The Alchemical Revision of Childhood

Loop some grounding as well


Updated Dec 24 - mistype (taaffite > taaffeite)

Intuitively answering with lots of love…

Be sure you have Automatic Grounding 2x -already mentioned

There’s an important whole Painbody Dissolution playlist here
You can adapt the list to whatever you may have that can shorten the listening time*

Ie. Emotional Mastering Protocol besides Mental Health album or Shamanic Medicine Blend or Plasma Flaunt etc.

  1. Archetype of Parental Love / Wisdom of The Dying
  2. Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
  3. Love Gravitation Wave
  4. Alchemical Revision of Trauma
  5. Inner Pillar of Power
  6. Rune Dagaz / New Perspectives (Outlook Retrainer)

Primers before starting

  1. Torsion Field
  2. Quasi
  3. Taaffeite - deep healing + oxygen
  4. Pietersite - willpower, intuition
  5. Ego dissolution - making space for change and 3rd person

After session

  1. Brain Refresher / Azurite - Energetic Alchemy/ Brain Dancer - Energetic A.
  2. Brain Massage - non free
  3. Anti-inflammatory related fields ie. Brain and spine antioxidant, Cannabinoid album, Auto Immune reversal
  4. Comfort, long passive healing related fields and activities with intent to promote self care. Ie. Spa Day album, Relaxing River Portal (or other portals), Tibetan Rite
  5. Detox related fields if needed. Ie. Adrenal Healing

The Tree Experience in the background if you can while listening to others


I also like grounding after listening with the Tree Experience as some have mentioned. This audio is truly incredible and healing, but I am also getting out and walking in nature as much as possible these days. Taking off my shoes and touching the earth with my bare feet and hands grounds me more than anything and calms my body, mind and spirit. This practice is also called “Earthing”, and helps so much to reconnect. What is Earthing - Earthing Institute :sparkling_heart:


Thanks guys :pray:

It’s also comforting to know that it doesn’t last overnight, I do feel great afterward :slight_smile:


I think memories of joy could also help.
I didn’t try the combo myself though so no guarantee.


Memories of Joy can go great with Inner Pillar of Power and Torsion Field which is a possible result of Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy (‘beautiful’ transformation, like a butterfly) and is massively underrated

That also reminds me for other picks in regards to Self Love (Bringing in some of that Taurus - Venus - Aphrodite baby!)

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I have been playing the revision of inner self love and trauma series and I feel like I need this one added as well,

I realized my insecurities have been shaping me since I am young, socially shy but also can be very confident in certain situations kind of boy, Some things I can’t explain.

I have now focused on the alchemical series and added this field with a couple wealth fields.


They do go well together. Good for you to listening to your inspiration!


This may massively help those who…

  1. Have been alone for a long time
  2. Felt lonely at any point in time even especially as a child
  3. Somehow you cannot see yourself as a part of a ‘village’ (or rather a supportive group) even when you wanted to.
  4. Felt rejected / ignored / abandoned
  5. Codependency

Can potentially be lots of release


What a gem!! :gem:

Thanks!! :pray:


Me bro. :raised_hand: I want to sink into my mattress and sleep. But I have a lot of assignments and stuff from uni.


:heart: :orange_heart: :green_heart:


the crystal garnet before this helps, and also listening the trauma and self love audio from the new series before this will do wonders.


I am wondering, why do you think it will be better the trauma and self-love audios to be listened before Childhood Revision and not after? My Idea was to use childhood to recall the experiences, then trauma to clear the traumas and than the self-love and inner support to form the new beliefs.

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well the audios work a while after listening and make the experience after alittle lighter.

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Start with ego dissolution, and then childhood revision for a much deeper experience. Just tried it when suffering from an unexpected loss, and this combination does a much deeper purge this way. Ego dissolution sets your ego and defense mechanism temporary aside, so childhood revision can do its work better. Works as well with trauma revision, this way.


So in a hypothetical stack:

  • Ego Dissolution x1
  • Child Revision x2
  • Child Wonder x2

ok like this?


I did this one:
Ego Dissolution x2
Child revision, until i felt cleansed ( about 3 to 4x, but depends on your experience)

Child wonder i don’t have much experience with, but could be a nice addition. as well


Thanks for tips!


Did one loop.
was lying down and few secons in my back started to release tension. It was calming, not in a warm, fuzzy sense but more like a neutral protective bubble.

I got this image of me lying in a room and a masculine figure staying in the front door, patiently guarding me, armed with spear and shield.
Some other impression was this entity walking around me along a line that represented my boundaries.