Comparing my photos to before, seems like i can see a faint hint of the “adonis belt” coming out. Mind you, i always never had even a hint of it in the past. It’s working at a steady pace and seems to be reducing retrogression to old body fat levels. Same thing happening for muscles too. They get slowly bigger (without any pump or exercise).


Darn, should have gotten this instead of Swords of Adipose during the sale


Hard to say my friend
:large_blue_diamond: :crossed_swords: :red_square:


Ive been using this field for a month, and I am getting a similiar outcome following using the fields as I described in post # 448 from 7/27.

Except for your 2nd paragraph, the first 2 sentences, everything u wrote besides that is true for me also. I am pleased with this field and will continue to use it.
Just want to add that it does increase my appetite, which is a “mixed bag”. I have had to use Hunger Inhibitor a few times a week.


i totally relate to this, a couple years ago I did a dirty bulking and i have been struggling to lose abdominal fat i gained :frowning: this field has definitely help i am sure plus the daily walking i do which is the only cardio i do


So after 3 months deep in the purge / cocoon I’ve just started back at the gym. 3x this week, this is where this field will shine. Great pumps so far and feeling like my muscles/body is electrified :zap:

Edit - I can feel growth already


Yes it definitely makes you hungry. I wouldn’t suppress the hunger if I were you brother, your muscles need food and nutrients to go “beyond limits”.


I have been stacking the Muscles Beyond Limits with Super Human Mutant RNA+ and the new Minor Blueprint of Power - that seems to take good care of hunger issues for me…

Dream wrote somewhere the need to ensure that we get enough nutrients (calories, protein included) and hydration - I keep reminding myself that every now and then…

The Gila Monster Drool does not make me less hungry, but seems to make me eat a smaller portion, if consistently used. Finding a fiber which is not hard on the stomach (or causing a gigantic gas bubble lol) was a big challenge - and this brand seems to work damn well - not only in creating a feeling of satiety, but also in regulating the gastrointestinal function by acting as a gentle pre-biotic.


Wow, sounds like it’s not only a pricey field to buy but also an expensive field to feed

Well that is what I did at first. Even though I maintain my weight/fat loss doing healthy low carb (not Keto) @ about 60-80 Gm/ carbs/day (carbs mostly from veggies), I found myself gaining fat around my middle. No, it isnt muscle, its fat, I know the difference. So that is why I started listening to the Hunger Inhibitor a few times a week.


I personally haven’t had a surge in calorie intake (dont kill me @gymgroup)

Ofc it hinders my rate at which I gain strength / muscle I prefer going at it at a pace I know and wont later cause mental drainage if I dont hit a certain calorie intake.

I eat if I’m hungry otherwise I dont eat just to eat.

Perhaps superhuman mutant + is having an impact on this tho.


Same. Hunger has been nothing outrageous. I’ve made some huge shifts away from eating garbage recently (much lower calories overall) and it’s not hurting, if anything this field supports me in following the natural rhythms of my body and energy. Which means fasting and also periods of increased amounts of good clean dense food. I’m carrying a bit more fat than ideal, but rn I’d like to put this field through it’s paces in terms of growth/clean bulk

I have a feeling this field will inhibit muscle loss during a fat loss phase too, which I’m keen to test right before summer :sunny:


The building muscle while shedding fat sounds great (in fact, having myostatin-related hypertrophy sounds great), but I really want to be lean. Is this a bad field to use if you’re after a body more like a runner’s than a bodybuilder’s?

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Its my opinion since im not there… But if you are into genetic super human changes… you may want to look A twitch in time field.


It doesn’t look like it has the building-while-cutting benefit though

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Oh no but the field give you the abilitie to do that. You can do far more average , so you can expect far more average results.

withouth the super mass of being bulk


So MBL and St Biceps aren’t good if you don’t want to be really bulky?

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