Automated Grounding

Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.

What this does is automate that process, but also in addition the energy grounded is de patterned and has unconditional love added to it, to also serve as a mutually beneficial process between you and the earth.

2 - 3 times is usually enough and should last quite a while until you feel like you need it again.

Updated forum post Sep 11

Benefits and Uses (based on the top YouTube comments)
  1. Essential for human life and ascension
  2. Neutralizes EMF, 5G, Radiation, Electrosmog, (technology use)
  3. Psychic, negative energy protection
  4. Can help with anxiety, fear, depression, stress, lightheadedness, dizziness, air-headedness, migraines, headaches, spaciness, many forms of ‘brain activity’ / brain overwhelm / overthinking (Too much in the mind)
  5. Disengages the nervous system
  6. Can help with overwhelms or usage of energy, fields (If you already use a lot of fields and need the effects to stop or to start over: “Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning” by Dream Seeds. It will clear everything [fields, energetic programming, etc] except for the most recent 3 hours worth)
  7. Can help with inflammation
  8. Can be for those in the city or concrete or elevated places or being indoors the majority of the time
  9. Anchors your energy downward which can help with detoxing
  10. Helps with chakras (balancing, pulling upper chakra energies down, supporting lower chakras)
  11. Reconnects us with Earth (Let your feet breathe. The majority of shoes disconnect us from the Earth)
  12. Can help with sleep, insomnia
  13. Can help with ‘Mercury Retrogrades’
  14. Emotional healing and release
Related fields & pairings

A stack 🗻 Grounding Hardcore - Free Stack

  1. The Tree Experience Massive amounts of benefits don’t ‘sleep’ on this - unless you’re a rebel :wink:
  2. The Plant Kingdom
  3. Schuman Resonance (Sleep, insomnia, emf, technology use)
  4. The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
  5. Larvikite

One can get an earthing mat or earthing bed sheet or makeshift specialized shoes or other products for grounding / earthing (Note: please use common sense to not use the copper on soles during cold / winter times)

Grounding tips and reconnecting with Earth


Thank you, Captain, for this field and also for updating it and thank you, @Divine_Lotus, for explaining about this field - what benefits it has and also for mentioning those related fields. :slightly_smiling_face:


Has the field been updated? Or was @Divine_Lotus indicating that she updated her post on that day?


I have no idea. :sweat_smile:
I thought that the field was updated (?).

Now that I think about it, I guess that the field was not updated.

I meant the post i edited updated. For clarification


As visualization


Something to consider for our feet as we ground and return our natural feet (and knee and hip) health

1 Like

Since a lot of us use this for overload…does this ground the energy without affecting the fields effect? Or does it somehow clear the fields?

I mean…we do need to release energy, but what about the “programming”?

I always use some distributors, balancers, circulators, etc, before grounding so as to make the most of the fields…and not just overload myself and then dump on earth.

No, grounding helps distribute the energy on the way down to release the unnecessary excess that otherwise would overwhelm you or make you feel spacey




MsBlueRyan4 days ago

I feel like I’m floating :musical_score::heart_eyes::blossom:


TNB44410 days ago (edited)

I’m officially done listening to music other than these fields lol. I haven’t listened to music in days until just now i decided to listen to a few songs. I’ve been doing so well lately had energy when i lacked it all the time, i was feeling happy, calm, grounded, safe, and the most peace i ever felt yet. I listened to a few songs and it broke me. I suddenly feel tired, shaky, feel just down and sick in the stomach even. I’m really starting to see the dangers in this world and can even feel it hurting my body. As I’m listening to this while typing this out i can even feel my body fighting it off. Be safe everyone and stay blessed dont fall into the traps!!!

I dont think I’ve ever really seen a comment like this yet but while you listen hold your phone and feel the vibrations. I just absolutely love how it feels lol. I’ve been doing this for a while now and am wondering if anybody does the same? Also this did help me fairly fast I’m feeling better im sure its going to take a bit to fully release the rest of the negative energy but just about 4 or 5 listens im feeling good. This music we choose to listen to really be hurting us im seriously done with it for good. I also listened to repel negative energy and radiate positivity and love, gratitude, appreciation as well if anybody was wondering. Oh and you can’t forget love gravitation wave :blush:


nota plastic10 days ago

Love from Canada. Thank you Dream Seeds for assisting Mankind with your videos. A member of my family is pregnant and I would like to know if this video is safe for her to listen to. And can frequencies harm the fetus? Thank you for responding.


