Scam / Counterfeit Reports Thread for Sapien Medicine

The sheer volume of new users that come straight to the NFT threads looking for audio.

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Guys please dont forget to link this report thread and / or the NFT guidelines (depending on if it’s NFT related or Gumroad) as some people are honestly misinformed or misled and may have not done their research.

It’s a good idea not to be so quick in assumptions / judgement on labeling and still stand your ground on informing with reference no matter what situation they claim to be in. 'Guilt tripping’ should not be tolerated.

Especially when they feel that it seems right -because it appears to be done in good faith - to see sites with ‘free’ (it’s actually pirated. And originally is not free, so it won’t work.) uploads and then downloading from them to share.

Downloading content ‘for free’ off of ‘pirated content’ then attempting to trade or sell or freely share such things is not right / fair for everyone else who have put in honest work / money to earn them. That is considered a form of blackmarketing (prices rather than taxes) / bootlegging


Hmm, I have an idea and we can discuss to see if its fair or not.

Only users at the member level can do trades. I know some of you have been here a while and done many trades and are reliable without being ‘member’ and you can message me privately and I can perhaps raise you to member.

As for selling, I’d prefer not to limit new users from buying. I know that sometimes you got what you needed from an NFT and would like to sell and being limited to only members would limit customer potential. But perhaps new NFTs can only be sold to members.

It’s very likely that some of the people that are doing these nefarious things are unactive ulor new users that sre just popping up to buy or trade. It’s not always the case of course as we certainly have lurkers who are just trying to get NFTs. But there’s also the possiblity that it’s a trusted member who is spreading around these things. And I certainly have that in mind.

It’s very possible these counterfeit groups are all chipping in to buy high priced NFTs to then upload them/share them around.


Yes, please do that first. Give that courtesy. Not everyone knows our rules and it’s not safe to outrightly assume that someone is doing some nefarious when they might just not know how these things work.




I think we should not tie the level of trustworthiness to the member status only. Because there are some suspicious folks here who have the member status and have been long time forum members, e.g. the mentioned person above: Profile - youknowwhattimeitis - Sapien Medicine

I really like the “people vouch for people” voting idea that @Divine_Lotus suggested:

With that, everyone can see who vouched for whom.
Then everyone can make up their own mind whom they are going to trust by how much.

I don’t think we need any special integration for that.
Just a thread and one post per user.
In their posts everyone will list the usernames (tagging them) of those users whom they consider trustworthy, suspicious or scammers.
For example:

< JAAJ’s post >

According to my experience:

Trustworthy Trading Partners: @Divine_Lotus @SammyG etc.

Suspicious Forum Users: @youknowwhattimeitis

Scammers: @Spritualplayboy

One such post per user.
Then people can user the search function to check the whole thread and see how many and how vouched for whom.


The file size and audio length is info that is not needed when doing transactions and the field having an effect for you. When bought from an authentic source this is not something to be concerned about, so it is irrelevant. You must buy it from our official websites and from people who truly own it and bought fair and square.


Brandondave. This user i quoted has a similar username as the user that got banned (“Brandondave835”) btw @Baya

Idk why the user copied that if it’s not the same person. But yeah be careful for impersonations


I can promise you we’re not the same person :+1: I have no intention to scam anyone, I wouldn’t gain anything from it.

Many thanks


please look into this @Divine_Lotus




It’s like a big promotion for them unless we’re encouraged otherwise by admins


When was this? Because i gave a warning idk if they’re still doing these things

How are so many falling for these individuals?

Its pretty apparent:

  • New account.
  • barely got any badges.
  • Only speak about private audios
  • Leave no testimonials in threads (yet got all the audios they can offer you)
  • You’ll only find them in buying/selling threads
  • Haven’t offered anything to the community or even bothered asking questions
  • suffers from unfortunate circumstances that prevent XYZ.
  • asked you to take your chats to telegram/WhatsApp
  • doesn’t understand how NFTs work or morphic fields (think every energy work online is the same)

It is not about shaming them or anything like that but letting them know it’s wrong and having faith they’ll recognize and stop performing those actions.


Bring any extra comments, ideas, suggestions in Feedback for Scam / Counterfeit Reports Thread


User name: Joel

Name: Evans Osenat

Has a hidden profile

They “sold” project HPGE for $300 and pocketed the money. I thought it was kind of weird how they have me the audio first but waited to transfer the NFT. I had given them the benefit of the doubt at first and thanked them for that. Eventually, I had realized a couple of missed red flags (like saying Venly instead of Phantom, not knowing USD is the same as Dollars). I was too trusting in them.

They are out of order but have message times.


If you allow, I can use the Justice NFT to help bring the thief to justice?


I think that’s a great idea, collectively, using our nfts, we may for once those who think they can here thieve with no consequences, teach a good lesson.

Hopefully he will agree.


Yeah, everyone who has Justice NFT, Angelic Intercession+ NFT, or any Deity NFT can ask for justice to be brought to the respective case.

If the whole collective of users does this, with combined efforts, this will be an unstopable force.

Probably one Sekhmet or Kali NFT would be already enough – now imagine what several of them and from many users would at once can do!


Sulis Minerva should work too.