The Star (1.0)

Wooo! Idk how or why but i somehow resonate with this a lot! Thanks Capt! Much love and blessings to you when you need it! Ill loop and share more of my results here as edit.

Edit added:
I noticed ‘toxic’ people kept their distance from me (had my intentions of being centered and protected) and some people smile at me

Edit added 2:
Pair this with…

  1. Jealousy Shield” Must have as you’re climbing up
  2. Justice for All” To see past lies and know true intentions
  3. The Protected Righteous” from The Tower album (underated… deserves more love)
  4. The Sword Of St Michael” For protection. Underplayed and appreciated.
  5. Maoshan’s abundance list To boost abundance and uplift others
  6. Love graviton To spread love (neutralizes ‘dark forces’ and deep healing) and ebergy because we have plenty to go around so it’s best to share
  7. Ego Dissolution (to ‘keep your ego in check’) with self realization series

(protect your child in a sense as the role of the parent - inner child healing work: “No one will dare harm you again”

Connected? Inner Pillar of Power)

Edit add 3: Here is an extended reading about Star tarot The Star Tarot Card: Psychopomp for Celestial Ascent — Archetypal Entries

Perfect for Empaths to recenter (Solar plexus?) - those whove been isolated from the world for a long time? This can also be used for anything really for your “I” “I am”


What did you mean by “Red Carpet?” I’ve never heard of it and the concept of celebrities never crossed my mind when i listened to Star… it was more about having willpower and freedom to be who i am in my case… like a child’s presence shining as they experience life in being

Foundations note:

Subconscious limits removal + aura cleansing + inner child healing related work (trauma healing)… lots of healing work. and here goes more Amygdala healing. Wow something was really holding me back from saying these things and making the list above(Fear)

Updated my post above… again


Wow! I don’t know how but i had insane amounts of constant energy and i noticed more people got out of my way as i was powering (power-walking) (more people tend to be more well-mannered like ‘ok ill just let her pass me’) through public places such as a grocery store. I also have a much easier time keeping my focus on ‘pinhole’ and my intentions are very freeflowing (much easier time being present and not overthinking). Relentless persistence (like Saturn - Mars)

Perfect for working out. At least for me. That was fun!


It was a metaphor to illustrate the sudden rise of attention coming from people around me that day. It felt peculiar and kind of paparazzi-esque, I don’t know how else I can explain it. However,

Further time spent with that field gave me similar results/impressions to yours, definitely. Hope, as well. Typical of the Star archetype.


This audio makes my heart happy. Giddy even. Can’t help but smile as it plays.