Advanced Healing +Voltage Repair

aka Advanced Healin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo

This is another piece of buried treasure that deserves it’s own post. I also wanted to add a note below regarding working with the field, in hopes it’ll help some people.

From the description:

"Added to this (2nd audio) is a creation based on the work of Dr Tennant, with his research into voltages of cells and health.

It uses the advanced healing field to add a charge of -50 millivolts to damaged cells, to push them to repair and reproduce new healthy cells,

all other cells are charged at -25 millivolts to bring it to optimal health"

It’s an update to the original Advanced Healing field available on Gumroad here (comes with both versions):

The original Advanced Healing thread is here:

Some background on Healing is Voltage with Dr. Tennant:

The gist:

Every cell in the body is designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts. To heal, we must make new cells. To make a new cell requires -50 millivolts. Chronic disease occurs when voltage drops below -20 and/or you cannot achieve -50 millivolts to make new cells.

… or just hit “play” and let Dream’s magic do all the heavy lifting.

Ok, now to the practical application of…

The first time I listened, I noticed the following:

  • Instant cooling sensation body-wide
  • A sense of “clean” electricity flowing
  • Mini-zaps in the fingers and toes

In my example, the Advanced Healing +Voltage Repair ties in perfectly with something called Yogoda.

It’s a brand of yoga from roughly 100 years ago via the same guy who penned Autobiography of a Yogi and believed the body was an electric battery that could be recharged (and subsequently, bring the body back to perfect health) by tapping into the unlimited reservoir of Cosmic Energy.

“The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy” (to manifest and regenerate).

You might love it… and it may just change your life.


Haha love this name!!


Excellent Description of the audio. Top work


The Kriya lessons from Yogoda in fact start with a series of “energization” exercises to charge the battery. These were not originally taught by Kriya teachers like Lahiri Mahasaya or Pranavananda, but Yogananda seems to have realized that without a good working body, students could not do justice to the Kriya practice (which in itself involves magnetizing the spinal field).

I did not myself correlate this audio with the concept by Paramahamsa Yogananda, but the way you describe it, it now absolutely makes sense…


Thanks man.

Dream did all the heavy lifting.

I’m just happy to still be in the game.


When you trial and error as many times as I have, the Universe will toss you a bone every now and again.

Excellent description on your part.


Thanks for sharing. Lovely post!


This is awesome stuff!! Awhile ago when I was a member of the Spooky2 community, we explored frequencies that balanced the voltage levels throughout the body. Once your cells are in the proper voltage levels, you feel like you’ve just been reborn! You’re in a brand new body! That’s how it feels!!

Maintaining that is another story lol but I’m sure Dream has made this way way easier to do!!


Great name for it lol! Man, this sounds awesome… I’ma give it a go right now :slight_smile:


You’re hilarious. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::+1:t3:


Please share this in the plasma audio thread. :100::100::100:


Would this help with peripheral nerve damage anyone think?


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This is an interesting small article.

Do you have a Spooky2? Did it help you?

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I have the XM machine, had it for 2 years but stopped using it since June. It works pretty well but it took so long to get effects. Once I felt good it would last only temporary then I’d pretty much start over.

I also got the hand cylinders but you have to sit in one place (because of the wires) for awhile. Some presets I needed to use were up to 6 hours long. I couldn’t get myself to do that every day lol

So too be very honest, I’m not saying this because I’m in Sapien forum either, I don’t recommend Spooky2 if your trying to heal yourself. It’s a good product for learning about frequencies and how they work on your body. But if you want quick and long lasting effects, Dream is the best!!


interesting! thanks for sharing. I’m interested in the technology and I have active Lyme so was considering buying a Spooky or similar Rife for that but also all the other options to heal. This is really helpful insights. Thank you! I love Sa[ien too!


This audio also works as a great energy booster if you’re tired upon waking up or lack energy during any point in the day. Ive been using it for both these purposes and man it’s awesome to have unlimited energy at your fingertips. Wonder if this can assist in boosting a person’s manifestation power too