🌞 Inner Child Healing - Free Stack

Details & Instructions

:butterfly: Before using this stack i recommend finishing - if you have not - Point of No Return (Free Stack) for a clean slate. Here is my take on it which i may make a separate post for soon

:information_source: Gathered several suggestions from our community and brought them together with some other considerations i’ve given from other sources via research and inner work.

:books: This video from The Alchemist explains the importance and the role our inner child plays for our lives with a bit of humorous, yet serious advice. Here is an article with guidance on how to heal by Thich Nhat Hanh

:jigsaw: Explanations may come later. Use the search box to find answers. If theres none you can find, feel free to ask here. It is sorted intentionally in this order, but use this as a reference stack.You might start doing Shadow Work (Facing Shadow Aspects) in the process of healing your inner child. You can find the stack here :waxing_crescent_moon: Shadow Work & Self Love - Free Stack

Of course this stack will be updated accordingly.

:warning::evergreen_tree: Don’t forget to ground before starting

:sun_with_face: Part 1 - Trauma Release

:gift_heart: Part 2 - Tender Care & Sunshine

still WIP but overall generally usable

References, Related Readings, & Keywords

Codependency, abandonment, mother and father, mom and dad, parents, loneliness, solar plexus, healing father wound mother wound, innocence, playfulness, children, kids, child, infants, inner will, willpower, light of the soul, sun power, cptsd, childhood, neglect, ancestry, trauma, abundance, scarcity, root, safety, security, traumatic childhood, guardian, protector

Concepts of the womb…?


Those fields that are only listed once in the playlist(s), is it/one listen enough?
Thank You.

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If you feel the need to listen more than once, then by all means do so. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Ok :sweat_smile:.
I barely have time for my usual stacks so once it is then (since I understand that it is not absolutely necessary, from your reply).


To know if it’s enough is by you honing in on how you feel after/during 1 play. You can try the whole playlist to get an overall feel then fill in the gaps on the more challenging points


I recommend using Kinetic Quasi Crystal at the start of stack for that matter + add plasma infrasound whenever you can before finishing anywhere


One of the original h’opponoppono purposes was to heal the inner child.

Besides using the statements as a sort of mantra/summoning, or speaking them to feelings or the divine, you can tell them straight to the inner child.

There was a box breathing preparation with 7 seconds parts (7 in, 7 hold, 7 out, 7 hold, repeated 7 times).

Coincidentally I’ve found that breath makes manifesting (by commanding) more effective, as well as prayers to angels.

If anyone wants to try. Also going to an inner sanctuary or sending the inner child to their happy place is sometimes a good idea…otherwise a lot of stuff can come up that you may not know how to deal with.

Observing feelings calmly is the best to do when interacting with the inner child, if you’re going back and forth between being the inner child, and observing it. It is like training your inner child to be the observer.

Another way to access the inner child is to instruct the body to sleep (specially the legs up to the knees), Then command “rise up inner child”. This can lead to OOBEs that aren’t astral or anything. Just warning.

Plus, journaling with your non-dominant hand for the inner child.


I think the forgiveness field is all you need though…stuff from childhood will come up.

Taking decisions as adults and letting the fields work through dreams (release through dreams) is all there is to it…for me xD

Nonetheless thanks for this Divine_Heroine. I will do what I can with these playlists (can’t listen to 66 fields in a day xD). And thanks for the pinboard too.


Heres some visuals


Here is an activity-idea try for healing the inner child. Reading some wholesome childrens books! Thanks @Abcd for mentioning the idea! I should probably try at reading some books out loud and perhaps record my voice


Here’s some stories uploaded on Sapien Medicine, narrated by someone else.



Added a very important field for inner child trauma healing, Regain Your Innocence

Idk how in heavens i missed that…?

Cleaning up the playlists (theycre shorter now) since theres elements that can be seen in other stacks within :open_book: Divine’s Compendium of Stacks

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Updated once more so the stacks should be more optimized.

Please donct forget to do more self care and release related fields when needed. Like :gift_heart: The Divine Spa - Free Stack

Came across the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs whilst doing inner child healing and trauma release

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