Air Revitaliser should help quite a bit with neutralising airborne particles present.
Might also find Brain and Spine Antioxidant helpful – it would be protective in such circumstances.
Would expect Induced Alpha Lipoic Acid field to help as well, and Astaxanthin Aspartic Dsup (Longevity Series): New Release to reduce longer term damage occurring, if you’ve either of them.
Antioxidant Formula and Radiation Protection and Removal would be free alternative fields to the two.
(damage suppressor protein in the latter)
Most of the damage and symptomatic issues will be primarily caused first by disruption to the nervous system function and resultant downstream effects on the body’s systems.
So these can provide a bit of protection.
Certainly it can be very impactful to one’s health.
However, please be mindful and careful when assessing whether (and how) to address your root issue, as many cleaning processes can stir up the toxins and actually lead to far greater exposure (and resultant long term issues for one’s well being) than if attempted cleaning had not been initiated.
It is something to consider with care before initiating, as the processes of mould removal can often put one in more danger to one’s well-being than your present situation.
The wisdom of a potential relocation is often a better solution in the long term.
Just some things to consider, based on what you’re describing and much experiences with the longer term injury potential of such situations.