Some fields for slight back annoyance

Hello all, I moved some stuff today and some of the stuff was really heavy I can feel a bit of annoyance not pain in the lower back. What fields is good to relieve my back?

Probably stem cells followed by all the search results for massage or relief.

Pick one of the following or try them all.

The Breathe of The Belly (Belly Breathing Trainer)
Bone and Organ Breathing
Plasma Protocol 1
New Audio - Hyperbaric Compressor
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Increase Oxygen)
The Plasma Flaunt

and do a 90/90 split

ensure your whole back is on the floor.

grab a ballon or put some weight on your stomach to bring your awareness to your belly. begin to diaphragmatically breathing. you would soon see the tension in your lower back do it a few times a day if possible (10 min a session) It’s truly powerful and this 1 ‘exercise’ (which is not really) has decreased my knee pain massively over the last 2 months along with regaining upper body mobility.



Try Root chakra from QI or Sapien (Quite effective for lower back pain)
++ Sacral one

How about some beautiful smart reiki?

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Also this one:


Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage

I have used it the past couple of days. Do you think the lower back annoyance is dangerous? I can still move and do stuff but I can still feel it a bit

Hello, I don’t know. I am not a doctor.

Use kidney healing fields too.