The Mana Circuits (Super Charged)

I don’t believe so. Just like your physical body a blockage is used to prevent anything bad from happening. Scabs form over wounds to protect the wound, blood clots form to prevent too much bleeding.


Ok thanks, I bought The Mana Circuits field and will put it 2x times in front of my main stacks and my plasma healing stack :pray:


Is this the best field to unblock Meridians or would that be Energy Blockage Removal?

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The Energy Sensitivity one from the Energy Course, to me is the strongest to clear and stimulate the Meridians, then the Enery Auric body repair, Also Acu-Automaton; Energy Blockage Removal works on the chakras.

And something very important that is not talked about to keep well and balanced the flow of Qi along the Meridians is by keeping the 5 elements balanced too

So 5 element balanced from Dream Seeds can help with it.

The Meridians dont get blocked.

Its the flow of Qi that gets blocked along the Meridians

So you can keep the flow well with 5 elements one then stimulate and get “thicker” the Meridians with the other ones mentioned first


Hi @anon51280824, thank you for helping me out. So, essentially I have got a Kundalini Awakening going on, it’s been going on for over 3 years now and for the last few years it’s been only HORROR. I got a lot of tension, pain, etc in my body from clogged-up emotional debris in my energy field. Which is causing a lot of very negative symptoms in regards to my Kundalini.

Been using Energy Auric Body Repair – it’s been wonderful, this one is an absolute must as it replenishes your reservoirs by closing seals and keeps you protected and safe from any drainage while working on your energy body.

Now, been using Acu-Automation but have not felt much from it TBH it does not seem to help.

Energy Blockage Removal works greatly it seems, so do the chakra’s they are clearing out that energy and it’s being released.

But I got a lot of pain not all in chakra areas but meridians that are stuck and a lack of flow in my muscles and tendons and my nervous system that is just stuck and tense from the emotion – for this last issue you say it’s been just to stimulate the 5 elements? Is there audio for this?

I was also thinking of Emotional Release and or Body Primer or Mana Circuits as a substitute for the nervous system aka meridians – what do you think? I want to cover all angels at once and get it done and over with because I’m tired of feeling these headaches, pain, exhaustion, discomfort, unease,etc

And Automatic Grounding too.


Def. Add the 5 elements balanced, try that one first alone with whichever you choose for the Meridians, if you like how you feel then jump and get this one:

Elemental Alchemical Ability: New Release

Also consider the Soul Series, read through the posts, they stop and seal leakages you may have (sounds to me you do)

New Audio: Soul/Core Energy Restoration

New Release - Soul Restoration (Heart Storage Center)

New Release - Soul Restoration (Brow/Forehead Storage Center)

Check the new

The Golden Elixir

To help helaing the process while you clear and enhance the energy systems


New Release - Fa Jin Gong Healing


Hi @anon51280824, would it not be too overkill to focus on the Chakra, Dan Tien, Meridian, and Auric system all at once?

Are these all the systems there are?

As for those audios, thank you for sharing. But as of right now I’m on a budget and I can only use the files I currently have purchased from Gumroad and the ones that are on Patreon. Perhaps I can spend another thirty bucks or so only if absolutely essential.

I do not have the Dan Tiens.

I have the Chakra Audios. I just need something I can get for the meridians, I was thinking perhaps Body Primer – I believe that course was not as expensive, not sure though, I’d have to check. Otherwise Mana-Circuits or Emotional Release because the cause for these blockages is in fact pent-up emotions.

I’d sure get the Dan Tiens in the future.

Elemental Alchemical Ability looks promising but kinda out of budget right now, and I’d rather get the Dan Tiens first.

So with that said, what do you suggest?


I suggested to use first the free audio on dream seeds

5 elements balanced

Fa ji gong and golden elixir are free too

Same as the new one Life force

Use those


Do you think once I get the Dan Tiens I can work on all energy systems at once without overload or anything?

In 2022 this year, I just want to do a full sweep of my energy, get this kundalini free and finish the process whereafter I wanna focus more on the physical vessel even though it will be affected and become stronger from etheric healing too.


Yes they work in sync

Just dont go looping hard all of them at once

Start low and go up as the body adjusts


Hi @anon51280824, do you know of any audio that covers the nadis?

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This field makes me feel amazing + the music​:fire::fire:


Is this like emotional release field?

It’s an energetic clearing field. It clears and re-energizes your energetic channels.

As it does that, if your energetic blockages are caused by emotional issues, you could experience this field as as an “emotional clearing” field, but that’s really a side effect rather than the main event, if you know what I mean.


It’s also the ability to act, in the traditional view of the word. With courage, compassion, dedication etc
How you show up in the world

For example a great chief or warrior or medicine woman would be seen as having great mana


I’m gonna try it in a few minutes (I’ll post updates)!
UPDATE: I tried Pranic Swirls before and I felt good, also felt a pulsation in first chakra and felt energised after 3 listens, but with this one I felt the energy throughout my body right through the first listen. With this one I also felt a “bursting” in my neck chakra.
I can’t explain these sensations, they aren’t necessarily physical, they are more subtle.
After the first listen of The Mana Circuits I feel so good and so positive.
Thank God for Sapien Medicine, many thanks for all these beautiful gifts! :pray:
EDIT: I deleted another post/reply, where I said the same thing, that I’ll try this field.


Pranic swirls is awesome. May I also recommend breathe of the belly and automated pranayama :)))


After listen this one 4 days, I feel hot and elevation of blood pressure, I feel a little uncomfortable. I feel dizzy and my stomach is swollen. Need to stop a hour then go on.
It look like my yang chi is elevated as I take some Chinese herbs before. Like monkshood(toxic) , horny goatweed, cinnamon, etc. But no sex drive.

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huh? how many listens are you going for?

That aside,

Works as a way to distribute the energies.

Potentially also,

New Release - Heart Inflammation Reduction and Healing

Enhanced Blood Circulation


just 1 time, may not adapt at first.

Okay, I’ll try to add them to the stack. Thanks Desiree. :heart:

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