Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack)

Hey yo mates I need advice for a new playlist please!
At the beginning of may I write my exams and still dont started to learn.
So I wanna change my current playlist which gives me fast results in a short time.
Thats my current playlist

  • BOL (Blueprint) + Negentropic Jing

My question is which audios should I replace or add?
The playlist should not necessarily be bigger than its now.
I would like to keep BOL, Ojas, Five Elemts, Blarney and Parental Love in my list

Can you suggest me a new playlist with the most important brain fields, please?

Master of brain @Dr_Manhattan can I ask for your advice PLEASE :pray:
My question is up there :point_up:

Allô ? Hm… yes… yes… Unfortunately I’m not in the profession anymore but I’m sure my colleagues will gladly accept your case.

@anyone, feel free to help him


why havent you started to learn? :P
Sit down and start learning…

stop procrastination
unlimited willpower
and SLR in the morning, you can add nullify/amplify planetary effects as well in the morning (as youre getting ready etc)

i dont know your routine, you can have your normal day then…
and philip wrote to use gamma brainwave while studying. If you need, play unlimited willpower + stop procrastinating again before you sit down to study.

And make a basic brain stack and use that 1x a day too.


@MonkeyOwl I was sure, even hoped it would be you who’d answer… You rock :metal:t2:


I dont started because Im not interested in my apprenticeship anymore and Its difficult for me learning for something where Im not interested in :man_shrugging:
Can I use Chariot instead of unlimited willpower? Chariot is after all for willpower too!

I think this would be a great help :+1:

Thats not a problem



  • Permanent Brain Enhancement
  • Superhuman Genius
  • Brainwork
  • Brain Regenaration

This should be going well?


Cant find Gamma Wave on gumroad I use instead alpha wave

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Maybe something like this?

ISIRB and RBM3 2x
Superhuman Genius 1x
Brainwork 2x (Brainwork instead of PBE since it’s better)
Enpp6 3x
Brain Reg 1x


I know you haven’t started because you’re not interested, I know that feeling, I’ve been there :slight_smile:
However you have 2 choices - either you quit if you have a better plan, or you take a deep breath and start learning. The later you start, the harder it is going to be… and after a certain point no amount of field will make it less stressful for you.
So I suggest to start as soon as you can. just sit down and do it. It’s the best advice.

I would argue that yes, procrastination is the problem. You can call it lack of motivation, it’s the same thing really in this case - meaning when it’s something you HAVE to do anyway.

You can use Chariot for willpower, or you can use both.

Yeah Philip wrote already a lot of advice about the brain stack. If you have brain growth, that’s great - check out that thread, I remember a discussion what the best stack was using that field.


Well… it’s completely different.
I think gamma is the one you can download for free.


I think its on patreon?


Ahh yes, could be…


On patreon


Oh I do :D but its not really financially secure

Guess you right I add this too

Hmm… I can cancel Gamma because I dont use patreon

But I think marauder´s suggestion is enough :muscle:

Well, thank you @marauder and @MonkeyOwl Im grateful that you both took the time and helped me out :grin:
I thank you too my friend @Dr_Manhattan



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I think this is the “perfect brain stack” : shorter, simpler, faster results.

Part I: Primer
Acetylcholine (3 times)
Superhuman genius (1-2h)
BDNF (2 times)

Part II: Pump
Alchemical blend
Hydrogen (drinking lots of water)
Nitric oxide

Part III: Work
Brain growth or conceptual or synesthesia or visual processing

So, less fields, notably TDCS which is gone, a shorter and surer path to “Da Pump” etc…
About the pump: you may want to altern Alchemical blend and hydrogen to really dose. They add a different pressure. So a M-state only pump will differ to a hydrogen only pump, if that makes sense.
If you’re already overwhelmed by the M-state you might discover that you can withstand less hydrogen. Same thing for the nitric oxide that comes next, so try to find your zone. I personally go back to the pump phase a second time after a 3-4h to start again with the “work”.

About the Hydrogen, in my opinion it’s better to drink the water and listen on an empty stomach. For those you want optimal results they’ll have to consider that and maybe switch it with the alchemical blend or another step.

Maybe I will add some other observations if I forgot one.
You’re free to try, share your results and even improve it.

Brain regeneration is still a thing

The alchemical pump feels to me like a horizontal pressure line in the middle of the brain from front to back.
The Hydrogen one feels like a global pressure flowing around the brain.
The nitric oxide push feels deeper :man_shrugging:

I also feel more mindful with this stack even if I have a stronger pump. The previous stack would give me a lower quality pump and leave me a little overstimulated.


Thanks for writing this out, please don’t delete it :pray::pray:

May have convinced me to get the alchemical blend


ayo, visual processing and superhuman genius and youll read like sonic runs
thanks :pray:
you take in the words like a sponge and understand them, even when your reading speed is acceralated and faster than you are used to, but you get used to it the more you read




yes, it gets better tho, the more you brain grow already the better it can take more growth, it has space too you know or I dont know how the brain works, well I dont but whatever :smiley: