Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork - Gumroad Project


The maxilla and sphenoid bone are connected to each other through various structures, such as the pterygoid plates and the pterygomaxillary fissure.

So by extension, changes in the maxilla bone can potentially affect the sphenoid bone and its surrounding structures.

For example, maxillary expansion procedures like MSE, an aspect of this field, are commonly used in orthodontics to correct a narrow palate, that also end up affecting the position and shape of the sphenoid bone.

This is because the pterygoid plates, which are part of the sphenoid bone, are connected to the maxilla bone.
So as the maxilla bone is expanded, it can also push the pterygoid plates outward, which can result in changes to the position and shape of the sphenoid bone.

Similarly, trauma to the maxilla bone can potentially affect the sphenoid bone, as the two bones are connected through various structures. Severe trauma to the maxilla bone can also result in damage to nearby structures, such as the sphenoid bone, which can lead to more complex medical issues.

Let alone aesthetic problems.

In short, the maxilla and sphenoid bones are connected to each other through various structures, and thus changes in one bone could potentially affect the other - in this case, ergo maxillary modifications.


If you’re focused on facial symmetry, a maxilla field is the emperor. :tiger:

Neck Hump, Reversal and Reduction: New Release

Try this ^


I believe looks in general are a betoken of health.

Hope you get better, you got the tools needed now.

Godspeed, you got this.


My wisdom teeth are popped out. I don’t want to take it off. As I have dental bridge for my 3 teeth( Bridge is placed with help of 2 surrounding teeth for 1 missing teeth) and one dental filling. How does this field work for dental bridges while expanding maxilla? Can any one please help.




I’m new to both Gumroad and this forum and would really appreciate it if somebody would help me out. I might be interested in buying the Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork on Gumroad but as of now I don’t understand entirely what it does and how one would go about activating it. Might someone here be able to describe it to me?

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome friend :pray:t4:

All you need to do is listen to the audio after purchase. Speakers, headphones whatever you prefer. Just needs to be audible. Recommended listening time is 2-3 times per use unless otherwise stated in the description.

User reviews/recommendations in link below :)


Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork it makes very attractive face by reshaping your maxilla.

The upper jaw (maxilla) greatly affects the attractiveness of your face. It closely goes up to the eye sockets and goes quite deep into the skull. The size, shape and location of maxillae directly determine the position of the nose, eyes, cheekbones, palate, upper teeth and even the lower jaw.

And it is Negentropic so it fix any defect in the area.

Just need to buy it and listen to for 3 times daily till you reach the result you wish to keep.


Thank you for both the welcome and the explanation!

I’ve read through the reviews/recommendations now and they have cleared up some questions :slightly_smiling_face: One thing that puzzles me though is that no one seems to mention the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder field. I’ve been using this field for the last week hoping it would help make room for my wisdoom teeth and broaden the palate and it has actually helped me a lot. Just putting that out there :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well Thats why i said Negentropic because it will deal with TMJ


Thank you very much for the explanation, Psimindset!

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You welcome

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That makes sense!

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It works with your maxilla.

If your palate room is an issue, this is a must.

This precedes any fields like Auto Mewing etc.

Your tongue needs the room to do all of that in the first place.




does the masterwork also include auto mewing?

The Marquardt Masterwork should cover that.

New Release : Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork


Thank you, Shellhead100! I’ll make sure to use it before the Auto Mewing field :slightly_smiling_face:



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Hi @anon328739 can you DM me?
I’m unable to DM you

does this field help with building the masseter muscle?

no, it isnt an automated workout