Sammyg speaks ... A collection of Posts

@SammyG, who is Sapien aka Dreamweaver’s partner has not posted too much, but every post of his contains valuable information. So, starting this thread to collect various posts from him.

I know we can go back and read from his activity, but this will be useful for quick reference. I will try to keep this updated.


How many maximum audios can we listen?

The max of 4 is suggested only to speed up results if you are looking for permanent physical changes. But if you are listening to different audios like ‘disconnect from negative energy,’ ‘energy blockage removal,’ ‘estrogen boost,’ ‘vagus nerve stimulation,’ then you can listen to as many as you like really.

Reason for this is because everyone is different. Experience is all rather subjective so for some people, 10 audios is fine and for others 5 is enough. Too many audios can overwhelm your physical and energy body as well so we try to be careful in asserting limits. Some people are able to listen to over a dozen and don’t find much issue with doing so. So it’s all very subjective. But in truth, there aren’t any universal answers for this sort of thing. It’s something that you will discover through your own testing and experiences.


Overcoming Subconscious Resistance

We have recently been working on finding ways to circumvent subconscious resistance. If you have trouble with an audio, try this. While listening, say ‘I ask my subconscious to engage and accept this energy at this moment I am listening to this.’ It’s small enough of a window that it will pay attention and let it happen, then revert back after. Try this out if you begin to have subconscious resistance.


Conditioning vs Programming

But the issue is that many people who buy matchmaker just expect magic to happen. Many users are already shy and expect others to interact with them by happenstance like it does in movies. Now reality doesn’t work that way. In our modern world, most people are very reluctant to approach others. So if someone is attracted to you, they are probably not going to approach you. Now… they may show signs that they are attracted to you and hint that you should talk to them. But you will never notice that if you lack confidence.

If you lack confidence, your mind will revolve around your insecurities. For example, if you think you are unattractive, then your mind will always convince you are unattractive even if people tell you that you are attractive! A lot of women tend to do this when someone calls them pretty as they’ll say things like ‘Oh no, I’m really not.’ So if matchmaker does make you more attractive to others, you won’t notice it if you don’t find yourself attractive. If someone is staring at you, you generally just won’t notice. If you do notice, your mind might say ‘they’re staring at whats behind you, not you.’ It’s almost like your subconscious can’t register that ‘I am attractive.’ This is why fields take time. We have decades worth of conditioning versus new programming in a span of just a few months.

Fields work around the way that you are already programmed. It can reprogram things over a long period of time but still, they work with the way that YOU work. That’s why everyone’s experiences are subjective. The descriptions are what’s possible with the fields because… truth be told, they are possible. But not everyone will experience every single possibility in the same way because of their programming. That being said, a year or so of wear can certainly overturn conflicting programming. But this also is dependent on your conscious effort to change. Our fields are tools for change. You alone change you.


Free Will and overcoming Conditioning

Predeterminism is attributed to conditioning. Due to our habitual patterns and societal conditioning, we’re all programmed to behave in certain ways so we automatically react to life in the same way over and over again. So I don’t believe most of humanity has free will because most people are just aimlessly following their conditioning. It’s not their fault either… It’s just the way our minds work. That being said…

That is partly what the spiritual journey leads to. Free will. To have free will, we must remove our conditioning because it causes our minds to have a very limited range of choices. We always end up choosing what aligns with our current beliefs. To have free will is to be open minded enough to choose anything… and then make a choice.

Partly why a lot of spiritual practices make such a big point on detaching from the ego is because ego is a result of conditioning. Ego is a thought pattern that becomes the ‘self,’ but in essence, isn’t the self. In detaching from the ego, one can become the self that is now. The self that is always observing reality as it is at this moment, does not judge and does not have any preference. It just is. This is the self that is of free will. The self that chooses the reality it wants to move towards from the infinite possibilities that spur from every moment. That is freedom.


How does Sapien create the ‘Fields’?


Too much is not good …


Urinary Incontinence


Amplifying Fields and Radionics


Conceptual Thinking and the new Sapien Medicine Course


What fields can ‘Vibration of Creation’ replace?


Vibration of Creation and Divine Love


Overusing DHT and Testosterone audios


Can you cut, modify, shorten - aka alter the audios?


A discussion on what Karma, and what it is not …


This explanation totally took out some of my self programming about right and wrong. It’s a good share. Thank you.


Ive been listening to the crown and ajna chakras audio while reading this and i felt something so unusual like if something had opened up to show me stuff like a portal if you will, and suddenly i didnt feel fear of past lives karma (which coincidentally -tho nothing is a coincidence - been working with my servitor in clearing and transforming that, i have noticed changes some tough some great but what im feeling now reading this while listening to that audio is giving me a certain something that is empowering me :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Very good post!!!

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Conscious Listening of Sapien audios.


On Boosting Fields …