A quasicrystal, is a structure that is ordered but not periodic. A quasi-crystalline pattern can continuously fill all available space, but there is no translational symmetry.
The atomic structure is very unique and called impossible sometimes.
Using this concept the added fields of M state, Gold, Silver, Iridium, Rhodium, Chromium, Platinum, Indium and Platinum.
All arranged in the quasi-crystalline pattern (and also a giant crystal in and around you, that constantly shifts in a torus formation)
Providing you with a unique insulation and positively charged energy pattern that move through the body’s energy system, it can help create a balance and harmony, and also a constantly shifting and refreshing insulation for when the environment becomes a little harder to bare.
These are inspired by some glass creations that have become quite popular as the new ‘crystal’.
Use as needed.