I think I’ve been cursed

For the first time in my life, I’ve been stuck—actually stuck. I am in a dangerous work environment, an unstable home and need to leave to a better job and rent a better place immediately.

I need more money to rent a better home sooner rather than later because I live with someone who is threatening to kick people out because he thinks people will complain about his cats (no one has complained nor has thought of it) after his cat leapt from the ground and bit my face while I was talking to someone and I asked him to pay for the urgent care visit.

This place has been an unstable living environment since I moved into it. The original house manager was abusive and kicked me out so he could Airbnb the house. I had to fly across states to live with family because I couldn’t find a place to rent. Almost a year later I flew back when they had an opening at the house. This HM turned out to be scamming the landlord and was kicked out, but the next one has proved to be following his footsteps.

It is a surreal time…I work with kids and have dealt with two coworkers, one site lead, and the program manager who targeted me, harassed me, bullied me, and spread lies about me, including enforcing a lie told by a student with behavioral challenges to her parent. The parent was incredibly aggressive towards me and the site lead allowed her to yell at me, accuse me, and not let me speak while she stood there shrugging.

I am at a different site now and one of the site leads tells aggressively at me, literally barks out my name and aggressively demands that I do xyz for her. I know that if I set a basic boundary that it will turn into a fight. And I know that I have no one to report it to because the higher ups are the same.

I have been applying for other jobs for the past 6 months and only received one interview— which was revoked the day before because they hired a person immediately. I have never had such an issue with finding jobs.

One of these coworkers uses entities and prays to entities as her spiritual practice. I often see her glaring at me from her car when she thinks I can’t see her.

I’m not new to energy and energetic intent. I’ve had a spiritual business helping people achieve their own goals spiritually for 10 years. I also had to stop that because I was becoming burnt out.

I am seeing that this seems to be a systematic attempt at cursing me. Not just from the coworker, as I live in a state where the spiritual people act lawlessly and without integrity. I just don’t know exactly where this is all coming from yet.

I use the exorcism audio and the voodoo clearing on patreon which helps, but as long as I am stuck in this situation, I am being damaged. My mental health is becoming affected.

I am now in the place where I’m getting too tired to look for other jobs which is solidifying my place here. I spoke to the school but they don’t have anything available for me to move to until the start of the new year. I need movement and change now…

I need help!!

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I am sorry you are facing that situation, luckily you are here :slight_smile:

Loop this one

Voodoo Detangled (Patreon)

Then play a few times this one

Angelic Intercession (Dream Seeds)

And this album on loop

Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album on Sapien Medicine Channel

And also this

Lucky Flows

Like literally loop them in that order


Thank you :heartpulse: I really hope there’s a change soon. It has become too difficult

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There is.

There always is.

Just believe even if you dont believe and push forward.

And loop the audios.

Please read through the posts and that will give you hope plus more understanding on how the fields i suggested work


Adding to luna’s suggestion, if it is possible, get any cheap/old device and loop the suggested audios as much as possible, no need for them to be audible, 1 bar of volume is enough.

In my time here over and over seeing these types of post and being in similar predicaments; I’ve seen a common factor against us is not the lack of tools, but the lack of discipline, consistency and focus. Applies to all areas. Give it some time looping no matter what and report, adjust as needed but keep the schedule, sometimes it takes some unwavering willingness to see the other side.


I appreciate you both and hear your message to stay consistent and believe. I will keep these videos on loop all day and daily. I’ll see it through


Do you use any shielding?

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I have started using steel when I can feel someone is attempting to breach my field, but it is exhausting to constantly keep the shield up. I started going to the two videos I mentioned immediately when it seems I need to. Do you have any suggestions on that?

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From my perspective a good shield will help and the intercession field mentioned above. If you have Booted Bhoot I think it would be nice to add

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Thats an issue there

Because you see? External intruders are just there all the time

Just like you shower daily to remove dirt, you also use clothes to protect the body from the environment and also eat to have energy.

People have not realized and embraced enough the fact that we also have to create a permanent habit to keep the aura and vibration protected.

