Vaccination MegaThread

Hmmm :thinking: I see what you mean. Maybe I am producing spike proteins without knowing because today I turned on long haul and clot dissolver and for the first time I was able to breathe. Plasma flaunt didn’t help me, nothing helped me except clot dissolver and long haul. But not sure if I got the blood clots from shedding, 5g or even my own dna. I have been spamming gene therapy from psychic university just incase though. Also, realized I am getting nerve inflammation as well.


La Quinta Columna have had several vaccine vials exsamined by laboratories and they are not finding signs that the vaccines containing anything that would modify dna. They are finding the metal graphene and are mentioning colloidal gold as a possible cure. Gluthatione is also reccomended, and there is a field for this. Graphene is in various other injections like other vaccines, masks, pcr sticks, antiback gel and medication. Never inject anything not even at the dentist. Unvaccinated does not mean that you have not been poisoned. After wearing mouth-diapers I developed breathing problems last summer as if I was having asthma attacks. I’ve never had an allegic reaction in my life before that, and influenzas with so much goo that I could hardly breathe. I got inflammation in my eye and have a weird issue with my tongue, as its a bit lazy, freezing and slow. If I use near infrared light on my tongue the white coating disappears and I get a metallic taste. If I listen to heavy metal detox frequency I get a metallic taste. This is not normal. Maybe I’m crazy, but I never had issiues like these before. Masks have been pulled because they contained graphene, I think we are being poisoned.

Graphene brings in radiation and supercharges cancer. This metal needs to be dissolved and eliminated.



can use these

Mystic research has many insights about vaccines and COVID


I’m so new to the fields that I still find it hard to belive how effective they are. My husband who has severe PTSD has been listening, and I rarely hear him laugh the last 7 years, he’s ususlly a bit negative and nevrotic. He just started watching a channel on youtube, a guy that comments on other youtube videos. He is laughing so hard he is crying most of the day. It’s weird and completely out of character.

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You can read this, it should help @Jennie

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I’ve downloaded the ego dissolution and will try meditating. I’ve already visited some old issiues that I didn’t know were still causing me pain. I’ve also download the PTSD help and playing it for my husband 3 times in a row and will continue to do so every day. He seems a lot more relaxed and positive, more drawn to positive experiences and less nevrotic. We also laugh a lot togheter these days, the fields are helping us becoming more harmonious. I previously have a very irritable thought pattern towards him, that seems to be dissolving. A couple of nights ago I woke up with full blown irritation, and were able to watch myself a bit detached as my ego was creating my own internal drama. It’s like our negative energy has been feeding something and that we’ve gone through life almost mechanically.


also recommend this

I’m all over it. I’ve made a play list including the fields you mentioned on Spotify. I couldn’t download the one for Radiation on patreon though, but will use youtube.

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Another article about the findings in vaccinared blood.

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I think that if you protected yourself from 5G and other harmful EMF, the spike proteins would not activate or cause much problems. I like the twisted sage stuff but I think Blessed Path also has some protection but I am not sure. I also think that in the end your soul transcends all this and you can choose not to allow your DNA to be tampered; in the energetic realms you can remain whole.

Shakti kundalini also completely heals and upgrades DNA over time, according to my intuition and what I know about it.


Agreed. I wrote it up in this thread a couple days ago.


I remember learning from somewhere that if DNA is messed up it makes it harder for the person to “hear” their soul, so it’s like the DNA is transmissions cutting out, or block in the power supply. Therefore if a person continues to mindfully tune themselves to their soul, that probably “tunes” the DNA and keeps it in good shape. From my observations it also seems like if a person already has upgraded DNA, the vaccine cannot do too much to affect this process of ascension.


I’m afraid I’m addicted to my phone and it’s bad. Eventually it will kill me.

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Try this

eternal nft has audio you can download


Are you talking about the radiation the phone emits? You can mitigate that with something or listen to EMF fields.

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Is there any objects that could mitigate the emf?

I don’t own The Eternal but appreciate the thought!

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Ever since I shifted out of the fear mindset a couple days ago and fell back in line with my HS, I feel totally healthy again.


I like the items from this store: Cell Phone Tab -
They have stuff you can just wear if you don’t want something to stick to the phone.

But as mentioned above, if a person’s vibration is high enough, they do not need any external things to be immune.