Wow! Thanks for the bump @lanos and for your your experience @Atreides… Took me on a wave of energetic sensations of these crystals!
I could definitely echo the intuitive clarity that comes with Azurite! Aventurine also smoothes out any bumps in the nerves, helps a lot with creating a relaxed flow of movement, and brings out a significant strength that seems to pair well with Azurite.
But because you guys bumped this thread, I just had to go to Spotify and get a round of these!
Selenite for me has always been a companion on many nights. Sometimes you just need this very simple healing energies, a cleanse of everything, a fresh start.
I was laying down on bed just getting ready to sleep and suddenly I just noticed myself smiling out of nowhere! Something in the air felt a lot thinner, and it was like I had a lot of voices reaching out to me. They weren’t audible, but they were absolutely thrilled I’m now able to hear their messages. It was as if these spirits had been passing their messages very cheerfully to me, and by the time I realized what was happening, we had already been deep in conversation that I didn’t think anything was going on!
So I looked at my phone to see what the heck just happened haha and I look to see the angelic Blue Celestite playing!
It’s a beautiful crystal that is used in enhancing psychic communication and specially with angels.
Next came a crystal that I particularly enjoy, for many reasons actually, I like the fields that come with their own ‘lyrics’
Green Florite is one of these fields, the singing voice, the lyrics, the flow of the notes with the sensations of crystals. Now this one has really carried me through a lot… The calling for the sunshine… the stuck moments… the continuous epiphany moments… The change, the light he sees in the end, chooses to see and continues to see.
“Stuck between the seasons;
My way of being is changing to the beat.
Sunshine just a little sunshine…
I could see my path now I could finally breathe;
I’m changing once again, once again.”
I used to think it’s dream voice and lyrics but now I kinda feel Sam has a hand in that haha
Anyway beautiful bedtime round, I’m so happy you guys bumped these beauties. I still use some of these from time to time, charge some water or some candles, or when nothing is really working and I just need a flush of clarity Amethyst finds its way in… But experiencing these one by one is something I truly missed!