Its an every day protection, a weekly clean up would suffice unless the environment you live/work in is harsher then you clean and protect and raise the vibration Physically, mentally, spiritually. Daily.

Its a must.


There is the Curse Removal audio in Gumroad that’s available along with Booted Bhoots!


I do regularly cleanse my field, but I haven’t figured out shielding without eventually exhausting myself. My approach has been to look at the areas I’m being breached and address that weakness within to resolve the weak spot. But, I am being hit on all sides now and that takes more energy. Shielding in this life moment feels like I’m being crushed under an 18 wheeler wheel and trying to push it off me. I’m open to ideas that I may be missing that will help me regain my strength and have a shield that doesn’t tire me out

Thank you. Do you have familiarity with creating shields that don’t exhaust to use and hold up? I am struggling with holding a shield all day in the midst of all of this


Thanks for sharing where I can find this! I will check out gumroad

No need to create shields when you have Captain’s shields :slight_smile:


What everyone above said. Even if it might not make perfect sense atm.

As said above, you don’t need to create and hold a shield yourself. Search around the forum and see what shields/protections are available, a couple of listens should be enough. Even better, wear a mandala. This should be a prerequisite even to clearing, since as long as you’re not shielded, they can keep coming back, and you can come across negative energy just about everywhere, irrelevant of physical location. Voodoo Detangled (Patreon) also has a protecting effect in itself, but you might benefit from fields that target various kinds of intrusions.
Also, it might be possible that in the beginning, the fields would feel a bit exhausting, until your system clears, as a lot of them can have a clearing effect as well.
As things can possibly get intense as you’re removing f*ers from your life, please also use Grounding to make sure you can handle the influx of energies and that you keep your feet on the ground and don’t get swept up by what’s happening.
If you find that you’re still feeling drained, try Jing and Chi from

When you feel like you’re being shielded and/or consistently handling the fields well (daily shielding and grounding), you’re going to move into (trauma) healing fields, like the revision ones. There is no rush. Keep your cool. You’re in control. You’ve got it.

Your approach of healing the vulnerabilities is great. But do first create some protection around you so you don’t have to keep getting distracted with the new damage.

A couple more shields/protection:


There’s also a couple of decently-priced shields here when you feel up for it.

There is also a St. Michael mandala, if someone can find it and link it.


Here is the free one in case anyone wants it too


I was looking for the unedited one (square), as (when I researched about this), it seemed like these should not be edited :man_shrugging:
But still. Still. Thank you :slight_smile:


Check this servitor, this may be useful

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You all are insanely wonderful, thank you! I have been looping all of your suggestions today. Lunamoon, that combination is a great help. The Angelic Intercession gave me lots of hope that I will begin to feel like me again. It also gave me a buffer between myself and others around me.

While I was listening to the Lucky album on my way home, I felt the push to walk into some local stores and ask if they were hiring. When I was headed to the second place, a ladybug landed on my hat just below my visor and in my line of sight. The first ladybug I’ve seen in my area. We have hummingbirds and praying matis’s… lady bug is a first :slight_smile:

The woman in the store was so pleasant and kind and emphasized she was looking forward to receiving my resume.

I got home and pulled out my laptop to edit my resume for this position then was hit with a block… couldn’t focus. Felt a hard wall and external thoughts of wanting to give up, had dread, doubts about my experience lining up with what she’s looking for etc. So, ChillDude and DavidBert44, I bought Booted Bhoots and I am currently feeling everything being yanked and pulled out of me. Felt a little nausea at first, too. Now I really see why everything felt like a strain… there was a ton of crud in my mental space. Will repeat it…

Next, I will attune the shields to an item and use the cards/servitor, noname, zea, Star and ap30 also. I’ll try the curse removal when I have the funds. I can see how the shielding is necessary, and how I’ve kept an open door for others without one… this has also uncovered a false belief for me that says I don’t have a right to my personal space…which is also what makes it difficult to enforce the boundary

Thank you :) I feel supported in this and your support makes me feel like I can (scratch that… will) get through it.


Will update…