Best Money Field Ever Made đŸ’”

The superabundance NFT.

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Where is it available?

The one I found shows sold out
 Could you help me with a link please?

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Ask in the buying/selling thread. Maybe someone sells it

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This upcoming one is so genius and I think you can still vote:

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This is big! I voted. Thank you so so so much! By voting does it mean it’s confirmed I get a copy?

Can you elaborate on your experience with it?

Your perspective is always interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s the case yeah.
Typically you’ll be put into the respective group chats. Have an eye on it, the group leaders usually confirm each member’s amount ;)

This question is, as usual, entirely dependent on you. Let me explain:

For instance, if you grew up in an environment in which money was generally scarce and people didn’t have the best mindset towards money (the classic ‘money is the root of all evil’), then the best fields for you would likely be Abundance Mindset from the Mind Settings album or the alchemical revision of wealth.

Perhaps you found yourself unable to take action on your money making ideas. In that case you’d likely need the push from Woven worlds millions.

Or there might be fear about money making in general. In that case you might need the Million dollar empire mindset, also from the mind Settings album. To become fearless you could use The Unbreakable.

Generally it helps to have support and guidance. That could be in the form of the above mentioned Kubera’s blessings or wealth mantras meditation.

Or you might not feel very lucky about this topic in general. In that case luck and probability alteration from the bountiful harvest album or the probability wave.

Etc etc.
It’s very multifaceted and you need to do a bit of introspection.

Hence there truly isn’t one best money field. But there is a best money field for your current evolution in terms of wealth and abundance.

Try it out, experiment and have fun ;)

And once you have millions, why not donate to sapien medicine :wink::wink: I hear they’re pretty good


Although I don’t have mindset issues coz I grew up in a very abundant environment (I had a bad financial period the last few years which I want to recover from) I still listened to the mindset audios that you suggested for months. I also have the probability wave and woven world millions I listen to them everyday. So if there’s anything that will help in my situation please let me know.

I’m a very generous person and I don’t forget those who help, of course I will✹


keep going!





This is a great reply!
If I have trouble to figure out what jobs I should work and new skill to learn, as I don’t want to repeat my old pattern of living (I no longer want to work in banking because it is highly controlled by the occult), any field suggestion?

My work background is only finance for last 15 years. I tried to find some other jobsbthat is work from home , but only have call center or data entry

Any suggestions on what to listen to break this blockage/unmotivated to work? All I want is a less stressful job so I have more time to cultivate on quieting my mind. Thanks

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I would say, whatever it is you’re seeking, you’ll require discipline. I’m a bit confused, you say you’re unmotivated to work, but you’ve worked in finance for 15 years? That would mean you are disciplined

In any case, you will have already figured out that time is much more important than money, in the sense that if you wouldn’t need to concern yourself with money making, you would have the liberty to choose what to do with your time.

But whichever money making avenue you pursue, you’ll need discipline, because it does require some pretty effective work (and habits) to reach the above mentioned target of financial freedom, for instance.

If you have the freedom, you can consider switching jobs altogether. I’ve a friend who quit her financially nice job in the field of finance, because she was utterly exhausted from it. She’s doing very well know, although I don’t know exactly what she’s doing at the moment.

Finding time for quieting the mind is always a good idea because it brings order and coherence in your mind.

I’m sorry, it seems not easy to give you a precise answer. In the end you kind of just let go and follow your heart’s ambitions. Nobody can tell you to do that. You’ll simply explore and find out.


That’s something I’m also looking for and I agree. I recommend that you think about people you know who have less stressful and rewarding jobs that you would like to experience or if you don’t know anyone, do some research about it or look for options in your area.

Maybe you like something totally opposite to what you did and that you had not thought about, for example a job related to agriculture, fishing, gardening, baking, sports, arts, photography, etc.

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Four fields that are everyday staple for me:

  • Attract Abundance
  • Ashta Lakshmi
  • Woven World Millions
  • Financial Protector

Thank you @Nice2knowU @Jay @Maoshan_Wanderer


This is just an off topic question, as your profile is hidden for private message.

Is maoshan mean èŒ…ć±±, which is one division of Daoism?

If so, do you practise that? From my knowledge about this division, and especially in hong kong, maoshan cultivator practices black magic/spell, using/controlling ghost(like ,ć°éŹŒ, which is baby ghost that cannot crossover yet) to achieve his/her personal desires?

Or course there are true cultivators and selfish cultivators. But in general, does this division focus on spell and magic? Thanks

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Maoshan sect has many subdivisions and hosts an umbrella of techniques.

Take Tantra for example, while it is primarily aimed at mƍkáčŁa (liberation from the matrix of samsāra via experiential realization of the Self as the Supreme Godhood/Shiva), it also provides techniques for artha (prosperity), kāma (fulfillment of desires), and dharma (an underlying fabric of morality which drives every thought and action - morality here is not warped, human-created, but simply adherence to higher laws of the nature).

As part of this set, there are techniques for vaƛīkaraáč‡a (control/subjugation), mƍhana (mesmerism), stambhana (immobilization of thoughts and actions), uccāáč­ana (driving someone away), unmādana (driving someone crazy), vidvēáčŁaáč‡a (creating rifts between people), and finally, māraáč‡a (killing). All these are techniques that exist under the large umbrella of Tantra, and this is true for the umbrella named Maoshan as well.

Now, though these techniques exist, most high-level masters who aim at Enlightenment understand that indulging in such activities creates massive karmic debt (in most cases, not all), resulting in the practitioner experiencing misfortune, disease, and several births filled with misery.

While getting things done from a deity or a higher entity takes much effort, practice, and energetic growth, resorting to darker spirits, ghouls, ghosts, wandering spirits, etc. is quicker, and easier and people resort to such techniques. Given the element of intrigue and taboo around these topics, these get written about widely suggesting this is all that the Maoshan sect is about
 Not really :slight_smile:

Maoshan is a sect that is centered around Neigong, but cultivation involves magick, rituals, chants, deities, sometimes accessing and transforming darker yin energies for quick progress (these need extreme caution), etc. I am not allowed to disclose much but the hallmark of our cultivation is ‘Lightening strikes the central channel’.

Also, the aspect of sorcery seems to have become so popular, that it started getting used interchangeably with the name “Maoshan sect” is due to exorcisms. Several medieval (not sure about the current day) exorcists used (or claimed to use) powerful exorcism techniques from this sect to remove spirit possessions and afflictions. This was the aspect the common people or the outside world experienced and they thus began to associate this sect with sorcery, spirits, and exorcisms.

We talk a lot about the Star Exercise on this forum. Where did this originate? In very old texts that predate even the organized sect called Maoshan, these texts became the foundation of the sect. The star exercise is a set of six postures that are recommended to be performed at specific times, facing specific directions, and while wearing specific talismans (fu) to immensely boost the effect.

Astral Travel and learning from higher beings is another cornerstone of the Maoshan sect.

Today, there is no one Maoshan sect. There are several groups that claim to be the original sect, with vastly different approaches and techniques, and it is anybody’s guess which of their claims is true. Even my Sifu would chuckle and say, “for all we know, even we could be fake Maoshan sect, but hey, these techniques work and wonderfully so!”

I like these techniques as they mesh amazingly well with my primary practice of Kashmir Shaivism, and the secondary practice of rDzogchen.

Some historians trace the sect (or one form of it) to the Shangqing sect of Daoism founded by a Lady grandmaster who received 31 sets of secret techniques from Immortals and these were widely different from one other. The goal of these techniques were to make personalized teachings available to students, based on their individual strengths and weaknesses. This may explain why there are so many sects that call themselves Maoshan. Some historians note that around 1200-1300, the focus of many of these sects changed from internal mastery to primarily rituals and exorcisms due to the prevailing social conditions.

Neigong, rituals, mantras, talismans, weather magick, geomancy, divination, deity-work, spirit manipulation, astral travel, exorcisms, all of these are elements of Maoshan school as opposed to some other Daoist schools which focus mainly on Neigong and inner cultivation.


For me top 3 are
: Capital Governance
: Wealth Generator +
: Attract Wealth, prosperity and Abundamce

Financial Protector gets honorable mention :grin: