Soul Restoration I (Core)

This complex creation focuses on repairing and strengthening your core energy center, sealing and removing any energetic drainage cords and links that may be depleting your vitality or exploiting you.

The core energy center, located just below the navel, is where your life force resides. Often, access to this essential center can be obstructed by blockages, fragmentation from emotional pain, and being taken advantage of by others. These disruptions can lead to various health problems and accelerate the aging process.

Through this creation, the fusion of soul fragments is achieved, restoring a profound sense of wholeness and integrity. When trauma or significant emotional distress occurs, parts of your soul or essence can become fragmented. By fusing these fragments back together, this creation enhances mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall well-being. It heals the spiritual disruptions that hinder your connection to your higher self, purpose, and the universe, fostering a deeper alignment and spiritual healing. Reintegrating these soul fragments also strengthens your personal power and resilience, empowering you to face life’s challenges with renewed inner strength.

Sealing energy leaks is another vital function of this creation, maintaining and restoring your vitality by preventing your life force from being drained. This leads to better physical health and higher energy levels. By sealing these leaks, you will experience improved focus, productivity, and the ability to achieve your goals without feeling scattered or unfocused. This protective measure also guards against negative influences, such as harmful energies or toxic relationships, by creating stronger energetic boundaries. Additionally, sealing energy leaks promotes emotional balance and stability, providing a sense of inner peace and calm.

By utilizing this creation, you work towards sealing those energy leakages and removing external attachments that drain your energy, whether from parasitic beings or people. It fortifies the connection to your original energy source—be it God, the universe, or the source of life itself—enhancing and widening that flow of life force energy.

This creation provides a permanent increase in energy as it strengthens your essence and deepens your connection to the source. The effects compound with continued use, but you should feel the benefits from the first few sessions.

(Targets sub-navel energy storage center)

Take back your own life force!


Wow, Dream is back with a bang!


This is insanely impressive. I haven’t even listened to it yet. Just read about it here for the first time and I’m amazed. I will use this with the Thor and Lion tags. My level of personal power is already going through the roof. It’s supernatural. Literally.

Imagine a world where everyone used these tools and no one felt the need to steal power or worth from anyone else.


… just wow. I can’t wait to get paid lol.

I bet this will be great for channeling energy and manifestations


I like this even more than the Vibration audios! 4 rounds and sheer bliss! Its like I am connected to everything and at the same time nothing. Layers of information seem to be unfolding.


Sounds exactly like what would be good for me !


I wonder if this can replace Etheric Cord Cutter?


Interesting! Maybe even perfect timing.


No, this is very specific to your core energy area.
and does a few other things as well :slight_smile:


Can you then mention them so we could know them? These few things as well? @Dreamweaver
And which all audios we could replace instead of this one… Higher self? Collective consciousness? Entety removal? If you would kindly
So that I could know what am I buying sir


Looks like Dream published another masterpiece!
Just when I thought, I was finished collecting gumroad mp3s :joy:

Welp, gonna refine my Abundance & Luck stack and try to get this + the upcoming course as soon as possible.


Damn this looks amazing. Will be purchasing as soon as I can.


but its all written in the description what it does.
I don’t think it replaces anything.


I looked at this 6 hours ago and thought “I will start listening to this right now”. Then I saw the price tag and thought “I will start listening to this next week”.

But a few hours later I started having one of those conversations with my subconscious. I will give you the short version of it. The question came to me “What is the one thing you are missing that could give you more motivation?” My subconscious brought up the question and gave the answer. It gave the answer in pictures. But this is the short version. The answer ended up being another question. “Can you do anything just for yourself?” It was the realization that no matter how hard I fought it, most of my motivation is tied up in wanting to please or appease people in one way or another.

Then I thought “I need to request Dreamweaver to make a field that helps us to be able to do things just for ourselves.” And of course… Then it came to me “Wait a sec. I think he already did”.

And here I am listening to it right now. It’s too early for me to post a real review. But I feel good in a different way than I ever have. I get the feeling that my subconscious was leading me in the right direction.


@Captain_Nemo what exactly are you referring to with core energy center?
The thrusting channel of daoism?
Yoga’s sushumna?



I honestly wanted to wait 1 week before posting results. That would be hard to do because of how much has changed in the last 24 hours.

The first thing I noticed was feeling good. I’m sorry I can’t be more specific.

A little while after listening I noticed that I had stopped insulting myself. I had a dumb moment where I opened up a gallon of water to pour into a cup. The cup already had water in it. This is the kind of small mis-step I make (probably we all make) from time to time. But my habitual response would have been to mumble “Idiot” at myself under my breath. And to never think twice about having done so. It stood out to me that I had stopped attacking myself.

A little while after that I noticed that I thought the person I was looking at in the mirror was attractive. I do not mean that I was attracted to myself. I had failed to focus in on and only see my flaws. My opinion of my physical appearance was not the only thing that had changed. I also felt like I liked the person in the mirror. I mean the way you would feel if you liked a person you knew and considered to be a decent person. You would have some sense of compassion for them.

Later on I began to have realizations while listening. I realized that psychological attacks and abuses I’ve suffered came via people intentionally altering my perceptions in order to harm my self image in a way that would lead me to treat them in a way that made them feel better about themselves; namely more powerful. So I started looping this audio with the Pineal gland audio. Actually, I realized this before. But after the audio I saw this phenomena as directly related to leaking out energy. The core energy is what leaks out, but the mind is the gateway through which the attack comes. So now I would strengthen the gate.

I’m just giving you snapshots. Plenty went on in between these moments that I’m sharing.

Next I realized that if I wanted to begin living a more successful life, it would mean that on some level I would have to die to the person I have been. I would have to become a different person. It’s not just habits that need to change, be removed or be added. Our sense of who we are actually becomes wrapped up in how we have spent our time. So I started looping this audio with Ego Dissolution.

What I’m not talking about in the above recollections is the feeling of having my energy back under my control. I’m showing you the side effects of having my energy back. But yes, it was something I experienced and sensed on an emotional and mental level. It’s hard to describe and recollect on it at this moment. It is a feeling of Wholeness. It truly is a sensation of having your soul restored.

If your experiences with this are anything like mine, you will go through the experience of realizing you have your own energy back. And it will begin to dawn on you what you need to do in order to put that energy to use for yourself.


Wow thats amazing,. , Can you tell me if this audios changes you personality, mentality, emotions, beliefs, habits into the best version of you.? Sorry my english isn’t that good and sometimes i don’t understand completely. With life force energy can you become successful? can you use that life force energy to manifest?


In my non-official opinion, Having your core energy under your own control, not leaking out to serve psychological criminals, is the starting point for being able to make the changes you mention.

When someone deceives you into believing that they are worth thinking about, or that they are a problem that you need to invest time into solving; you become an energy donor to that person.

Once you are not in energetic debt, you will be at the beginning. You will be at the place where you can decide what kind of life and person you want to have and be. Then you will see what kind of sacrifices and changes you need to make in order to make that happen. And you will be able to choose for yourself if you want to make those changes, because your energy is your own and is under your control.

Short answer: Yes and No. Yes, a restored soul makes you a different person. But No, it will not get you all the way to where you want to go. But Yes, it will make you completely capable for the first time of getting there.


Ok. Thank you so much. I heart aaron doughty talked about life force, chi energy and how you can manifest anything you want with the life force, thats why i asked


You are welcome. I have found him to be very helpful.