No results - 1 month of using [Brain Stack]

It allows the neurons to communicate better between each other.

Easy to see if you listen to it in the morning. More focus, better memory etc…


Thanks, I will use it before doing an iq test later today.

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Sorry to bring this up again my man, but which field is the Neurotransmitter?

Also for a guy who has to study vast amounts of medical information every single day as well as retain it (meaning no rest days) plus can’t afford to deal with the side effects, who wants a significant but gradual improvement in brain power over the course of 1 month, how would you modify the above stack? (Anything to add or remove, how many times a day, how many times per stack). Also listening while studying or not while studying?

My specific goals are improved memory, improved retention and faster acquisition of information (meaning I want to study faster)

Medicine is easy to understand but harder to retain and access.

(@uial, I think you probably have more experience with my specific situation?)

Thank you.


If you play the field, make sure you aren’t using the Equalizer in your device / PC. Because it makes the field uneffective.


Also correct me if I’m wrong @Dr_Manhattan, but Superhuman genius would prime your brain to learn new information (spontaneous growth of new neuronal networks) so it would be best used WHILST studying?

Then BDNF right after finishing studying to improve retention of the short term memory (to cement the information that you’ve just learnt) and then Brain regeneration overnight to get the information into long term memory?

Which of these fields improves access to long term memory btw? (I mean if you want to improve your ability to recall facts learnt a long time ago) (brain growth work?)

(@uial and @ryantraveling, your insights into this would be very much appreciated)

To reiterate my goals:


@Dewbob read this if you haven’t already. Great post by Philip.

Superhuman genius users read this! - Sapien Medicine (


Yup, it’s even explained in the description :+1:


Hello :) If i can give you my opinion, + all the brain related stuff , the energy levels (vitality etc etc)
have an impact on how you can deal with information and situations , learning its far more easy if you are on "nice energy levels " (even mood lol )

Can be weird to do Star excercise or pranayama or whatever before doing “mental tasks” but its worth a lot haha .


Hi @Dewbob,

A few things to consider, in addition to the wonderful input in this thread:

A simple, shorter stack you will listen to consistently is always a good starting point for consistent results.

The format below is always helpful for making your stacks more effective.

Neurotransmitters affect each person differently to some extent, depending upon your neurochemistry and current state of being.

For example, some may respond differently to the same neurotransmitter field. And different amounts of listening for different durations may be optimal for each person and their goals.

So try the fields and see how you go with them, then adjust your listening. :slight_smile:

That said, acetylcholine will certainly aid memory retention and information acquisition for most.

Memory retention and access is complex. There are many possible fields. BDNF and the basic stack recommended above will certainly help.

Brain Regeneration is always excellent.

As @_OM put it,

Superhuman Genius creates a charged brain with a lot of growth potential and plasticity, amongst other things. Listening before studying is fine. The potential lasts for some time.

If you are considering a paid field such as Brain Growth Work, you might consider the Cognitive and Memory Enhancement tag, which contains the previous Memory Enhancement field.

The description of that field is below and may contain some insights of interest to you.

The ability to remember and repeat information is perhaps one of the most important abilities in our time. We record information constantly and need this information to go about our daily lives efficiently.

Telephone number, Personal Identification Numbers for accounts, addresses and names all play a part in our daily lives. Add to that the avalanche of information about new technologies and socio-political information and it is a wonder we manage to ever remember to pick the kids up from school!

This item doesn’t just help with memory however! It allows you to access and utilize memory better, that’s true, but it also improves all of your mental faculties at the same time!

There is a lot that goes into such an item, but the main points (and field sets) are as follows:

Specific fields in this item

Subconscious Repetition: When you encounter new information, your subconscious mind will prompt you to refresh your working memory several times, helping to drive the new data deep into your long term memory. *Yes, you can do this yourself, using conscious effort, and you should! The specific pattern that helps most is to refresh the memory at these intervals: Three seconds after first exposure, one minute, two minutes, twenty minutes, 24 hours and 72 hours. If you hit a repetition at all those points you will retain that information for roughly 20 years. This field just makes doing so a bit easier.

