¡Mass Meditation For A Better World! 💫

Mass Meditations 1st and 2nd May

Thanks for having voted. Here are the schedules for this week’s meditations:

:stop_sign: NOTE: Saturday meditations will be dedicated to India :india:

Saturday 1st May

:india: The first meditation will begin at 7 am GMT and last 3 hours.

:india: The second meditation will begin at 6 pm GMT and last 4 hours.

Sunday 2nd May

The third meditation will begin at 9 am GMT and last 3 hours.

:arrow_forward: The fourth meditation will begin at 9 pm GMT and last 4 hours.

You can join at any moment and stay as long as you wish:

Before the meditation(s), you can listen to one or more of the “warm-up” fields recommended by _OM :bouquet::

Another reminder by Uial :teddy_bear::

And of course, you can also listen to the stream any day/any time (even as “background music”) and still reap + spread the benefits for yourself, your environment and our planet :earth_africa:

Anybody no. 11::wave:t2: Sapien Med folks! Wow, more than 100 sessions already?? And you’re doing this every week automatically. How come? I’m kinda jealous… :unamused: Speaking of jealousy, I tried to pirate even the meditation stream to add it to my own channel :pirate_flag: = :nauseated_face: :-1:t2: :put_litter_in_its_place: but then listened to The Grace of Angels and Saints and had a conscience upheaval… So now I’m here only driven by genuine curiosity :man_shrugging:

Sapien Medicine community’s answer:

Puhahaaaaaa!! :joy: :joy: :joy: Ah dude, if you only knew… Hasn’t been easy at all! Looooooooong family story, maaaan… But here’s a summary for you:


Once upon a time, a poetic gangsta decided to light a flame :candle: with the dreamiest matches ever.

And a meditative braveheart wanted to keep carrying the torch, calling on all of us.

His enthusiasm was contagious. Lucky us, we always received high-class and muscled support.

Somehow it was written in the air…

Brainstormers kept adding new features each week…

… seconded by pro-masters of organization and exactitude, who systematized everything for us.

Well yes, there have been some imbroglios from time to time… literally.

(insert temporary fights, permanent hugs :revolving_hearts:)

… but it mostly remained very Chironean: healers healed themselves and one another, week after week.

Frenchie and Italian chefs :man_cook: :man_cook: did promote chef-d’œuvre recipes…

… for distinguished birthday parties :tada:

We even hosted celebrities, at times…

… and very special guests from sweeter kingdoms too.

Always keeping it evidence-based:

Because after all:

And most importantly:

Priceless bonus: seeing him happy…

So just press the play button and join us. Anytime.