Why You Should Stop Boosting Fields

THIS is very important… If you have boosted the item too many times, and feel its not for you anymore… Ask Intercession’s to help you, experiment, help adjust the field… (or even remove the boost :thinking:)

Well, you might get help or the field will disappear… :eyes:


Ahhh… I lost my Best Path in Life dog tag in June and I had boosted it twice after reading about it here. At that time, I thought it’s purpose with me was done. This is a completely different understanding of why it could have been lost.

Thanks for helping in clarifying this. I have a couple of other items that I boosted so will be keeping an eye on them.


Thx May u be blessed with awesome life


In the end you will never be sure if BPIL had any effect or life would go in that way in any case lol

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Not sure if you’re asking or making a statement.
But you can “never be sure” of anything on this plane… that’s kind of the point of the material planes. But that’s a much deeper convo for a different day.

You can however:

  • Commune with your Higher Self to see if the field is working (pitfall - remembering what was discussed when you come back down into your body/ego)
  • Do muscle testing (pitfall - getting false positives out of, again, ego)
  • Ask your guides for a clear sign (pitfall - same as above, skewing results based on ego)
  • Having faith/use intuition (pitfall - the duality based nature of the ego will create doubts when possible)
  • Wait til you die (no real pitfalls :slight_smile: - cause you know that you know, for sure, no kidding, for realsy :crazy_face:)

Hopefully you see what common denominator is for all the “pitfalls” lol

That said, everything else in life is exactly the same soo… :man_shrugging:


A statement based on what you said before

Yeah that is why I said

It can always be your ego interpretation


I am almost one hundred percent sure that I am one of the “3 year-olds” that you are mentioning in this thread.(Of course you wouldn’t admit it though :wink:) And no, honestly, it didn’t hurt my feelings. But, actually, it was because of this thread up top right here, mentioning that Dream had said it’s safe to boost the tags 3-5 times. It was May, and I was new to all these morphic fields, fresh out of the pen. It was also because I had noticed my dragon working exceptionally well from the very first day I had made him.(I can be rather creative) And I had asked my dragon to increase my threshold for energy capacity, and quickly noticed results within the next day or 2 of giving him this affirmation.(Along with conceptual communicating) The dragon can do more than you think. :wink: I use him everyday, and to great effect. Also, if you want, you can go and ask Dream yourself, to make sure he really said that.

But as you can see, even before you had came to this forum, I had already decided to quit boosting my tags after the first 3 dog tags(I received them on May 27th) for the reason in my post below:

Also, I know you are enlightened. I know you are intelligent. I know you are experienced… But do you know how many people there are on this Earth? You act as if you speak for everyone, like one size fits all. Do you know that people are all made different inside and out? Do you know that everybody’s energy system is different? Do you know people have different meditation habits? Do you know that people eat different foods, or drink different drinks? Do you know that some people came out of the womb with psychic abilities?(I am not one of them, btw.) The point I am trying to make is, we were not all manufactured as robots by some company. We are not all built the same. There’s one of you, just like there is one of me. But you know what? I am the type to admit that I am wrong, if I know I am wrong. I don’t have any shame in doing so. Why do you think I am always sharing things about myself that others might find “weak,” “embarrassing,” or "soft’’? Lol…Because…I…don’t…care. So I will tell you what, even though I had decided to quit boosting my tags before you came to this forum, I will still tell you the truth(I would’ve told everyone anyways, because this forum is about sharing our experiences) if the items that I had boosted become lost or overwhelming. (You can even ask me at random times to have me take pictures of the boosted tags to prove that they are still there. I’d be more than happy to. :smile:) I like your analogies btw. :smile:

Edit: Looking back at my old posts to @Uial, I slipped my mind that I am also carrying two sigil items(one’s a cross) and they have been boosted 3 times as well. And since 2 days ago, I have been carrying the Higher Self mandala kept in my phone,(also has been boosted 3 times) along with several other tags. I swear on my life, I had forgot about them all this time, and I for they were all boosted 3 times a piece. (All at the same time as my dog tags) :rofl:


I have no idea why you are taking this post so personally.
I can guarantee you that when I wrote this post, you personally did not enter my mind.

If you’re on Patreon, you’ll see I warned about boosting then under the same Name “OM” when it first got released, and I’m not even sure if this forum existed then (*found here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/field-booster-32099078)
*Note: Even back then, in that thread, you can see me saying it was probably better to boost Sapien’s Attunement Card, instead of fields, in order to accept more energies and be more compatible with a field at a deep level

Now we have the Energetic Awareness Course, which I would again suggest to expand one’s sensitivities and energy pathways instead of boosting a field

I’ve explained in another thread why and when the boosting sigil was created, and for what “class” of fields it was made for and why it’s really not needed now. found here - New Release - Vibration of Creation
Most important part found near end of post - “The boosting sigil was created back when DW was “only” 1.5x as powerful as Dale’s fields.”

That was 5!+ years ago. Later on, I remember the exact moment he was “upgrading” one of my fields (story for another day) and noticed a) he did it in 5 mins!..instead of an hour or so. b) the field was coming from a completely different “place” within my energy body and was easily 3x more powerful than before.

I’ve wrote in yet another thread how percieved expectations and/or the subconscious literally re-writting one’s memories to form congruency is a major factor in seeing “how far one’s come” (found here - Don’t notice effects from tags?)

I think a good many people on this forum are “3 years olds” with their “want it now” syndrome, me included. (see addedum)
That’s what happens when a product actually works and works so quickly that they get “used to” having a life long issues resolves itself nearly overnight.

I also remember how “magic”/subsconscious/personal growth items worked “pre-Dale” ie it was assumed one needed to give something a month or two to see results
even “post-Dale but old_DW” where I remember Dale telling people who weren’t seeing immediate changes to a lifelong problem
…“it was working, the changes are slower because of subconscious resistance but …looking at it psychically, I can see it working… They just need to give it more time and be MORE AWARE of those changes if possible.” (this is a paraphrase.) (Ha! see i wasn’t too far off in my paraphrasing)

Here’s the exact quote from Dale’s(Linda’s) old FAQs page:

Question: After 10 days wearing the attraction pendant all the time, I can not see any change in the way people reacting or behaving towards me. Not family nor friends or strangers. Do you have any suggestions? …Eric

Dale’s Answer: On the attraction pendant that Eric has…

O.K. I found the problem. There is a deep seated resistance to other people, even though the desire is there to attract them.

This should not be a long term problem, all that is needed in this case is a bit more time, I would say things are already shifting, but should be noticeable within another fifteen days or so of constant wear.

This is because changes need to happen on some body language cues and what not, as well as facial expressions, not in external or even psychic attraction though. The item will work on all of these however.

Also, it seems that there is an outside effect already, it is simply that it is not being noticed. People are being initially more attracted, but then forces from inside Eric are holding them back. He will likely get better responses from strangers that do not have a habit of specific response to him as well.

*This is not an “All your fault” type of thing! It is just that sometimes, with some people, certain things will take a bit longer. Unfortunate, but true. Don’t let it worry you, it will work itself out.

(customers name has been changed to protect his identity)

one can go visit any another personal growth product/methodology and see how soon they say it takes to change this or that problem.

I gotta run…so i may come back and edit this thread.

But as I also said in the “origins of Dale” posts, everyone’s going to do exactly what they want. I can’t stop you.
You think I don’t want people boosting things out of what? Jealousy? Fear? some other weird reasons?

Just like someone’s who gotten clean from a drug like heroin, and now tells people to avoid heroin… they aren’t saying that for the sake of being difficult… they are saying it to help other people avoid what they went through.

I’ll edit more later.

All edits are in italics -

When I speak of “3 year olds”, I’m basically speaking of one’s ego. Because that’s what every ego acts like, a 3 year old, or an untrained puppy.

It’s good to see the ego as an untrained puppy that simply needs to be trained properly. It’s gonna act out, and want what it wants, and piss over the rug when scared, and eat your shoes out of lonliness/anger/boredom, etc. And bark at the any sound for no reason, etc.

That’s a healthier way to view it than trying to “kill” it or “starve it out” until it dies
It’s the modern equivalent to the Zen ox herding picture koans. We just don’t use ox like they did back then, so some of the meaning is lost in time.
But one can easily see than an ox is a very stubborn, hard to train animal.
Yet once it’s trained properly, it can let one accomplish great tasks that one couldn’t do without it.
Same with the ego.