Thankyou God21 days ago

I was using fields since 2 years and overtime I overstimulated my system and it gave me problems such as difficulty in speaking loudly and random high heart rates i was so confused that whats wrong i tried all the nervous system healing fields but they barely worked and then i found this masterpiece that grounded me and removed all the extra energy out from my system i feel healthy again thanks sapien my mate :heart:


OROa month ago

Seems that there are some kind of technical problems in the recording. Is that ok?. Thanks for this beautiful field.


HALALWINEa month ago

Can I listen to this on repeat?


Cosmic consciousnessa month ago

I allow myself to rest and take things one step at a time


Cosmic consciousnessa month ago

I make space for my good for my happiness my crafts my skills my talents my money my success


Cosmic consciousnessa month ago

I release fear and survival coping mechanisms and doubt and hurt inner child. I am now in creation mode with ease . I feel my emotions without anxiety and overthinking .


Cosmic consciousnessa month ago

I am grounded and protected from manipulation low vibes psychic leeches demons spirits copy cats opportunistss and narcissists and users and controlling people. I create balance and peace and harmony. I receive my good with grace and happiness :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::moneybag:


Cosmic consciousnessa month ago

My intentions and wishes are now grounded and consistent and lavish and abundant . My wishes and dreams are now my reality . I am independent . I am protected. I am divinely guided. I trust in the lord . I am at peace . I take action with grace. My intuition is protected . My empathy is protected. My beauty is protected. My communication is protected . My manifestations are protected . Amen


Real Talka month ago

I need a true miracle
to (re)unite with my twin flame.


Maria Alfaroa month ago

Oooohhh felt it IMMEDIATELY in my feet! :heart::heart::heart: thank you!!!


S S2 months ago

The description in this video says it all. I played this video & even after it stopped I can feel the energy from the bottom of my feet coming up to the top of my feet, my toes & in between my toes. You & your team are all gifts to humanity. Bless you all.


Cosmic consciousness2 months ago

Flow state of abundance and prosperity and discipline


Cosmic consciousness2 months ago

I am focused on my career on writing on reading on school on fitness on action on my mental health on my content on my business on my practicality on myself amen


Cosmic consciousness2 months ago

I’m good at what I do and I do it well.
I create from my visions


José Luís Vieira Gonçalves2 months ago

Feet on groud let it go The negative ions and make The exchange transformations to new ions charging to The body(temple) and hug a three;)


Brandy Bradford2 months ago

What happened to the deep sleep (inducer) ?


MR THANKYOU2 months ago

I Love And Appreciate Dream Seed And YOU Thats Reading This :sparkles::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunrise::pray::heartbeat::earth_asia::footprints::person_in_lotus_position:
Stay Blessed :watermelon:


fucu3 months ago

Stops the voices of entity attachment intruders. Bastards be gone


Cicera Raabe3 months ago

Obrigada por me fazeres feliz,pela minhas curas ,por me fazer entender o divino .Obrigada por ensinaram o que somos.Hoje eu sei que somos um,então sei que vc estar em dobro feliz .


Bright Minds3 months ago

I havent been feeling like myself these last few days. Currently on my lunch break. Walking barefeet in the grass, enjoying this sunlight, listening to this. I feel so relieved. Life is great! :hugs:🫶:sparkles::hugs: Thanks Sapien


su2sa1li45 months ago

Try to loop this the whole day, maybe this is helping with carisma and luck.


Aadel Azaha5 months ago

Would like to know if kids from ages 1 and up can listen to this audio?


Jinny5 months ago

I’ve been feeling a lot of energies lately.
As soon as I clicked this, I felt instantly calm.


KSHATRIYA :trident:6 months ago

Thank you Dream Seeds, God bless us all… :pray:t4::sun_with_face:


Magick456 months ago

Hh db j


ivehearditalIbefore6 months ago

This has helped me a few times before, and I am very grateful for this audio. I have a question maybe someone can answer. Would this audio also be beneficial to listen to while I am grounding in nature (walking barefoot in a park), or would it be redundant?


Marcus6 months ago

I definitely felt my legs and feet tingling, particularly the sole. I guess the energy and stress were capped in my body for so long that it struggled to leave it.


