Becoming An Architect of Reality - A Journal

more. :smiley: I also play during mid-day, etc.

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It’s been a while since I’ve been journaling.

Life gets busy at times, but I’m glad that I got to handle so much in the past a few weeks!

I had to let go of some expectations

Well, I don’t know if this is the result of the fields I use, or simply just another life event… but I went through some disagreement/sorrow/mental-separation recently… As I type this, I’m seeing it as a form of “detachment”. I suppose it had to happen. I just wish it happened in a kinder way. Perhaps the lesson is to detach naturally before my higher-Self or fields push me to do it in distresful ways.

I’m going to suit up : The Zen Lion !

I’ve got a really nice ring ready, and I’ve purchased the field today.
I’m taking this seriously and making preparations before I do the creation.
For the next a few days (maybe 3), I’ll do Ego dissolution, Self-realization fields, psychic stimulation, etc. Then I’ll create the Zen Lion.
One of my goals will be to upgrade my energy sensitivity and conceptual communication skills.
I’m hoping to establish better communication with my previous Dragon and Fae buddies too.

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Very excited for you! :slight_smile: Keep us posted on your experiments and experiences :partying_face:

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Thank you @Rosechalice !

I was just about to plan my stack for the next ~2-3 days:

Well, that should do it. :smiley:

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It’s been a nice weekend

I’ve been chilling mostly.
I decided to create my Zen Lion after a week because I want to pump myself a bit more with psychic functioning, astral primer, etc. Also, I’m still working on my fat-burn goal and I didn’t want to split my energies/focus too much.

Effects of The Architect of Reality

I’d like to do a thorough reflection.

  • Live nourishment will become your natural choice: :white_check_mark: 100% true. I was already inclined to eat healthy before that too (since early 2024), but it wasn’t as easy/natural as it is nowadays.
  • freedom from sloth: :white_check_mark: I’ve always been a “high-performer”, but I used get periods of binge-watching, etc which no longer happens.
  • freedom from lust: :white_check_mark: :warning: Well… I thought I had slayed this enemy before the field…, but then it came back albeit infrequently. It’s definitely much better than how it used to be. It’s much easier to control / let go of.
  • Emotional Intelligence: :grey_question: I’m NOT sure how to notice/measure this…
  • Accumulation of personal power: :grey_question: Well, I no longer get fatigued “randomly”, but this too was mostly sorted out a bit before the field. Other than that, I don’t feel any significant increase in power. At least not physically or in my energy-body.
  • Remove all external and internal barriers: :white_check_mark: I am much more opened to using “suits” and such.
  • Confidence in your abilities: :white_check_mark: :timer_clock: yep, there sure is an increase although it’s not 100% unwavering yet.
  • liberation from social illusions: :white_check_mark: :timer_clock: I definitely felt the effects of this, quite prominently at times, but I’m not fully detached yet… I still fall into societal dogma / race consciousness.
  • Formation of the Manifestor Mentality: :timer_clock: :warning: well, some small things have turned out quite well, but no huge changes in my life yet… I don’t feel like a “Broadcaster” yet.
  • Zeroing of Personality: :timer_clock: :warning: I had a small taste of this once in the first week or so, but then not much since then…
  • discard everything unnecessary: :timer_clock: ah, perhaps a little hint of this, but not super profound yet.
  • You will feel it on yourself, catching glances of strangers, getting used to constant luck: :timer_clock: :warning: not feeling much of this either…

label info:
:timer_clock: means that it requires more time. The rest are self-explanatory.

So, overall, it seems that I’m still mostly at the first gate although I had tastes of the other gates too.

Nothing is better than this.

I’ll just leave this here as a note to myself.