Enhancement of the Hippocampus: This field simply aids your body in increasing the activity level and sensitivity in this specific area of the brain. This will tend to aid in memory functions, both in retrieval and formation of long term memories.

Pre-Frontal Lobe Enhancement: This is the area of the brain that holds your specific attention in the given moment and memories lasting less than three seconds. By increasing the blood flow and activity of this area, your attention span increases and your ability to focus will more than double instantly, even without trying. If you make an effort, this set of abilities will increase far more dramatically. It still takes effort, but your return for that effort will increase exponentially!

Myelin Sheath Production: By increasing the production, along the normalized, pre-established patterns of the brain, of this compound, the insulation value of each nerve strand goes up, preventing signal lose! It has recently been determined that one of the major factors in human intelligence is this insulation. The more you have of it (In general, there is most likely a highest effective level as there is in most things, though this has not been determined at this time) the more intelligent you are. It’s that simple and this field will cause your brain to develop thicker and healthier myelin sheaths over time.

Global Integration in Processing: Having good recall is not the whole of intelligence, obviously! The ability to put information together does require you to have access to that information, but Global Processing, or Whole Brain Thinking allows you to use more of your potential processing power, put things together in unique ways that may have been otherwise missed and allows you to bend your personal rules of intelligence enough that you can entertain things in new dimensions.

Being intelligent and remembering new information still takes an act of will. You have to choose to use these things. This item will just give you a chance to use what you already have at a much higher level.

Finally, consider other factors, such as your mental clarity and your energy levels if studying for long periods of time, as this can affect your memory retention significantly as well.

Information processed in a clear state of mind, or with greater understanding, will be retained far better than that processed when you are unclear or tired.

So one could consider adding a field like Plasma Charged Mitochondria and/or Induced Mots-c Production for energy when needed.

Five Elements Balanced (Mongolian Medicine) can be another excellent field to balance your state of being, clarity and potential which some may not consider in this situation! :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for the wealth of information @uial

How true. I’m mixing up my study with a little bit of spirituality in between to complement it and it’s been working well!


No worries, glad to be of help.

That’s great, glad to hear it!



Guys I saw this on Sapien’s comment section, is this comment legit? As in, is what he is saying true?

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Seriously dude?

You’ve been on this forum for a while now… assuming you DO use SM products, yes?

And I would hope by now you would have learned that youtube comments are the most unreliable method of “verifying” ANYTHING about ANYTHING.

I’m legit confused why you are even asking this question if you’ve actually used SM products at least somewhat consistently over a period of time …
or at the least
read the 1000s of testimonials on THIS Site where people aren’t completely anonymous nobodies …who have backstories and relationships with other forum members who’s opinions and testimonials SHOULD hold 1000x the weight of some “anon” in youtube.


Yeah dumb question, ik this guy, so I was just wondering whether his opinion was wrong, which it clearly is. I have been using Sapien med products yes, consistently, 3 1/2 months now for philip’s brain stack with nothing so far which is fine, but yeah according to the testimonials you are right, thanks for informing me.


Add acetylcholine for added benefits, and visual processing if you want to improve at spatial abilities like maths and mild photographic memory.

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Did you try brain growth work?

What stack would be best for learning new skills as quickly as possible? There’s an audition in a few months for a musical I’d really like to be in where not only do characters sing, but some play guitar and some play piano. I’ve done a little bit of each, but that’s not going to cut it.

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probably something along the lines of :
Superhuman Genius +/ BDNF
Brain growth work
Superhuman genius +/ BDNF
Permanent brain enhancement
( Alchemical mind expansion blend )
( plasma brain of youth )


Hi! How many times to listen to each? Please let me know, and thank you!

Welcome @LostPhoenix,

Uial is not available at the moment. Some of the fields in his posts indicate the recommended number of usages in their descriptions.

It’s also a good idea to click on Philip Weiss’s profile (see the most frequent poster of this thread) and search the name of those fields within his posts.