Annabell6 months ago

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: lg an sie brauch ich sehr bin ein groser fanin :tada:von ihnen und ihr sapien medicin Kanal unverzichtbar leute grüße aus :de::de::de::de::de::pray::pray::pray::pray::100::heart::de::tulip::butterfly::bowing_woman::ok_woman::kiss::revolving_hearts::100::dove::dove::100::100::dove::100::100::rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2:⚘⚘⚘:hibiscus::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::tangerine::kiss::kiss::kiss:


Yahji7 months ago (edited)

Wow I felt this instantly throughout my legs and feet!

Update a few seconds later: lol yeah wow this one is nice! My legs and feet are tingling sensationally! This is good stuff! Lol I wish I would have known about this years ago!


Thomas8 months ago

Very much needed and saught after for…


sidrastralia9 months ago

How does this video help me ground?


emazzaツ9 months ago

I feel as if this excited the electrolytes in my body. I know earthing does that


Saffia9 months ago

Do I have to play on speakers or can I use earphone!?


Surya Choudhurya year ago

Amazing. Feel kinda more secured.


universal love in extanta year ago

Thank you I’m about to have an operation and under energetic attack from negative family members and their associates so this is absolutely perfect timing to find! Thank you :) x


Michael Thompsona year ago

Thank you :white_heart: :blush:


TravelClipsa year ago

I’m on the ground now :hibiscus:


Marjorie Morgensterna year ago

I listen to this video first thing in the morning or whenever I need to be nudged into a better mood


inLoveAndLighta year ago (edited)


I have had a pain in my heel for 1 week. It occurs when my knee is straight, and toes are pointed toward my head.

Today after 3 listens, the pain is reduced.


Vilma Çakmaktaşa year ago

Sapien, thank you from the bottom of my soul.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:


Stefan Visschera year ago (edited)

Question: The more you listen, the more permanent grounded you become? Or does it wear off over time?


R :sparkles:a year ago

So much gratitude to you Sapien​:pray:t2::heart: I feel better​:relaxed::blush: Thank you very much for all that you do for us​:heart_eyes::sparkles:


Anindita Biswasa year ago

Thanks sapiens I feel much more alive now.


Jelena Ma year ago

Automated yoga session would be awesome :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Followurheart11a year ago

Do we need headphones??


aarona year ago (edited)

Just remember everything is energy whomever you work with god, spririt guides universe guardian angels or whomever your working with at this moment just make sure you are grounded with your thoughts and your energy
And if your light is shinging then everything will come to you :sparkles:
Love and light to all :green_heart:


Rory Nolana year ago

do I need to be on the earth to use this effectively? I live on the second story of an apartment complex and was hoping I could use it from up here


Karachi Wanderera year ago

Trying to get off antidepressants. Hope these frequencies help me return to my flow


Shreelakshmi Gauthama year ago

Make one for retaining early morning vibes for whole day. when the day gets busy in city the beauty of morning is lost…


Linda Levya year ago

Wow this is amazing. Much thanks


Kasia Stara year ago

This is beautiful :heavy_heart_exclamation::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::angel::angel::angel::pray::pray::pray::pray:


Joann Robinsona year ago

Gratitude :two_hearts::sparkles:


Şüheda Gökmena year ago (edited)

I’m suffering from PTSD and anxiety which made me awaken spiritually a year ago. My connection with the divine became stronger and stronger so it became the only safe place for me. Floating through life ever since. Intense dissocation and disconnection with my body which led to more dissocation and anxiety. My energy healer and therapist both told me that I already got the connection with above and now it is time to ground and connect with my body again. I am trying several things to ground my energy and feel safe in this world again. Oh but THIS, works INSANELY. I feel alive and connected again after listening for days.


Sophia Fa year ago

It’s Mercury retrograde, ground yourselves, people. Thanks, Dream Seeds/Sapien Med.


s pa year ago

Can this help with ego and arrogance?


Marjorie Morgensterna year ago

Thank you for this video. I absolutely love it.


Jamie Melissaa year ago

Amazing :star_struck:


Teresa L Charveta year ago

Thank you this is so amazing and much needed right now…love and blessings


Najmun Nahar2 years ago

I was in anxiety and depression.
It saves me.
Thank you sooo soooo much.


Claire McGee2 years ago

Currently cloud watching to this ….it’s the bomb :bomb: love this :infinity::heart::rainbow::pray:


SweetTartHeart2 years ago



Round blue eyes2 years ago

Did nothing for me. Listened to it for half an hour.


