The Blueprint of Life


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Thanks for your report and congratulations on your continued healing!

Can you please remind me of how you were listening to BoL as part of your success? (I promise that I did re-read your posts in this thread but I seem to be momentarily blind to your listening details.)

Thanks in advance and good wishes for your continuing health.


I was using BoL before the fields/stack I ran. In this case, before Plasma Protocol.
Before going to bed I usually used it also :slight_smile:

Usually was my “opener” and “closer” for the stacks.

Thanks! Best wishes to you too


As a “'closer,” too, huh? Interesting. That inspires me to be a little bit more creative with my stacks. When composing my stacks, I might be more think-y than could be good for me.

In your positions as “openers” and “closers,” did you play BoL the recommended 1-3 x in its slot in your stack? Or did you play it, like, 10x or an hour in its slot?

Lately (for this post) were you passively listening to it? Or actively setting an intention or some other firm of “active” listening when you played it?

Thanks again for your answers to my questions.


Not sure if anyone else has already said this but I highly recommend you keep a 3 treasures playlist ready to go when using this field. It can be very draining when used for long periods of time such as 3/4 hour loops. Experienced the effects of that this morning lol, not fun.


In the last 4 days, I have on average doubled the listening to this, and since last night I have started to feel a pressure in correspondence of the low back, a pressure that seems almost a support that not only makes me immediately assume the upright position, but that it is also enjoyable. So tonight intrigued by this, I asked my wife who she is a therapist, what it is, and among other things she told me that it is connected with the Diaphragm. When I heard I was thrilled for two reasons, the first because I understood that the two physical discomforts were connected to each other, but the second reason is even more exciting: Blueprint field had perfectly identified another focal point of mine that had caused me in a series of inconveniences passed, and coincidence would have it done in synchronicity with the release of the field The Breathe of The Belly, sensational!
I have discussed it here

The sight seems to improve even more, especially the photosensitivity has decreased and thinking about this I remembered that in order to deal with this problem, in the last twenty years I had to buy prestigious French mountain sunglasses, for simple driving in the car , while on a motorcycle I was wearing other goggles under the smoked visor. It is incredible what this field does, I will never finish recommending it to anyone.


I am still using this audio consistently with great success.

Like others have mentioned I also noticed a change in my posture for the better. There has been so many changes on the emotional level, how I express myself. And most importantly, I have joie de vivre!

Recently I also felt like adding some new audios. One of which being Unbreakable. I am quite excited about this one, after reading the reviews and comments. I am interested to see how this field combined with my new outlook, perspectives translate into more material, practical things.


I am already quite satisfied with the results obtained for the physical improvements, listening to Blueprint alone, but if I want to move from a purely physical to a psychological-spiritual level, to resume the project, as I was when I was very young, would such a composed stack be fine?

  • Ego Dissolution x1
  • Blueprint x1
  • Abundance mindset x1
  • Imaginarium Divine x1

Hmm… can you say a bit more about the context? Is it a business idea or another kind of “hobby” project?
Maybe add SRL if you don’t have the tag.

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simply resume the “carefree” style of when I was very young, when the limitations and life experiences had not yet struck. A fresh, positive spirit, of healthy hope, as then, when I was totally open to the future and to life. I hope I managed to express myself well.


Add childlike wonder and maybe a belly Full of laughter :)


In this order?

  • Ego Dissolution x1
  • Childlike Wonder x1
  • A Belly full of laughter x1
  • Blueprint x1
  • Abundance mindset x1
  • Imaginarium Divine x1
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I think it’s nice, I don’t have a better suggestion :D use it for some time and see if it fits better somewhere else :+1:


And after you’ve tried this order for a bit and seen how it works for you, if you want to switch it up, you might consider putting BoL before after Ego to see how that works for you too.

Thanks @MonkeyOwl

I thought of this stack to regain the enthusiasm of the children, I fear that putting BoL first, it transforms me in all respects into an adult child. :laughing: :sunglasses:
Thank you too

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Well, we won’t really know for sure what it does for you until you play with it and experience it for you. I suppose that’s one way of interpreting the description and, of course, listen to your own inner guidance.

One of the reasons why I chimed in as I did was your comment

Again, I don’t know how these fields work for you. I just envision BoL doing that reset–that resuming that you’re wanting–leaving you with a clean slate when the limitations and life experiences had not yet struck and then the other fields building on that clean slate in the direction that you now want.

As I said in my original reply, try it the way that you were originally inspired, see what your experience is and if you want to make any adjustments, you can consider my suggestion.

Whatever you decide to do, enjoy your process.


Might want to throw “Regain Your Innocence” into that stack as well


Ooo, didn’t know about that one. Thanks!


It’s one of Captain’s sneaky, hidden treasures


Anyone meditating/going to meditate to BOL during the eclipse? Just thought of it now so I think I might be getting pulled into that direction