The ADHD Journey - Let's co-create together!

Hey guys,

I am blessed to be friend with an expert in the ADHD field and we had a deep talk about its roots, the current medications (dexetrine and vyvanse being good solutions in North America - unfortunately illegal
in most countries in Europe), morphic fields, etc.

Those medications are in the amphetamine category (Adderall is more well known), and boost dopamine and norepinephrine, which at a regulated dose (anxiety <-> peace will guide you through it) is a blessing for ADHDiers.

What came up from that conversation and my research after is that two fields have now become a must in the daily stack:

If you have the means, would recommend to supplement them with:

And ofc the classics:

Good healing!

Ps: until your adrenals and dopamine receptors are fixed, you can also use those Dopamine Redux - YouTube (or New Perspective) + Norepinephrine, instead of taking pharmaceuticals.

Exercising every day also helps out tremendously and naturally.


A light update

First of, the stack above has been very very beneficial and is highly recommended :pray::slight_smile:

I am now never missing a day without Shatachandi, she has become one of the most important field to me and maybe she will for you as well :grinning:
Unrelated to ADHD of course, but she’ll fix so much stuff in your internal & external reality for you, and always get you when you have a tough time.

Something that is not properly covered in that though is the emotional dysregulation, and other mental side-effects.

Along CBT, therapies and Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence.
What has been the most potent lately for me has been brainwave entrainment, which was recommended a few month ago from a wise being around here.

Alpha, Mid-Theta and Theta brainwave entrainment have been very powerful, though the one that is having the biggest impact on me so far is the Default Mode Network entrainment from Dr Jeffrey Thompson.

I really recommend it, along Captain’s field.
Make sure to only play it once a day though and end it with The Internal Alchemical Crucible, this can be very tiring for the mind at first.
For Alpha/Theta, you can do much more, as long as you stay balanced.

Finally, definitely recommending anyone to check The Journey To The Light (Part 1 of 3) as well.

Take care everyone, and feel free to DM :slight_smile:


Uhh don’t know what that DMN audio did but it feels insane wtf. I was so focused with my social circle last night and I didn’t realize till now



Make sure to read its role and the benefits of entraining it on the same page.

And please keep posted.
We can even make a separate thread in uncategorized, to not disrupt that one.

Hugely recommended: The Crucible of Mental Space: New Release (paid field)

If you’re short on money, I would even prioritize it over New Perspectives (you can always use The Outlook Retrainer + Dopamine Redux and/or Unstoppable Willpower)

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Beginner Daily Stack for ADHD - Christmas update :christmas_tree:

Brain :brain:

Please do not make the same mistake as me and try to replace ADHD & Brain hemisphere by Brain Growth, this does not replace those and mainly creates more brainpower (which we have largely enough).

Emotional dysregulation and hyper-sensitivity :heart:

Fixing what needs to be fixed :muscle:

Work & Creativity :fireworks:

Optional paid field or NFT boosts:

Additional pro-tips:

  • Exercice every single day, walking counts but you need a bit of cardio at least 3 times a week :running_man:
    (feel free to cheat sometimes though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
  • Super healthy diet, and a buttload of glucose through fruits & vegetables :kiwi_fruit::banana: → we’ve got a superpower, which is hyperfocus, to sustain it our brain needs much more natural glucose than neurotypical brains.
    Have a fruit every two hours and let me know how’s your energy level doing :wink::wink:
  • Yoga upon waking up → a flexible body means a flexible (and more relaxed) mind.
  • High quality sleep !!! → no screens 1-2h before bed :sleeping:
  • Grounding and time in nature :deciduous_tree:

My experience if you’ve been diagnosed with it…
Focus on this first, then you’ll benefit 100x time from
other fields from Captain :raised_hands:

Make sure to keep me/us posted :blush:


What makes u say this just wondering?

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My own experience, then some interactions with brain experts around here .

Brain growth is an amazing field, it definitely made me smarter, but overall it was making me more anxious. To the point I stopped it naturally.

Re-discovering Attention and Focus, then Enhanced Brain Hemisphere was a true blessing.

I have done recently some test, and came to the same conclusion. We do not need more brainpower as ADHD-iers (or autistic brains for some), but more peace & harmony.

This one is good as well in complement btw: Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3) - YouTube
(though this is a lot of fields already)


Was at your post literally yesterday wondering when you gonna post here again. Will try the new stacks

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Make sure to keep us posted :grinning:

Also, I read in another thread that you have a mental health blog. Please feel free to share it in DM so I can have a look!

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Dmed, also it’s in my bio if anyone interested(dont wanna cloud your forum post lmk if you want me to delete this srry)

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Quick review: I have to say the Attention and Focus + Brain Hemisphere Synchronization Combination is very well.
Combined it with Ruby as well, Feels good and focused


Exactly :ok_hand::ok_hand:

This is how I start the work day, puts you right in the good spot :grin:


You guys know that brain growth = ADHD + hemisphere synchronization + some other stuff, right ?


Ofc man, though you missed my point above.

Which was confirmed by _OM, along with my own experience.

I was quite surprised as well.




Prob will play all 3 when school starts again next semester.


Recommendation updated with the Crucible of the Past for Emotional Dysregulation & Traumas: The ADHD Journey - Let's co-create together! - #20 by Borisju

Truly an amazing field :pray:


I am beginner to ADHD. Which stack I should follow? @anon32464289

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Here my friend: The ADHD Journey - Let's co-create together! - #20 by Borisju

There is a lot, but you should experience a shift after a few weeks. Even before if you tackle your habits too (exercice, sleep, diet).

This won’t fix it completely but your quality of life will significantly get better, and with experience you’ll transform that cool brain of yours into a Superpower!

Also, if you have the means and if it calls you, I would definitely recommend the Freedom course. (more testimonials should drop soon)
It still requires some hard work, but this is very worth it.

The more you integrate parts of yourself (manifested through emotions), the calmer your mind gets and the more flow you experience :blush:

Feel free to post here or DM me if I can help you with anything, this can be a complicated journey and I’d be happy to help.

Good luck on your path :pray: