Venting Thread

Hi, Forum Fam! :slight_smile:

Each Sunday, we will be having a clean new thread for our venting activities!

  • Venting Posts will be up for one week only (removed each Sunday night)

  • After one week, the energies of the venting thread will be consigned to the purifying fires of the Mass Meditation field

  • This way there’s still a venue for a vent (lol) but the energies won’t linger

  • So, Read Em an Week! :joy:

Anything posted below will be removed before the new cycle begins

Added Note:

Think Indra’s Net. We are all connected in the energetic matrix of the forum. This is another opportunity for transmutation of the burden that many have felt while going through the exercises of life. Instead of just letting the venting energy hang out, it is vent + violet flame. You have an entire week to go through the thread and pull out your favorite parts. The idea of venting is to let go. This is the other half.

Mass Meditation 2.0


Every Sunday, the Mass Meditation 2.0 field will be invoked for the clearing of the energies of this thread. For those whose frustrations with life in a body have brought them to this place to vent, may the purifying fires and uplifting energies balance and heal. Let it also heal those who have have read. Be blessed! Remember to take debates to the Debate Thread, and just let people vent here without comment.

Anyone who wants to assist in the clearing of these energies, please feel free to give a few minutes each Sunday, or whenever you think of it, by joining the Meditation. It doesn’t have to be onerous in any way. If you only have a few seconds, just center and intend the blessings. Namaste.


A post was split to a new topic: Help with Situation

A post was merged into an existing topic: General Discussion

Ego fighting back like a motherfucker.

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Maybe try selling an idea to the ego instead…
No need for fighting when you can convince someone.

That’s the only way of reaching congruency with the ego in my experience.

You integrate parts of yourself not by fighting with them but by bringing each on the same level of understanding and fully aligned to the SAME goal.


In this meme, Aizen is basically representing everyone’s Highest Self:


It’s so frustrating to be scolded at work for something I didn’t do wrong.
I’ll loop justice for all… but I am not okay. :weary:


My brother considers me handicapped, retarded and mentally challenged and what not, “because I have not achieved anything” in life.

He also doesn’t believe me that I’ve had health issues, even if I’ve been diagnosed and took meds for more than a decade, for various health issues.

He just told me this morning: “you don’t want to admit it, but you’re handicapped”…

I almost want to leave my mom in a place where they can take care of her, and restart anew…

But I can’t, I won’t.

She wants to see me succeed, but we lost our home, since we sold it a decade ago and we’ve had all sorts of expenses, simply living took care of the money.

I don’t know how we took that horrible horrible decision…

Man, my life sucks.

Staying at my brother’s for the sake of my mom (we could have stayed in another place and probably or perhaps we wouldn’t be without our property) and for my sake as well…

And the health issues they just piled up for more than a decade and a half, although I’ve had a significant improvement like 7 years ago.

I don’t know what to do.

To be honest, I think I hate my brother or at least really dislike him.

He has helped us financially, a lot, but it would have been better if we had never moved here.

I’ve had depression and later arrived (or made a comeback) quite a few health issues, like allergies, asthma, Hemorrhoids, candida, overweight, then inability to eat lots of food, due to allergies and glutition trouble (candida, first of all), insomnia, etc.

My bro claims that I’m retarded since only a handicapped/retarded person can’t sleep properly at night.

He also says that I blamed him and indeed I blamed him since he encouraged us to sell our house (we sold and apartment before that and just built our house, it was mostly finished)…

He and his whole family (wife and now an adult son, plus her family) hate me, despise me, consider me a freeloader and a good for nothing…

He just told me that i won’t make it, that I won’t work as a coder or programmer…

He doesn’t believe that I’m capable of anything, really.

I’ve barely worked in my life, I’ve had 2 jobs, one for almost 3 years and another one for months (later, from home), before that C19 virus came and made me quit due to my health issues.

He’s partially right, though.

I did have psychological issues, but he shouldn’t just devalue me like I’m the scum of the earth…

This is not a good environment for me, at all.

My mom has no legs, she needs constant care, and my brother thinks that I have no future and he despises me.

I’ve even gotten into disputes with his family a couple times, like his wife’s father told me to go inside (I was in the yard), and he wanted to attack me physically, him and my nephew.

I wasn’t scared of them, heck I could probably beat them both, when it comes to it, I have extraordinary physical strength, but I don’t want to get into fights…

And my brother told me to get inside.

I literally cried back then, and asked the Divine for justice, and now that guy who told me to get inside, who humiliated me, on the property that my mom left my brother, that guy came to suffer horribly our of no where…
He was perfectly healthy and after that incident,
He went to the hospital and suffers daily due to some health issues.
He almost died and I wished him the worst and it happened…

There is justice, I guess.
Also, he shouldn’t have messed with me.

Anyway, my situation is quite bad.

My mom wants to leave for a place where they take care of elderly people (in case I go from this place, from my brother’s), but I won’t let her, she’s the only soul in this world who cared about me…

Man, my life is just full of such stories, ever since I was a child, I’ve been threatened by my own father, then one thing arrived after another…

How tf did I made it, and mostly mentally stable, Idk.

I’m grateful that I’ve found this place and Sapienmed, and before those, yoga, otherwise Idk…

There is hope, but I’m swimming through humiliations.

As you can guess, I don’t want to talk to his family and I avoid them as much as possible.

They all hated me always.
Especially his wife, she asked my brother to kick my mom out of this house, which he got thanks to our mom…

I don’t even know if I hate them.
I did, I did hate them all.

But now, it’s dislike, huge dislike, but not hate.

I don’t hate anyone.
OR maybe I do, Idk.


Vent over.


I came to vent but man!

I am trully sorry for you.

I know you are just venting but for whatever is worth here…

Take this and run away with it :brown_heart:


Thank You. :pray:

Also, my vent doesn’t Invalidate anyone’s else, so please, Lunamoon22 and Anyone reading, feel free to vent. :sweat_smile:

This was my worst vent so far…
I felt quite bad today.

But now I’m better, I guess.
The thread truly served it’s purpose.


Because you are way stronger than you believe you are.

She will always care for you, no matter how, where and when.


Thank You. :pray:

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I looped this when I feel overwhelmed by everything and everyone


Haven’t used it in a while.
Many Thanks. :pray:

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Also Point of No Return might be valuable. We all love you :slight_smile:
Healing Heart KY and Empress


Thank You Very Much. :pray:


This is the Way!

Bless them and grant them the right to be who they are, even if they never change. They are mirroring an interesting situation that is an opportunity for you to rise above your self-belief as it current exists. You have the ability to change who you think you are, not just accommodate it. You are none of the things they think and you think you are. Search for that within, where you will become the allness that allows you to choose what and who you identify with. It’s your choice! See the power in that opportunity. It’s why we are here, and here in this place. I believe that is Dream’s hope and plan for the seminar - to help us be more free in the world by being open to our options. As always, I am saying what I say to you to myself, as we are all going through this together.


I live in hell

Sweat is coming out of my skin like water through a strainer, it’s burning my eyes, I’m breathing in sweat drop through my nose, I can taste it when I talk. My clothes look like I just jumped into a pool. My sandals feel like I just walked into a puddle.


Park the car outside and it’s burning hot on touch.

Wearing sunglasses, yet the sun is so bright feels like I’m getting a migraine. Everything is shining, it’s blinding.

Brace myself, summer is coming.