Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation: Testimonials

Maybe it’s because the depression and/or the anxiety was more severe in my case, I could handle more loops of Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation. I played it for nearly an hour with no bad side effects whatsoever.

While I played it I was having a bad anxiety, and DBMS did calm me in the end. More importantly, the effect was long lasting, I’d say it’s around 12-16hrs. I definitely suggest this to anyone experiences depression, anxiety or panic attack.


Thanks for the lovely testimonials. I slept on this one :point_up:


Thank you so much for the testimonial man :pray:

This is one of my favorite field and I was overly cautious with it, limiting it to two listens a day.
Wow, the game changer since yesterday :exploding_head:

Been playing it yesterday morning, then 5 times at night (following your comment), and again straight when waking up today.

No side effect indeed, just peace and powerful joy at times.
No more depression, and barely any anxiety (emotional guidance when fearful or not aligned).

Captain :pray::heart:


Was feeling mentally tired/fatigued this morning so I listened to a few brain fields. Blood brain barrier, plasma brain of youth, brain regeneration, brain and spine antioxidant, and finally this one all for 2x. Felt very happy for no reason lol. Walked into Gamestop on my break and was smiling, also was laughing very easily. I definitely do not use this Cerebrum album as much as I probably should. This field is a pick me up for sure


Used this field for the first time today. Gave me a headache. Did this happen to anyone else? Did they subside with regular use?


Yes starting out it can feel like that.

It goes away after some time of consistent usage.


No, that did not happen for me. I felt and feel fantastic. I use this 3x every other day along with 5x Semax and Phenylpiracetam and 5x Theanine.

Actually, my bad. That is not the upgraded version lol. New Perspectives is the upgraded version of The Outlook Retrainer. I got the two confused as they come from the same Cerebrum album. Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation is its own thing.

My mistake!


3x every other day seems to work best for you? Is using it every day too much?


I use a daily “brain stack” of 2x Brain Growth Work, 2x The Plasma Brain of Youth (Hidden Bonus Item) and 2x Visual Introspection (The Micro Dose).

I generally feel that is enough for me as I also carry around the Cognitive and Memory Enhancement 8-10 hours a day as well. So I add in the other stack every other day just to improve my brain functionalities further. It just takes a lot of time to play it all and for me personally feels too much playing it every single day. It is just how my “brain stack” organically evolved to what it is right now. You can try what works best for you. In time, the Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation shouldn’t feel so harsh. It is best to take it slow if you’re getting headaches with it.

It is a very powerful audio for the brain, Captain mentioned he didn’t put many restrictions on it (and the Outlook Retrainer) because he wanted to replicate the exact devices they were based off of. Perhaps consider the Plasma Brain of Youth - I think it is a must have. It may ameliorate the frequency of your headaches. You get it by buying Smart Stem Cells as a free bonus, which is a great bargain.


Anyone else have a change in your dreams after using this field? I’ve been having very vivid intense dreams this week since adding it. Many of them involve very advanced worlds, science fiction technology and space travel. I don’t watch television or read science fiction, so I’m sure it’s connected to this field. An interesting unexpected affect. I’m not sure what it means though.


be sure to learn cool new things and come back and tell us about it.


Update: I am really enjoying this field. I’m continuing to have more vivid dreams and better recall. I work with my dreams often, so this is a nice benefit. Something else I am noticing is a deeper enjoyment of music lately.

A reminder to follow the Captain’s listening guidelines though. This field is strong. I overdid it thinking more would be better and experienced a vibrating and pulsing in my ears.

Thank you @Captain_Nemo for this unique field. :smiley:


I’ve been using this for 2-3 weeks every night in my night playlist…. I’m able to push when the door says push and pull when it says pull :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:


Hahahahah that is both funny and adorable < swoon! > :smiley:


So, I’m not the only one who’s had this problem! :smiley:

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Hahaha totally not!!!



Woohoo! Sounds like an adventure! Can't Wait


U can use daily 2-3 times, increase repetitions if u feel like u can handle it.
I prefer using at night cuz it does something pleasant, I can feel it pressing inner parts of the brain, calming/numbinf my nervous system.

Also appears to be improving sleep quality. Good idea to use Basal Ganglia from Tower album🥳

PS:Helps with treating depression and tires out the brain so it is easier to fall asleep.

All personal experience though.


i listened to this once for my depression and started having a panic attack (had to listen to the energy clearing audio to calm down) why is that? 🥲


Sorry to hear that

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