Mass Meditations 2.0 Testimonials šŸŒ

I feel like people become kinder and more compassionate. Of course not all, but many according to my observations.
I live in not very good city, but I feel like the city is literally coming to life and being purified, it gets brighter.
My connection with nature has also strengthened and renewed I believe.
I compassionate plants more and want to hug themā€¦ I had such a connection only with animals. Also, in my opinion, all nature is shining, the color of life is changing.
I see the Divinity everywhere. The atmosphere at my school is also slowly changing for the better


I started yesterday and will continue to do this from now onwards. As soon as I get to work and log onto my laptop I start streaming the YouTube video and play it softly throughout the day. I wish I could play it much louder as the tracks are really beautiful but we do have to answer the switchboard and chat with parents and staff that pop in. Nevertheless it creates a lovely and uplifting office.

Every now and then I pause what I am doing and tune in for a couple of minutes while I stare out at the window and give thanks for being so blessed. I love how this is affecting me and am thrilled it is also affecting my environment. My admin block feels lighter. Everyone seems to be a lot more happy and chirpier.

Our little school has always been a warm and inviting happy place. It is awesome to know that the energy will ripple across our campus and affect every child, staff member and the school grounds itself. Today is technology day. Parents have brought in old cameras, computers, typewriters, etc. plus we have all the modern equipment on display. Just a way to show the young ones how far we have advanced in terms of technology. I had a walk around and can definitely feel a sense of excitement and a nice buzz in the air. Such a beautiful time to be alive!


After letting this play for an hour in the living room while doing everything and anything else than meditating, I ran some errands and when I came back homeā€¦ the air itself felt somehow lifted. Pure. The apartment feltā€¦ more welcoming.

Iā€™ve sampled most of the free ambient fields and one of the paid ones (The Plasma Flower) and this is just wow.


I have been very very busy this week, ending up a big cycle for me, that I feel has been triggered & accelerated by the field.

I should drop a nice testimonial by this weekend.

Besides the Discord group, thank you everyone for all the testimonials left already :green_heart:


10 days testimonial:

Besides its actual power (my crown and heart exploded over the first listen :grin:), rarely a field had such a profound impact on my reality in such a short amount of time.

I have had some unusual experiences, such as on the first day where I could feel the aliveness of nature and its gratitude towards us.

But more importantly, it abruptly ended a big cycle for me, I had an incredible amount of synchronicities all week and I had many people in my circles reporting ā€œweirdā€ events all along.

I have been at an intense job for the last 7 month. I knew since days one this was the right place for me to be at, with specific lessons I needed to integrate.

A job with a purpose on my path.
But also a job, where I knew I wouldnā€™t stay for too long.
Some things needed to unfold first, and I felt I had 3-6 more month to go.

The field was released on Thursday night.
This Monday I woke up with the knowingness that ā€œtoday is the day I am quitting this jobā€ (wtf)

Insecurities creeped in (ā€œhow about this, and thisā€) and strong synchronicities comforted this intuition.

I shared to my Boss in the evening that I wanted to leave and we should find a win-win, then flew the day after to our office in Barcelona for a get-together with the team that was planned for a few weeks.

We aligned on next steps & strategy, and when I announce it on Wednesday morning to my team, to my surprise, I received nothing but Love & Support.

Then curious stuff kept happening, such as colleagues describing how they had big changes in their reality those last days (new opportunities, inspirations, break up, etc.)

And all week I had an immense amount of synchronicities to comfort me in my choice, up until all fear disappeared, despite the uncertainty about what is next for me right now.

Thank you Dream for this amazing creation :pray::heart::sparkles:

Ps: Iā€™ll repeat it over and over, but donā€™t forget to ground yourself if you use that field for too long :deciduous_tree:
(had a light detox on the 2nd or 3rd day because I had forgotten this)


Bonus: I had been so focused on some projects, I had forgotten how I had set up my Solidifier two month ago:

(a friend reminded it)

Hard not to think that this field may be one important step towards this goal.


