The Blossom of Abundance (Mind Program Series 3)

This is part of a new conceptual series called Mind Programs, where the process actively works to upgrade and adapt your own mental patterns/ego to reflect new states of beings and mental patterns.

In this field, we transmute the lack of patterns and ways of thinking to create open accepting patterns that create and attract a well rounded general abundance in all aspects of life.

Th entire field is cyclical and synergistic. in this we are actively trying to transmute limiting beliefs and thought patterns, individuals can cultivate a more open and accepting mindset. This, in turn, positions them to attract and recognize opportunities for abundance in their lives. Moreover, this abundance isn’t just personal; it often extends to their relationships, communities, and the broader environment, creating a positive feedback loop that encourages continuous growth and development.

So in a very complete way this reprograms and opens you up to wealth and abundance and changes the ‘lack of’ mentality Use as needed


…accepting patterns that create and attract a well rounded general abundance in all aspects of life.

…extends to their relationships, communities, and the broader environment, creating a positive feedback loop that encourages continuous growth and development

So in a very complete way this reprograms and opens you up to wealth and abundance and changes the ‘lack of’ mentality

Thank you, thank you!


Thanks bro! Really appreciated :slight_smile:

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The series that the whole world needs to have


Damn, now the contemplating starts on wether to listen abundance mindset or this🥲not complaining though :grin:

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abundance mindset draws abundance as well this just changes ur mindset to draw more so both is probably better


The victim mindset is frightened of this field :grin:


You know how it is man, stacks are already too long. Can’t listen to both, i think im gonna stick with abundance mindset, it covers this + more stuff. what about you? @Rocket both or ?


Beautiful music :musical_note:


One may consider this Abundance Mindset 2.0 as it contains conceptual upgrades and concepts needed for abundant mindset. Seems that it takes a more active approach of eliminating limiting programs that mindset. Ill give it a try adding it to my stack that already consists of Abundance mindset. Given that this is only a few minutes though, I may be replacing mindset with this.


Very synchronistic for me, thank you!

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Love the feeling of this and the soothing Eraserhead-like wind <3

Very important detail. This doesn’t just apply to wealth, but also the things we as ‘humans’ need to have our needs met.


I just wished if there would be a shorter field of abundance (dropped Abundance mindset), I’ll add it to my stack and play it everyday a few days ago.

I was just about to brush my teeth when I saw an unfamiliar new field out of nowhere in youtube. I then rushed to the forums to confirm and voila…Blossom of Abundance. I feel abundant with the more unexpected drops of shortened fields beginning from Gentle Brain Regen.

I guess adding this one to my stack and gonna see where it takes me then.


american psycho oh


Wowww, the one I didn’t know I needed but I do…Thank u​:blush::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Is this abundance mindset on steroids?

It feels very special, very active. So yes, I would say so.

Also, given the music, these seem to be ripple effects on the mind and can be used contemplatively (which I’m guessing would yield incredible results).

I’ve looped it for a few hours and it hooks you into the present moment like nothing else


Just wow. All three audios in this series feels so strong


Thanks you!