Hello guys. I need your help.
Recently I started to develop longing for some abilities which I believe are sort of psychic idk.
I want to know causes, sources, solutions of all my problems, blockages, sabotages, because I know there’s the law of cause and effect.
Especially, I want to know my subconscious mind, to communicate with it in order to reveal all these negative programmings, to communicate with it in order to grant myself some wishes, to program subconscious in desired way (this one I want the most)
I want to have knowledges, wisdoms for solutions of all these problems, knowledges in all areas of life when I need it. I want to “just know” when it something happened why did it actually happen etc. To know everything, to be connected with everything in order to have more knowledges, wisdoms to help myself and others when it comes to our problems, sabotages etc…to have more insights, epiphanies, revelations, to be guided etc, to read my mind, my subconscious, though I am not so interested in reading others mind and messing with it.
I believe you all got the picture what I want.
And now, in order to achieve this I use next stack:
- subconscious limit dissolver×3
- superhuman genius×2
- brain regeneration×2
- permanent brain enchantment×2
- induce creativity×2
- acetylcholine×1
- animal empathy telepathy×2
- interconnection of everything×2
- ancestral knowledge×3
- dreamweaver card “Energy Expansion”
I know there’s on teespring IPF dog tag, but Dream told me I already have enough items, and he doesn’t recommend me anymore.
What should I more include it in this my stack in order to achieve all these what I want?
Do you recommend me something more which I forgot lol?
Your opinions are very appreciated, thank you.
@Psimindset excuse me, I would like to know your opinion too, if you have some suggestions for me, off course