Brianne Brady2 years ago

can this help with derealization and help ground me in reality?


Benjamin Bamborough2 years ago

Anyone tried this on a airplane ?


Crispin Lascano2 years ago

Headphones or speakers?


Santosh Gupta2 years ago

Gratitude gratitude gratitude


Marsha Davis2 years ago

I’ve been listening to this every day for months and it still makes my toes tap. Love it, thank you for all you do.


Monk Mind2 years ago

How is this channel so good


harman sekhon2 years ago



Kenn2 years ago

I can always feel this one instantly


Teresa Lee2 years ago

Will listening to this regularly help to tolerate more fields at one time?


CocoaErmine2 years ago

Gosh this is great!!!


Vegan Vocalist2 years ago

thank you <3


William DeLong2 years ago

Over the years I’ve noticed people involved with metaphysical practices were not very grounded. They had their head in the clouds. Anytime your working with electricity you must be grounded. Same goes with magick. You better stay grounded or suffer the consequences. Head in the clouds. Feet firmly on the ground. Ty SM. Love this.


Panacea Iaso2 years ago (edited)

Do we just listen to it? Is that what we are supposed to do? How many times a day do we need to listen to it?


William DeLong2 years ago

No risk of stepping in doggy do do or on sharp objects. Nice.


Relaxed Sense2 years ago

I’m feeling unconditional Love energy within.
Foot absorbing energy,I’m sensing


Claudia Templaria2 years ago (edited)

To All who are looking for help due to illness or psychich attacks , Listen to “Raiseyour vibrational state” and Repel negative energy., …


Stalking Victims Advocate2 years ago

Getting GROUNDED 12.21 2021 @11:11AM…


Asia Monét2 years ago

Needed this been listening to many subliminal and frequencies…so much activity in my crown. My legs and feet are thanking me right now :raised_hands:


Did10X Ang2 years ago

I think this would be even greater if this will auto trigger the energy program daily in our system in a specific time



divine light2 years ago (edited)

This is one of the best :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Purple Petunina2 years ago

Do. You have to listen through headphones?


Purple Petunina2 years ago

New to this so thought this was a good place to start.
Is it essential to listen with headphones?


Eagles _Claw2 years ago

Do i need to listen with or without headphones


Wyzen Taichi2 years ago

This is very poweful guys


Ana Macklis2 years ago (edited)

So we can literally listen to this every time our brain gets overwhelmed from listening to too many audios?


Love Life2 years ago (edited)

A year later, this is why I came back to this field - reminds me of being in love with being alive and experiencing life in this moment in this body. If you watched the movie Soul, this is where 22 says “I’m ready” and dives into 3D :wink: - this field makes the viscera connection with the original intention we all share and that’s to experience expansion and joy.


pedestal332 years ago

May I download this ?


Michelle Barber2 years ago

I needed this so much. I am keeping myself grounded. Thank you!!!


PurrfectlyDivine2 years ago

I have 2 earth/grounding mats that I use as well as a grounding pillowcase and they are such a good investment! The mats I use on my bed and then also at work (or home) under my feet.

I live in an apartment with no backyard/private outside space for myself… so it’s harder to regularly get outside and expose myself to the earth like I want… those items and now this audio/video is so helpful!!!


seeker2 years ago

Makes me soooo HAPPY :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::butterfly:


Sangeeta Kumari2 years ago

does it help with spiritual awakening ,dark night of the soul to calm my anxiety ,fear, unnecessary ,uncomfortable, heightened emotions for silly things?


Intuitively Magician2 years ago

i should listen to this while i walk in the sand, barefoot, before the cold weather comes. Great to get fresh air and vitamin d from sunlight


Tye Tye2 years ago

This helped my fatigue leg syndrome instantly :heart: thank you sapien once again


kate alfaro2 years ago (edited)

Oh my god thank you!!! My thought were starting to get scattered. Anxiety was kicking in. I put this and booom back to center!!:sparkles: I found this, this morning and it came back to mind when I started getting nervous. So grateful!!:yellow_heart::heartpulse:


suffering within2 years ago

Can feel instant effect :pleading_face:


suffering within2 years ago (edited)

