šŸ‘‘ Tell Us What You're Proud Of


Letā€™s start the new year with a positive self-esteem excercise!

Tell us about something that you are proud about.
Something that you have achieved for yourself or have done for others.

Tell us!

Be proud of yourself!

You cannot be truly proud of yourself unless you have the courage to tell the world about it.

So here is your platform.

No hiding under the blanket in 2024!

Does not matter how big or small the thing that you are proud of is.
The only thing that counts is that you are genuinenly proud about it.

You helped to lift Millions out of poverty and are proud of it? Tell us!

You finally, after 8 months, had the courage to do the dishes and are proud of it? Tell us!


I am proudest of myself that in my darkest times I chose to save myself


Proud of the courage to grow :seedling:


I am proud of having revived the ā€œJourneysā€ section on the Sapien Medicine forum.

The ā€œJourneysā€ section was basically completely dead.

Between the start of the forum in March 2020 and up until April 2023 barely anyone had a journal there or was writing anything.

In April 2023 I have started my Mystical Journal (thank you to all the readers) and since then this section on the forum exploded.

Since then, more than 20 other people were inspired to start their own journals too:



I am proud to share my most authentic self with people again after closing off to the world.


amen to that


I wish I could write here that Iā€™ve done my German taxesā€¦ lol Have to get the Proactive Brain for that!

I am proud of myself for having the courage to solo travel and set foot on 4 different continents this year. And Iā€™m proud that I was able to overcome some of my deepest struggles, embracing parts of myself that I rejected in the past, and now being able to call myself ā€œhomeā€ again. Very proud also that I was able to astral project and lucid dream in 2023. Canā€™t wait to improve my psychic skills this year!

Iā€™m also proud that I can get through some crazy fast raps in karaoke and one day Iā€™ll master the rap of ā€œMis Ojos lloran por tiā€ (highly relying on brain fields lol). Wish me luck!


I am proud to be mentally healthy to a certain extent, still a long way to go but thatā€™s the beauty of a journey.

I am also proud of people in this forum going through healing, becoming a better version of themselves.

Especially @Bored know that you are healing, and improving.


Fact: my siblings can slice and dice people with their tongues, their words. They are brilliantly vicious and cruel if and when they want or need to be. That never rubbed off on me. Iā€™m not cruel. Itā€™s important to me and Iā€™m proud of it.

Before my twenties I got so sick I almost died. It took almost 3-4 years to get better. My hair fell out, I couldnā€™t walk without getting out of breath. There was a chance of an early grave. Well, Iā€™m still here and Iā€™m proud I persisted back then.


happy you are here


Idk if proud is the right word for me, I dislike the notion and find it absurd to be proud of oneself (or even worse, in someoneā€™s fellows from ones country or group, especially when there is little to no support offered to that person; for example: ā€œIā€™m proud of her, she achieved great things, Proud to be a Romanianā€, group pride), but thatā€™s just me - however, I am Glad that I have Survived 2023 (2022 is a runner-up) And Iā€™m still Sane lolā€¦

When I was little I used to boast with all sorts of achievements, like simply having good grades or my brother having a cool car, but nowadays, I just donā€™t have it, boasting I mean.

Edit: On the other hand, I might be Prideful, without even admitting it lol.

Itā€™s all up to how we define it.


Being alive. Breathing


Im proud i took risk that has concequences im still dealing with but it only made me stonger in long term .


Your child self had a somewhat healthy level of self-esteem:

ā€¦but then the human society system has beaten you down and now you are subconsciously not allowing yourself to be proud of yourself anymore:

ā€¦healing your self love is the answer.


Some time ago, my life was chaos. My finances were in a tailspin, my relationships were troubled, and I felt lost. But everything changed when I decided to take control of my life and in search of the solution I discovered the morphogenetic fields of sapiens on YouTube. My first audio was about growing muscles and I was surprised at how effective it was and how my gains began to increase in my legs and arms. At the same time, I used the wealth field and began to attract many more clients to the businesses I had that until that moment had not been lucky enough for any to work. After some time with Prestige and grandeur I felt that with each passing day my goals were more achievable and at the same time I began to perfect myself in certain knowledge that I needed, I took more courses and above all my business grew and it was easier for me to manage it. Recently, I obtained The billionaire catalyst nft and the ideas and opportunities presented to me have grown enormously to the point that I am about to sign some deals so big that the me from a year ago would not have imagined. Definitely, today, I am proud of how I transformed my life thanks to the morphogenetic fields of sapiens.


Kind reminder: ā€œprideā€ has its consequences, and so does ā€œgratitudeā€.

I suppose itā€™s a matter of perspective.


Iā€™ve done a lot of work on myself and my stuff and have achieved a lot of progress. Iā€™m so proud of that that I wonā€™t even tell u anything more. :smiley:


Proud of my kind and helpful nature, irrespective of what happens, if someone needs me I am always there for them through thick or thin!


I confirm :kissing_heart::heart:


Thank you my bro :hugs: