In more general terms, your Higher Self is the ‘spirit’ part of body, soul, and spirit. It’s you in the Spiritual Realms, outside of time and space.
i like this idea! i have an idealized earth version and spiritual version of myself and i have a feeling my higher self gave me a glimpse of how much fun they’re having and what i’ll eventually experience.
no offense taken as i enjoyed both yours and @Samurai 's answers. i already have an idea of what my higher self means to me and who they are when i’m in a better feeling state.
most of those questions were to also ask on behalf of those who are interested in this topic (and admittedly my ‘ego’ and impatience fueled a bit of it haha).
Establishing a strong connection to, trust of, and cooperation with your Higher Self is extremely rewarding and strongly recommended.
It’s the foundation of purpose and meaning in life, and brings untold, overflowing blessings to human life.
Why not interact with the version of you that already sees and understands everything, and only wants whats best for you, as understood from this higher perspective?
Let’s be optimistic
Here’s an article about the Higher Self written by Dreamweaver’s teacher, Dale Power:
Here are a couple of threads containing previous discussions about the Higher Self:
Here’s a beautiful analogy @_OM has written about the Higher Self, perhaps something to provide one perspective to this discussion. It’s an analogy I’ve often used as well.
(Keep in mind these descriptions of the Higher Self are all merely words and analogies for an ineffable concept.)
Edit: Here are a few more posts by @_OM related to the Higher Self.
We would have to determine what the higher self is first of all.
Could we in some way have a power to convince our higher self into something what we want?
Regardless of all the mental “technicalities” over whether the Higher Self is individualized/collective etc,…
your HS, above all wants one’s happiness.Again, view it as “you”, far in the future, (or outside the time stream), trying to lead you to your ideal, happiest destination.
That’s gonna take several lifetimes and hundreds of thousands of experiences but it’s already there, technically, in that “state”/place.
On top of that, it wants the “you” that’s believes it is “separate” to get “there” with “it” as fast as possible.
It truly only has one’s best interests at heart.That said, it values Free Will above all, so if one truly wants to do something that it knows is bad for you, it will allow it.
And then, when your life falls to pieces and everything goes to shit, it will still be there, unjudging, giving you advice via intuition on how to get back on track to your “ideal, happiest” destination
When I play the crown chakra audio, I DO feel connected with everything around me.
So play the crown chakra audio for now instead.
“wiser, more psychic side that operates based on our existing knowledge,
and its designed to keep you going so it will tell you whatever you need to hear at the time”.
Almost like it’s “in the future”/outside the time stream and already knows what can happen given all possible choices?
And it both values free will and wants to get “you” where “you” want to be as fast as possible?lol again, same concepts, just using different words to express an ineffable concept.
But srs, have you used that field? What do you think
I already have a very strong and open “connection” with my Higher Self, so that field doesn’t make me a good case study.
not the future collective evolved freak thing.
Sigh…when you take my analogies to literally.
Use whatever works for you. Period. If one calls it Inner Self, Higher Self, the Self, Over Soul, 5D Self, etc does it change what it IS or what it does?
@_OM Is the guidance from Intercession 2.0 similar to the Higher Self Connection guidance? I’m getting that one as I’d like a field that will help me with my decision making.
Sure I suppose it is. But you’d be getting the guidance straight from the horse’s mouth with HS. That could be a good thing or bad thing depending. Sometimes you want a slightly different perspective on an issue ie. non-HS guidance/help.
You mean we need to have strong connection and conceptual knowledge to discern the actual truth? You people didn’t had a contradicting opinion because you have all received the similar set of information? And more or less interpreted the information in the same way?
I’m not sure it has anything to do with “conceptual thinking”
(If it does, I have asked DW to work on a field that would resolve that)
I think it has more to do with having a better bullshit meter. ie the ability to spot misinformation whether from human, entity, teaching, or whatever.I’ve had it my whole life and quickly learned that most others did NOT have it as, even as a child, I watched adults seemingly not “get” what was perfectly obvious to me.
I don’t know how DW and Sammy would intepret it as.
I would say that it involves having a good connection with one’s higher self, because at the end of the day, all higher selves pretty much have the same “opinion” when it comes to “stuff” on this plane.
