Venting Thread

Hi, Forum Fam! :slight_smile:

Each Sunday, we will be having a clean new thread for our venting activities!

  • Venting Posts will be up for one week only (removed each Sunday night)

  • After one week, the energies of the venting thread will be consigned to the purifying fires of the Mass Meditation - classic and boosted

  • This way there’s still a venue for a vent (lol) but the energies won’t linger

  • So, Read Em an Week! :joy:

Anything posted below will be removed before the new cycle begins

Added Note:

Think Indra’s Net. We are all connected in the energetic matrix of the forum. This is another opportunity for transmutation of the burden that many have felt while going through the exercises of life. Instead of just letting the venting energy hang out, it is vent + violet flame. You have an entire week to go through the thread and pull out your favorite parts. The idea of venting is to let go. This is the other half.

Mass Meditation - Classic and Boosted


Every Sunday, the Mass Meditation - Classic and Boosted and the Energies of our beloved Matangi will be invoked for the clearing of the energies of this thread. For those whose frustrations with life in a body have brought them to this place to vent, may the purifying fires and uplifting energies balance and heal. Let it also heal those who have have read. Be blessed! Remember to take debates to the Debate Thread, and just let people vent here without comment.

Anyone who wants to assist in the clearing of these energies, please feel free to give a few minutes each Sunday, or whenever you think of it, by joining the Meditation. It doesn’t have to be onerous in any way. If you only have a few seconds, just center and intend the blessings. Namaste.


Apologies to those who reached out for sessions. I’ve decided to take a break for a bit.




My family is full of hyenas and crows, I can’t trust them.

I’m alone.


I wish we would bring back gruesome death penalties…

I would do it for free to mass murderere, rapists, horrible criminals, etc.

Recently a finalist for Miss Switzerland was decapitated by her partner or husband or whatever, and the rest of the details are quite horrible, including how her father found her…

I would be like this guy, if I were a ruler.

Oceans of blood would pour on the land, the blood of the wicked.

They would NOT DARE to commit any bad deed.

Maybe I was exaggerating lol (I got quite hot headed), but you get the idea…

I think we need worse punishments, for truly horrific crimes.

Although, Idk if that would stop or reduce criminality, especially horrible crimes.

the older generations are either complicit or responsible for my generations issues and yet they sit there blaming our means of coping. hurt people hurt people. generations of hurt people projecting their baggage down like an heirloom.


The day just started and stress already ruined my whole day.

1 Like

Man, that sucks.

I was going to complain about the usual. Didn’t. Then something else. Then started writing and it turned into 5 different things…so that’s the vent now. Idk how I can be so absolutely wrecked.


Can WWIII be avoided?

Can fields and other tools and prayers and meditation and techniques prevent the worse scenario?

Is it the collective Karma to witness such horror?


Maybe Higher Powers can help the World…

My phone broke so I had to get a new one. I lost all contacts and stuffies I had on it! Oy vey. I did manage to get a good price on the new one, and it’s much higher quality than the previous one, so that’s good, I guess!