My dreams have become more vivid since beginning to listen to this field with yall :)

I was starting to lose all memory of dreams sadly in the recent months ā€¦ happy to see them back :)


I came across this speech by Mia Mottley and felt the need to share.
It is a brilliant speech, even though it was given at the COP27 World Leaders Summit it is very much directed at each and everyone of us.
I wanted to share it with all of you but didnā€™t know where to post it. I thought this thread would the best thread to reach the majority. If this is the wrong thread please let me know and I will delete my post.


I personally think this is a great place to share such things, we participate in those mass meditations to have a positive impact on such leaders, and ultimately on the decisions they will take for our planet.

Thanks for sharing Jenny :blush:


I have worked a lot those last days on my connection with the Arc Light, Black Panther and the Jaguar Totem.

This time, instead of offering Discord friends to join, I felt to go for a ā€œsolo meditationā€ with those new connections I am working on. I invited them to join, but also asked if they you could invite some of their friends to join the party.

This was among the most profound mass meditation I had with the field since its release.
(the first two days activations and unfoldings after the release were too ā€œcrazyā€, this is impossible to compare).

I felt a lot of activations, but also I could literally feel those friends of friends being happy to join the party to help Earth ascend.

Divinely Incarnated helped me greatly with this field btw, as lately even 3min of it would kill my grounding.

This time I felt how the Earth is supporting me to stay stable with such high energies, with her subtle presence (as an entity), with the links created with Divinely Incarnated and more specifically some energy entering my feets (unusual where Iā€™m at now).


This is my compilation of experiences through my daily meditations no matter how long or short

I believe this can be used for more than manifesting, blockage removing, and cleansing

It may replace many simple fields if you put your focus on whatever you wish. Thereā€™s so many things you can do!

Use case examples:

  1. Praying / meditating / setting intentions for others for any reason that encourages growth, healing
  2. Manifesting for abundance
  3. Shadow work
  4. Self love practices
  5. Environmental harmony
  6. Promoting more peace for the others in the area
  7. Clearing negativity and raising vibrations of the area and you
  8. Recharging after a long day
  9. Improving psychic abilities
  10. Asking for help for any particular reason that is for the betterment of yourself and/or others
    And the list goes on

:star2: Oct 17 (The beginning) 2022

I teared up at one point close to the 1 hr mark. I felt this bliss-ness and uplift that i havenā€™t felt before. It was a feeling similar being told this saying ā€œEverythingā€™s going to be alright, Dearestā€

Oct 23

Iā€™ve been having this subtle sensation(s) along my spine from top of my head down to my tailbone (sitting). Itā€™s as if thereā€™s a pulsating beam / column of light from cosmos to root. When i use my intent to unify above and below the energy i drag/move/flow from my heart to top of my head to sky and from my heart down to the core of earth. Itā€™s more intense when i start playing Love Graviton
Im feeling where the damage is ā€¦ but im not sure what kind of issue, if any, it is

Intuitively guided to listen to Symmetrical Body and it seems to help and ill add spinal tapper. Intent: aligning and balancing chakras, not just spine

Oct 25

I noticed that as new people join in, i subtly feel any form of possible issues they have (since i have intent to connect at that levelā€¦) and work to ā€˜collaborateā€™ energetically on grounding

Oct 28

I tend to have this feeling of cherishing what we have here
I slept with the stream on and had many realizations about my current situation which helped me realize what needs to be transmuted and actions i can taken for myself to not ā€˜tolerateā€™ any more things that i know that i donā€™t deserve

Oct 30

Been having more dreams lately but been having trouble remembering them so iā€™ll figure out how i could grasp them

Later on dreams became much more vivid and easy to remember.

Nov 5

Try Inner Beauty mandala with Mass Meditation field

Lots of release and realizations in terms of self acceptance

Nov 19

Idk how but as iā€™ve been playing Mass Meditation livestream for the past hour, iā€™m suddenly drawn to look into Morphic Fields info / books / research, even Rupert Sheldrake books

Nov 23 2022

Today was quite a heavy day for me. My energy levels and mood were quite low and i had to flex my will to get through the day and public places. Returning to the stream helped tremendously with my recharging process and it feels like iā€™m more cleansed.
I recommend for those that get tired (feel like their energy is leaking) or have experience with lower vibrational emotions. Work on lower dantien, root chakra (sacral + solar), healing the aura or etheric body, soul restoration


Something I shared on Discord, but I feel could be a benefit here as well.