It may sound slightly different depending on the person, era, topic but it’s going to have the same concept regardless.
There’s a reason I have chosen the higher self mandala as my avatar.
It’s hopefully so everyone is getting microdoses of higher self and better intuition fields every time they read a post.
If i were to raise my vibration, would that get rid of my ego?
Your ego would have less power upon you. But it wouldn’t get rid of it completely, you need it to a degree, at least on this plane. That’s my understanding of it.
This is true.
Raising vibrations will lesson the ego and bring it under one’s control for the most part but true Enlightenment means a death of the ego (if only for a moment in “real” time).
At this point, one makes the decision to move on or come back to the material planes.This is much like those sci-fi movies where the super powerful/smart robot goes out of control and has to be unplugged before the original “masters” can reset it to do it’s original purpose. Wonder how they got that idea?
If one decides to “come back” then there is an “adjustment” period where the Enlightened being has to literally reprogram the ego. ie. re-learn how to talk, interpret what people are “saying” etc.
This is often why stories of enlightened beings of old had them hiding out in a cave. They literally couldn’t function in normal human society.
This can last several years and often they need someone to “take care” of them…ie remind them to eat, bathe them, etc.You can see this in the story of Ramana Maharshi who spent many years just sitting silently while news of his enlightenment brought students to him.
If you ever meet an Enlightened being, you might notice an interesting affect where it takes them a split second too long to respond to a question.
This is because usually what you are saying makes no “real” sense to them like a normal ego based conversation would.
They literally have to have their Higher Self interpret what the meaning of the words are, and more importantly, the real underlying question that’s being “couched” in ego b.s. and then answer.
The “experienced” ones will make some type of noise or look up or use a trusted student as “interference” to make this not seem so obvious.
You can see this in videos of David R. Hawkins with his wife, Susan.
And it becomes quite obvious when you know what to look for.Dr. David R. Hawkins: Fulfilling Your Purpose in the World
**Okay, here’s the wall of text people have been asking for…
Here are posts by @_OM and Sam (sammyg) in other threads:
I am asking this because I have already seen two people saying this while they had the suicidal thought, “they wanted to leave the physical plane”. And this monk is the third one who had the same experience, who happened to say the same phrase.
It’s called the “Dark Night of the Soul” and one can have several on one’s spiritual path.
In everyday language, many call it “hitting rock bottom”.The ego has such a stranglehold on most people that they don’t start or fully surrender to their “Higher Self” even for a little bit, until they’ve reached a point where they have nowhere else to go because the Ego has run out of “answers.”
Btw - it’s totally avoidable and not “needed” at all, but for many, it’s absolutely needed and unavoidable…lol if that makes sense.
Is that the point where the benevolent or the higher beings or the universal guardians start to guide us in our right path?
It’s the point where one starts actually listening to them instead of ignoring them. They were/are always there.
You either mean the higher Self? or the Beings or guardians?
@Roi In regards to the monk, seems like in facing death, he practically let go of his ego at that moment. In that moment of ego death, he experienced clarity. In that clarity, he knew what he truly wanted to do. The purpose he realized, was probably something he always knew he wanted to do but because of his conditioning over the years, he might have forgotten, never fully realized, or doubted himself, ext…
Also, oftentimes the higher self has its way of leading people through certain experiences to come to these realizations. In darkness, light shines brightest.
As for wanting to die to be a starting point… I wouldn’t say that. It just comes down to deconditioning the ego over time, so that your purpose becomes clear as day to you. Your purpose is clear to the true self that is currently overshadowed by the ego. The reason why the monk and others with near death experiences or even people on a big dose of psychedelics get these huge realizations is due to ego death. That moment of clarity is a doorway to truth.
Wanted to mention that it also varies as well. There are some people whose purpose is to help people and they are about to kill themselves and some beings step in. So there isn’t 1 answer for everything. The ego death example might be a common one but not always the case.
Also, I think everyone here is quite intelligent and have a lot of great wisdom to share. Their wisdom’s as good as mine. Remember that
@Dreamweaver @SammyG How can I distinguish between my Ego voice vs. my Higher self voice?
Meaning, I ask a question or about to do something and I hear an inner voice say no. How do I know if it was coming from my Ego or Higher Self? How can I tell them apart?
I hope my question makes sense.
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
[spoiler]lol who’s old enough to know this saying??[/spoiler]
@_OM There has to be a way to distinguish the two. Is it the energy of the answer?
Well sure… which one “wants it now” and sounds like a 3 year old? lol
Guess which one that is?Remember every cartoon has these characters
The more you listen to one or the other, the “louder” and “clearer” it becomes to hear.
The best way to learn is to consistently meditate (lol that’s my solution to everything eh). The reason I say this is because in meditation, you are observing the ego. You dissociate from it and observe it objectively. You learn it’s voice.
And in learning it’s voice, you learn to know when it’s the ego talking. So it just becomes obvious at that point. Then when your higher self speaks to you, you’ll instantly know it’s not the ego and it’s the higher part of you. Beyond just the words it speaks, the information is also felt in the heart (for me at least) or for you, just might be felt wherever your intuition is most felt.
The higher self’s answers and directions towards the right path are also always sitting there in your mind. Very often, they are very simple and logical answers. But our egos tend to reject them so these simple/logical answers don’t feel right or we feel that there is something more to it, ext…
Ngl, I forgot about this video myself but for people struggling with “connecting” or “understanding” or whatever their Higher Self
Higher Being Experience [The Higher Being Experience] This is a very unique experience, It allows you to experience what it is like to be a being that exists at a spiritual / vibratory level that is ‘higher’ or more fine tuned than yourself. The reason for this video is to provide people who want to be better or evolve or grow into something more than themselves to have a defined goal of where to go or what to aim for. It may be easier to have a clear goal or somewhat of a road map…
honestly i was wondering why no one has mentioned this but only the higher self connection audio
Ohhh my Higher Self… such a strong creature dealing with all my crap, my stubbornness, my rebellion, my old soul that has seen soooo much, my heart that has been broken in million pieces and get itself together again and again… i really admire It lol what a ride. Also f** you HS hahaha joking I love you.
Whenever one says “my higer self…my this… my that”, that’s the ego talking
Be careful that the ego can distort whatever the message is, and it will
No no i never said my hs is my soul or heart or this or that i mean the poor higher self has had to deal with the issues all the other things mentioned have brought which is ego but i wasnt comparing. Read again
I’ve clicked on the reply button to your post, but mine was more a post directed to anyone interested in hs
Just remember, ego is separation and separate self perspective
For anyone familiar with Hindu mythology, is Vishnu the higher self of people like Rama and Krishna?
Btw I just found out that Sammy said in APRIL that a lucid dreaming tag was gonna come to teespring.
Then Dream recently said he submitted a few “designs” aka fields but the weasel shits at teespring didnt accept it or something.
We couldve had subconscious limits removal, lucid dreaming, alien intercession and who knows what else by now.
Gather the spears and axes my brethren, we shall raid the teespring headquarters at once.
But srsly…
For anyone familiar with Hindu mythology, is Vishnu the higher self of people like Rama and Krishna?
Familiar a little but I won’t comment. Just to say that for some reason, I like the analogy that you’ve made, even if the concept of avatar is something different.
ROKU, what do you know about “KITSUNE MANDALA”?
Google Kitsune
I meant if you have knowledge of KITSUNE.
There is not much information. Just a site that “sells spirits” …
I love the analogy too. When it came to me, it made a lot of sense but I don’t know if it’s true. Perhaps @Maoshan_Wanderer or @uial could weigh into this.
They surely would, as well as _OM. Far better than me.
Still, you got me thinking about this for the past few hours :) You’re certainly very familiar with Bhagavad Gita already. Think about the well-known moment when Krishna “fully reveals” to Arjuna…
Krishna (as well as Rama, Matsya, etc. all the avatars or avātara of Vishnu) are already High enough, if I may say so… but more bearable (think about the controversial avatars of Vishnu too…).
While Vishnu is the same Highness, but transcended and somewhat ineffable. Not the sacred guy chewing some tulsi and riding good old Garuda… but more like the VoC field, no? :)
And who is Arjuna anyway? A totally distinct being?..
Briefly said, all this connects to what has been already discussed in those topics, maybe even too much. Like putting HS on a sort of separate pedestal, etc. etc. :))
My 685986 cents.