Higher Self Connection

How has your experience with this audio been so far?


I overdid it yesterday while working on a presentation and got a tad loopy. Grounding audio helped after that …


I just posted this on a different thread but I was really excited to find this today

It’s an image for Higher Self

My experience with it has been very good. It’s hard to describe but it feels like it’s making me more “adult”. It’s helping me to trust myself more. It’s not exactly the “spiritual” experience I was expecting but it is more than welcome.


Yes, I told/reply you yesterday about that , I don’t know if you have understood me though, I was also hype af when I found that:)


I apologize but I don’t remember that. Either way, I’m glad we’re both enjoying this high caliber field!

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I was listening few times and in the last few minutes talking with myself, had the feeling like oh this is ending.

So I said it is alright I can listen tomorrow too, it changed to idk how to explain you know when you are so happy

Was that me I was chating higher self? In my main language?


It sounds like you were chatting with your higher self! Enjoy it! :slightly_smiling_face:


Try it bro… :joy:

Your higher self (actually, you lol) won’t make your life easy, in the human perceived sense. But it’ll guide you to the best path for you in the long run. Just my 2 cents.



Use the collective consciousness one for that one?

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The video states the video is not meant to be listened to in a meditative state, also over time, you’ll learn to connect to the source. Honestly, I added it to my brain stack.

I’ve listen today for the first time, my question was a bit vague but I got an important question regarding business I want an answer to, I’ll keep you posted when my answer arrives. I’ll listen a few more things and have the question ready before I start.

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It’s always better to start something with an intention so yes.

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There’s an interesting article about communicating with your higher self on the Sapien website:


How is everyone doing with this track? After the Vibration audios dropped by, I guess we stopped discussing this amazing track!!


I usually have it 3 times a night but yeah vibration of creation is the main audio. For some time now I’ve been feeling “complete” almost, like I’ve never been the type to purse much but lately I just been feeling whole.


“Exactly”, the need to do this or that seems to stem from my head while my heart is content with the two vibration audios.


I haven’t been listening to the audio track but have looked at the Higher Self mandala whilst listening to Vibration of Creation.

I’ve found it amplifies the effects of the mandala and dissolves resistances to the energy of the mandala. This seems to be the case for all of the mandalas I’ve tried so far.