Most of our forum is about spirituality, and a major aspect of it is transcendence.

To me the Mass Med field may be one the most potent field to date for it.
The more I understand & ā€œintegrateā€ that field at the being level, the more it feels like cheat code.

Hard to explain the Transcendence part. Except perhaps the knowingness that this is directly influencing our karma, and while we give a massive boost to the system, it gives back tenfold.


Regarding factual experiences, I actually had a nice one the other day.

I visited a physiotherapist friend, that is also clairvoyant and applies energy healing when called to.

While in the waiting room, I meditated on the Mass Med field with the intent to pour blessings onto the place. Once we started the session, he shared he never or rarely assisted to so much presences participating to a healing.

Connect with some of you in 2h, or whenever this fits you best :hugs:


A bit of positivity as the weekend is approaching :blush:


This is a minor testimonial compared to others.

I have a small meditation practice that I canā€™t always keep but when I can I do it. So I feel like I fall out of sync with it any time I stop and it takes me a while to get in sync again when I return.

Recently I started over again and I didnā€™t feel the same. The energy mis-match with the practice wasnā€™t there. And I was listening to Mass Meditation meanwhile.

So, I think the field has a lot of sub-fields related to mantras, praying, meditation, spiritual practices in general.

Keeps you in sync with good energies and energies of deities, masters of the past, etc.

I did listen to this every dayā€¦sometimes as the only field. Or one of the few, as I havenā€™t been able to play my playlist every day.

So this is a nice way to keep your ā€œprogressā€ with fields and even practices you have.

I dunno if it is the field or just me, but Iā€™ve also avoided hurting plants and insects as much as I could (quite difficult given my job).

Also Iā€™m in a slightly negative environment and I feel like this field is saving me every time that something bad could happen.


I was waiting for inspiration to kick in, but it finally felt that this testimonial needs to come from my experience.

After weeks of daily meditation with that field, and some slight pauses before due to external events, I am convinced the Mass Meditation field is the ultimate manifestation field among all the fields we have available.

I would recommend anyone to read the script again: Mass Meditation for a Better World 2.0 šŸŒ - #56 by Borisju

Be reminded about two aspects:

  • It has a strong intercession aspect.
  • In this reality, when we give we receive.

Challenge this sharing, and probable belief, by experiencing it yourself.

Give requests to the field, be clear about your needs and take action steps on the blessings and manifestations.


Since the release of this field in October 2022, my life has taken a crazy turn.

I wonā€™t get into details for obvious privacy reasons on a public forum, but I have grown tremendously into all aspects of life: relationships, health, spirit, career, purpose, intellect, etc.

With the transformation process of course still ongoing.


Love you all.


And a big appreciation for @Divine_Lotus and Tsuki (on Discord) for unconsciously bringing me back to the field with their attitude & commitment, when my focus was temporarily elsewhere :green_heart:

Ps: whether this is synchro or asynchro, we always love to see/feel new members joining us. Lately there has been a lot of newcomers in the shadow, and this is definitely appreciated.


Update: after quite some experimentations, it feels I was wrong about that and it may actually be the Solidifier at the time being, due to its focus.

Though the combo Mass Med + Solidifier :ok_hand:


Sweet testimonial :pray:

In the meantime, the field remains available on Vimeo right here: (select the 2nd or 3d video :slight_smile:)


Two great ways to use that powerful field:

  • Set a conscious intent to be empty and allow whatever energy to channel through you, so you can emit & receive whatever Earth and its inhabitants need right now.
  • Have a focused intent on specific events / species / countries / even a business if you wish / etc. you would like to benefit right now.

It may be pretty subtle at first, but with attention & focus you should feel a vibration of love and some knowingness that you are benefitting whatever you are focusing on.

For those that may have forgotten, here is a reminder of the content of the field: Mass Meditation for a Better World 2.0 šŸŒ - #56 by anon32464289

A lot, but carefully & harmoniously crafted by Dream.


With this mandala I managed to improve my Breathing, so itā€™s Good for Asthma, Allergies, etc.