How to Create Great Stacks

Interesting with a day break - anyone else applying that rule and can compare how it feels resultwise before you started taking a break versus after?


I would add Spiritual Growth States of Being - Sapien Medicine Album somewhere at the beginning and

Schuman Resonance - Sapien Medicine at the end for extra grounding and detoxing


Anyone who used/uses Golden Elixir for charging water/drinks, can you, please, share your experiences?

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Iā€™ve done it a few times but donā€™t have anything to report. Itā€™s probably better than plain water.

Regularly listening to the field is something else though. I could feel it in my overall energy levels and mood. I canā€™t go without now.

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Your question might receive more applicable answers if you asked it in the thread where thatā€™s fieldā€™s users are. (You can quote from this thread over in that thread. This would help our forum friends to see the broader context Iā€™m which those quotes were made.)


Maybe it was my imagination, but the water I charged with the field tastes a little bit sweet(ish) or something, anything else, idk.

Thank you for the idea. I will do it.


welcome back @anon73693188 !!


Very helpful post! Thank you :blush:

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Ever since fully reading this post a little over 2 weeks ago, I began incorporating these primers, boosters, and distributors.

I donā€™t think I realized just how strong KQC would be. Perhaps I underestimated it. As stated above Iā€™ve been using the primers and boosters along with KQC every day for the last 15 or so days.

Today I played a lot of fields. Some more than once loop. I slept a lot last night yet when I got back home from a very easy and short work day, I felt the need to nap. Napped for over 2 hours. Now I still feel groggy and am just laying on my couch, almost feeling somewhat pre-feverish. Granted itā€™s been a very hot day but I canā€™t attribute anything else to this state of exhaustion other than the KQC accumulation effects and the vast amount of various physical fields I played today.

Has anyone else experienced the above symptoms?

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sorry what is KQC?

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Thats new for me. I usually listen to Subconccious Limit Removal before each stackā€¦

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Would you be able to help us out @anon73693188 :white_heart:

Would this be a great organized stack for someone with health issues?


Donā€™t forget The Welcomed

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Sure. Let me finish something im doing and ill come back to assist you

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I think its great, id just put Mana Circuits to Prime then KQ to be ready to receive and deliver all the other ones thatd be played after then the rest how you put them.

If you dont have The Welcomed then maybe add SLR just in case the person is very blocked or rejecting healing without knowing. With all those powerful audios im sure it wouldnt be hard.

SLR or original Crucible actually

If after 2 weeks there is not improvement at all then add the Welcomed and put it after KQ before BoL. Then the others


Is it okay if I add an unrelated physical audio to a healing stack? Like have a healing stack addressing just detox and then a breast enhancement audio? Would it make the enhancement less effective? And would it be okay after Iā€™m done listening to detox stack to move to one just focused on skin and keep the breast enhancement one? Or would it make the stacks ineffective / confusingā€¦


I personally prefer and its what has given me the best results, to create stacks per aim and wait a couple of hours to play a different issue/desire list, even if that new stack has only 1 field.


With this being the case

ā€œThese audios, enhance the audios played after them (from experience up to 6 or 7),ā€

It would be best practice to put a booster in your stack every 6-7 fields right? Providing its long enough to warrant that (like an overnight loop for example)

wonā€™t the aura deep clearing one clears out the uplifters then as it removes anything from 3 hours ago? or you probably meant to wait after the uplifter?

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