The Wisdom of The Dying

What if you are the earth, and forgot that this timeless moment is the first and last moment ever?


This and aphrodites blessings and st michael and depths of your soul

Oh oh oh

@anon32464289 if it was listening to this track i wouldn’t mind it

One of the biggest shames for those first three releases i mentioned though are that
They never got enough time (limelight)

Also it was my favorite era of SMs. Those types of music compositions of his especially; for me it captured who he is the best

Well gratitude of blessings came this year but it’s a mashup of the SM music era (which WOD is part of) I’m talking about


Yeah it is amazing :heart:


This happened about 1 month ago:

A repeat nightmare (like a queued program) about a past trauma was about to start, but it got cut off with the song from the field Wisdom of the Dying.

I woke up and felt loving presence(s)… i couldn’t see yet. The field was not even playing when i woke!

I felt like i was watched over, protected, appreciated, praised, cheered for, supported, comforted, loved…like i was given a wink, a smile, an “I’m so proud of you, Dear” and “You’re never alone, my sweets” / “We gotcha, boo” / “Chin up, kid. You’ve got this!”

I asked a few questions and made a few statements to confirm if i was being watched over and protected… i felt energetic confirmations in my heart center (felt waves of warmth in chest with each question / statement)

I had other fields playing on 2 devices

I believe i had 1 device on a playlist for Soul Restoration here


Let me just say this is one of the best named field out their

The Wisdom of The Dying

Its says so much but so little its amazing named.
I always thought it was
The wisdom of dying old
I even thought it was
The wisdom in dying
But when i went to check this thread
The wisdom of the dying sounds so much better and then what the field does just make a prefect name and field. It litreally can mean two things, one is that when somone dies they have a realisation, wishing they done all that they never and so on. Then i like to think it can mean also that when somone dies their knoweldge is lost and this field gives u that knoweldge that wisdom.

The name is perfect

Thats enough procrastinating my work, lol


Thank you, @Divine_Lotus and @Dyslexic_Professor for your replies. :pray:
I’ll listen to WoTD from now on, to get rid of nightmares or strange dreams (occassional).


It wasn’t my intent to get rid of bad dreams with this field but how has that worked so far? @RemnantofRome.George


Have not tried it yet. :sweat_smile:
I plan to use it tonight, anyway, I have bad dreams sometimes, like every few weeks, it’s not too often.

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Why do i get this message?


He deleted it, u can find it on the sapien Spotify

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Is it on patreon?

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It’s actually still available on Youtube as well as Patreon for download!


yes it is available on youtube via the link you shared


It’s still available. Just check out the more newer posts at the bottom





:white_check_mark: COMPLETION +100 WISDOM + 35 FEAR RESISTANCE


Aspect of the Audio Content Description Impact on Listeners
Sharing Life Lessons Contains distilled wisdom from various individuals sharing their life lessons and experiences. Listeners absorb lessons quickly, accelerating personal growth and avoiding common pitfalls.
Diverse Perspectives Presents diverse perspectives on life, different cultures, and approaches to challenges from a wide range of sources. Broadens understanding of the world, fosters empathy, and leads to more informed decision-making.
Encouraging Self-Reflection Narratives and experiences in the audio prompt personal reflection on one’s own life, values, and beliefs. Leads to greater self-awareness and personal development, a crucial component of gaining wisdom.
Inspiring New Approaches Offers innovative ideas and approaches to problems that might be new to listeners. Stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills, encouraging thinking outside the box.
Valuing Unnoticed Aspects of Life Offers insights into life aspects previously overlooked or undervalued by listeners. Leads to a more fulfilling life as listeners learn to find value and meaning in previously ignored areas.
Continuous Learning and Growth Represents a continuous learning journey as an ever-growing field of information. Ensures ongoing personal growth and adaptation to changing circumstances.
Practical Application Includes philosophical insights and practical advice for everyday life. Helps listeners apply wisdom tangibly, improving decision-making and interactions.

Listener Engagement and Impact:

Engagement Method Description Resulting Impact
Regular Engagement Listeners tune in regularly, integrating this practice into their routine. Fosters a habit of continuous learning and reflection.
Reflective Listening Active engagement with content, contemplating its application in one’s life. Deepens understanding and personal relevance of the insights.
Journaling or Discussing Reflecting through journaling or discussing insights with others. Enhances comprehension and perspective through externalization.
Applying Insights Experimenting with new approaches and attitudes in daily life. Leads to practical changes and improvements in life decisions.
Observing Changes Noticing changes in perspectives, decision-making, and life approaches over time. Demonstrates the tangible impact of the wisdom gained on personal growth.

This audio becomes a tool for life-long learning and wisdom acquisition, aiding listeners in not just accumulating knowledge, but in gaining deep, practical understanding and insights that can transform their approach to life.

Wisdom at its core, encompasses good judgment, the ability to set proper priorities, and possessing keen discernment. These qualities enable individuals to navigate the complexities of life with a balanced and thoughtful approach.

Wise individuals are known for their deliberative and contemplative nature. They approach life with a deep level of thoughtfulness, frequently engaging in self-reflection and introspection. This inward focus allows them to understand themselves better and not take their actions or thoughts for granted.

A significant aspect of wisdom is the ability to doubt oneself healthily and maintain a moderated skepticism. This trait manifests as caution without underlying fear, enabling wise individuals to make decisions that are considered and measured.

The Wise Person’s Approach to Life

The behavior of a wise person is characterized by several key attributes:

  1. Responsibility and Discipline: Wise individuals take responsibility for their actions and are disciplined in their approach to life’s challenges.
  2. Intrinsic Motivation: They are driven by internal motivations rather than external rewards.
  3. Emotional Labor: Wise people do not shy away from emotional labor; instead, they face it head-on, which is closely related to self-discipline.
  4. Control Over Cravings: They possess the ability to abstain and control their cravings, understanding that succumbing to these can lead to suffering, mistakes, and regrets.
  5. Value of Education: Wise individuals highly value education and learn not only from their own experiences but also from the mistakes of others.
  6. Exquisite Balance: An essential aspect of wisdom is maintaining a balance in various aspects of life.
  7. Emotional Intelligence: They have a high degree of emotional intelligence, which aids them in understanding and managing their emotions and those of others.
  8. Admitting Wrongdoing: Wise people are capable of admitting when they are wrong, and they do so without dwelling excessively on their errors.

Wise individuals are capable of forgiveness and letting go of grudges. They apologize genuinely when necessary and are cautious when giving advice, understanding the responsibility that comes with it. They avoid projecting their experiences onto others, ensuring that their guidance is relevant and considerate.

In contrast to wisdom, foolishness is characterized by poor judgment and a lack of discernment. A foolish individual often has a skewed sense of priorities, valuing transient pleasures like drugs, sex, and money over more meaningful pursuits. This pursuit of the ‘low’ over the ‘high’ reflects a lack of understanding and appreciation for the more profound aspects of life. Additionally, foolishness is often accompanied by ignorance and a sense of pride in this ignorance, which further impedes personal growth and understanding.

Wisdom stands apart from mere information or specialized knowledge due to its holistic nature. Unlike technical expertise found in fields like engineering, medicine, law, or academia, which is often narrow and specialized, wisdom encompasses a broader, more comprehensive understanding of life. This holistic perspective enables individuals to use their knowledge more effectively, guiding them to develop keen discernment and make wise decisions.

A key aspect of wisdom is the high value placed on truth. This trait is relatively rare among people, as many tend to be myopic, lacking the capacity to appreciate the full significance of truth. Realizing the importance of truth requires deep contemplation and a foundational level of wisdom. Therefore, an interest in truth is not just a component of wisdom but also an indicator of its presence. People who truly value truth demonstrate a level of understanding and insight that goes beyond the superficial.

One of the most remarkable qualities of wise individuals is their non-judgmental attitude. The wisest among us are often the least judgmental, reflecting a profound understanding of the complexities of life and human behavior. This non-judgmental stance is not indicative of indifference or passivity; rather, it arises from a deep comprehension of the myriad factors that influence decisions and actions. By abstaining from quick judgments, wise people can maintain an open mind, which is essential for the continuous learning and growth that wisdom entails.


Rest In Peace Charlie Munger.
I’m very grateful to receive the knowledge from you.

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Gem. :gem: