Since I do not have money for soul core restoration, what alternatives shall I use?

I made an experiment in Dec or early Jan i dont remember. I posted the testimony somewhere.

Anyway it was

Ego dissolution
Collective consciousness
Slow the perception of time
Echoes of the past

I dont remember if i added Quasi or Ancestral knowledge, but anyhow it was a very huge relief experience, a hell lot of cords were cut, I understood a lot about me and my past and because I understood while in meditation listening to the audios then it was easy to gain back my power and seal the leaks ive had for uhm lives? And i had used the soul core for a while prior to that for like a month but this experiment still gave the punch i needed to kinda free myself big time.


Use torsion field a lot more,maybe it is leaking cuz ur heart and mind arent coherent.If ur energy is running wild ,chi compression into lower dantien is also great.Flower of life audio feels to cover all of this combined though but u maybe have specific issue


Essence of mantras


get more money

  • Jing (preferably the old one, if you can find it)
  • Chi
  • Shen
  • Ojas
  • Energy Overload (Instagram audio)

Millionaire mindset and abundance and than buy it and than listen to it


:warning: For energy body healing, use speakers

Updated Dec 24 - mistype (taaffite > taaffeite)

Since this is a long playlist, feel free to play while resting / sleeping / doing passive activities / if you have multiple devices

Here is a stack / playlist i’ve put together for soul restoration based on suggestions given by members of this community and my personal experience. I will keep testing / experimenting with the stack to grasp the effectiveness. I will adjust this collection accordingly

Ideally start with PoNR (Point of No Return) / Possible extended version and Self Love stacks first if you’re completely new or have challenges in those areas


Start anywhere you feel resonates.

Ground before healing

Explanation from start to end of playlist / stack

A. ‘Shielding’ for healing = From Automated Grounding to Torsion

B. Solving root core issues that results in many problems. No matter how much you heal, you cannot fully / more permanently heal until you work on your foundation / origin = Torsion to The DNA Repair system

C. Removing leeches / energy drain =Automatic Grounding & Larvikite to Etheric Cord Cutter

If removing attachments / any sort of resistance is uncomfortable / painful, then most likely you’re holding yourself back from letting go or need more self love and relief of grief. Use Subconscious Limits Remover, taaffeite, and do forgiveness practice like ho’oponopono

D. Taking back your energy that was stolen / given away and protecting yourself, removing victim mentality = Take Back Your Whole Power to Subconscoous Protection

E. Restoring, cultivating energy to heal = Jing restoration to Plasma Charged Mitochondria

F. Aura gap / leakage healing = Flower of Life to Heal Energyy Body(s)

Inspired by methods of healing from Shamanism and Exorcism followed by aspects of Plasma, Sacred geometry, Time travel and the Tree of Life, DNA, Soul Retrieval, freeing from the Matrix / Conditioning & Self Sovereignty; harmonizing every aspect of ‘being,’ reconnecting to spirit

Subliminals for supplementing


A person came to ask for help because they don’t have money, and you tell them to get more money?
Keep your ancient wisdom to yourself.


Holy shit that audio by maitrya is quite good, the Etheric Body


Omg… i realized that theres musical similarities between Honored Ancestors and Alchemical Revision of Childhood

I started crying on Wisdom of The Dying this time. Not sure why yet. But it seems that i have tons of support and it seems im not completely aware yet. May need self realization series fields like interconnection of everything and/or mindfulness and might add azurite

I felt lighter on Inner Pillar of Power (heaviness of heart area lifted and soul willpower grew more even if i already had experience on this field) and Spear of Destiny (lifted weight/blockage on more right-center of chest.) Ill sleep to both honored and alchemical on loop


I looped both Honored and Alchemical childhood for sleep

At one point i woke up and felt my whole body shaking slightly for a few minutes as if i either had excess energy or released negative energy

Lesson: add grounding


NOTE: recommending some audios of other creators along with Dream’s for a complete stack, if its fine to post here.
breathe into your balls, practice this type of meditation while playing pranic swirls. Quadible’s root chakra audio+ Spirituality Zone’s sexual drive+Om Kroom files + Etheric cord cutter by dream + Dream’s microcosmic orbit is good. These files will not only fuel your core energy center again but also make sure you can do it more easily hereon. For aura repair I can only remember Spirituality zone’s heal entire energy body+Dream’s ojas, use his instructions, it feels too damn good especially if used after long.

Also shielding is must daily and releasing is a must weekly. Hope this helps.


What instructions?

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not for ojas, but for the heal entire energy body file of that creator Spirituality Zone.
But as a general rule meditating and visualising specifically with any energy file greatly enhances its efficacy, regardless of it being a morphic field, energy field, energetic audio, even scalar fields.


What about the ladies @adimon191? Would it be something like for the pelvic floor?

That audio from, SZ made me very calm, got school soon so am trying to stay alert and awake.

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Updated the soul restoration stack & post

I’ll gather all the stacks that are finalized after experimenting and eventually share them in #audios:stacks


I would say your root chakra or maybe lower dan tien- that region basically.

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teh advice I give to them is the advice I give to myself.

Updated and sorted