Oh…Oops. I guess I was wrong. Sorry. :blush: I guess because there aren’t too many people on this forum that I had read that boosted their items. Lol…I think there’s only a hand full, so…Lol…Sorry again bro. I had even liked your other post, because I agreed with you. You had great points. Thanks bro, for the info. Interesting stuff. Sorry again. :smile: Man bro, I wish I knew about the Epsilon and Gammas back in may when I first got my tags. I would’ve for sure used those instead of the booster. They work great. And it’s only been a little over a week! :smiley:

And no, honestly, I felt like you were “beating a dead horse.” As I have heard you mention this again and again, in different threads. It’s one of my pet peeves(anything that’s repetitive), only if it is directed at me, and I thought it was directed at me, so…


Ok i put all edits in italics. So for people reading after the fact, realize I’ve edited the original post that @This_Boy_Here was responding to, but wanted to maintain a sense of continuity to it so … hopefully everyone gets it.

@This_Boy_Here Ok, so I do want to let you know that whenever I respond to anyone on a forum like this, it’s not just a response to that person.
It’s a response to anyone reading along who may think the same, different, similar whatever, now and in the future.

I also know that forums have tons of “lurkers” and future lurkers who will never post but gain insights, ideas, misconceptions, etc from a single post.

So yeah, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse too, but in my experience (since the beginnings of the internet…yeah, I’m that old), most people do not spend a lot of time searching through forums, pouring over posts, comparing notes, etc to get the exact best up-to-date information, like I personally would.
(And we literally had someone asking about boosting a field a second time literally a couple hours after I started this thread, see?)

I mean the obvious answer to a lot of this has been given already…
don’t use so many fields…
Have you seen me post that yet?
Lol no…
Why not?
That’s not even a battle worth fighting in my eyes.
That’s not just beating a dead horse, that’s yelling at the ocean to stop being so wet. :rofl:
Ain’t nobody doing that until wayyy far into this journey.



rofl: Gotcha. Damn, man. I am old too, but how old are you? :laughing: Sorry about the misunderstanding again. I really enjoy a lot of your posts. :smile:


Adding this info from Sammy as ironically its about the exact same field Dale was talking about (Attraction became Matchmaker) and it applies to every other field too.

And finally something from Dale… before there was “boosting”…

"Not because of the item " - Dale

if a persons mind, subconscious mind, or energy system is developed enough or working at a very advanced level, the effects will be stronger and faster in general.

Not because of the item however, as the item is just giving a single pattern for the energy to follow, but because the person has a greater level of power to draw on. They will also be, by placing the object on (even if they do not know the effects consciously) choosing to make this field a reality, and with a higher energy “vibrational” level (Which I think works differently than we normally think, vibrations, but we all know what this means, so I am using it here!) what that individual wants or expects will happen with greater speed.


Whew lad! How long did you have the heavy hitters before boosting?
and how long have you had Ascension total?
Let’s start there…


Why you didn’t boost lion and thor?? :rofl: :rofl:

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Ascension one I’ve had since early December of last year and wore every single day which I took off last night since I have divine balance but then I thought to myself well that one is boosted like 4 times and I’ve only had it like 3 months maybe? So would taking off ascension tag really have been beneficial over keeping divine balance which may not even be working on me yet? But the bigger advanced newer fields I had maybe a few days or weeks when I had gotten them and I boosted them out of impatience and someone else’s impatience on their end too who kinda boosted their tags in a similar manner. He’s not on the forum but he’s moved on to heavier energy work. I appreciate the advice as I foolishly experimented with all of this and got impatient at the time as I’ve learned to exercise more patience with things and not boost the newer ones I have acquired.


How many times I can boost Attunement card?

just once is all you need.
You can re-do the attunement like retaking the Energy Awareness Course.

P.S. And no i don’t recommend re-doing the attunement every 15 mins.
How can one possibly “test” where they are “at” or how the field has affected them by doing that?

I think I’ve redone the attunement, maybe 4 or 5 times(?) and i’ve had the card system since it first came out years ago on dreammagick as actual physical cards. So 4-5x in 5-6 years?


Edited for reasons.


Can I also boost other psychic cards, like “Energy expansion” etc?

And how do you say attunement? :sob:

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