So beautiful music sapien , god bless you god bless you god bless you :pray::four_leaf_clover::heart::medal_military::sparkles: Angel on earth :pleading_face: sapien​:heart::heart::heart::heart: loads of love always :sparkles::hibiscus::two_hearts::sparkling_heart: ,. . you have the cure for everything , this will help specially empaths so much.:sparkling_heart:


Dr.boredcoder2 years ago

I am trapped in apartment , no green around, this made me feel like i am walking in park. Its so beautiful, thank you😊


Louisa Perreyn2 years ago

Loving it, cannot stop dancing…:heart::heart::heart::slightly_smiling_face: thank you so much for all you share…:kiss::pray:


Blitz2 years ago

I need to be grounded find security within my self my own family is not happy for me . Have no friends . I do have Jesus and need to feel secure for me .


Shae Bartaska2 years ago

OMG, I can’t believe how good this is!!!


Vanessa Alexandra Zelaya2 years ago

I feel my legs like “electricity” running under my muscles, feels awesome. This should be MAGIC!!


Jonathan carter2 years ago

I would just like to add that this video is great for psychic attacks. If one is grounded properly it makes it very hard for negative energies to have any kind of hold over you!. Love, peace and blessings to y’all. Shiva Shambo!.


E232 years ago

Thank you Sapien for this.Grounding​:raised_hands:t4::pray:t4::green_heart::dizzy:


Theresa Hardy2 years ago

Every video I have watched has 144 on it​:rose::dizzy::sparkles::rainbow::bouquet:


velerina2 years ago

But the thing is should I take help of some external source to heal my stress and anxiety. Isnt it better and much beneficial for me to heal myself on my own through understanding and wisdom over time?
That’s why sometimes I even doubt raking help of these fields and music. I am in confusion.


Fils Prodigue2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your video. Is it possible to make a subliminal to simulate negatives ions ?


Shumi Shetty2 years ago

Can I use this before sleep at night?


Aminoa3 years ago

Oh my! I feel a sensation in my lower legs and Feet as if getting sucked in to the Floor! Immediately!


Dlynng4063 years ago

Thank you so much!!! The music makes me smile the biggest smile!! I love this!!! How wonderful you are!!


Pure_Vibess3 years ago

I’ve been feeling weird wearing my moldavite ring but this helps me feel better my whole body is vibrating


Dee Dee3 years ago

I have no idea what’s the use of grounding but my right ankle and feet feel warm during the play. I guess that’s good?


Seema Khemada3 years ago

Music is fantastic​:metal::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::metal:


Spacewitch 19943 years ago

Will this help with depersonalization?


Jonathan carter3 years ago

All you spiritual people who love the dizzy heights of bliss, I know I do, but grounding is essential on the cobbled path towards ascension and ironically, (almost, it seems contradictory) grounding leads to ascension. Love this, thankyou.


magicspells3 years ago

Thank you


Alexandra C3 years ago

Instant anxiety relief!!! Thank you so much


ShiningSovereign&Free3 years ago

This is a masterpiece Sapien! I’m speechless. May you be blessed and protected all of your days on this plane of existence. We appreciate you tremendously❤️


su2sa1li43 years ago

When I feel energetic headaches, sometimes this video helps… not always.


Eva Victoria3 years ago

Love your resonance. Much Gratitude :pray:t3::rainbow::sunny:Blessings From the 144000​:raised_hands:t2::innocent::star2::dizzy:


Barb Greene3 years ago

Dreamseeds with your connection to the Universe and to share this gift with everyone and anyone is so heartwarming!
With much gratitude thank you Dreamseeds! :heart:


Deonne Bradford3 years ago

11\13\2020 Alabama sunny and 70. Yes it’s fall y’all. Cold coming soon. Barefoot much longer I think not. Unless I go further south for the winter.


the queen 3693 years ago

Will this balance and heal the root Chakra ?


Peacefull8883 years ago

Haha! I could feel my feet warm up. The tune made me smile. :grinning: thanks!


Hans van Ditmarsch3 years ago

Feels good.


Brooke88883 years ago

Love and Light To All​:heart::pray:t4::heart:


Raksha Joshi3 years ago

Sir, u r just amazing.Thank you n gratitude.Namaste


Aris Sukamto3 years ago

It’s so beautiful… big thanks… blessing you…


Brandy Bradford3 years ago

Thank you. 2020 with love, buy the canal in Louisiana. Fish are biting.


TheAscendingBicep3 years ago

Just a big ass story of how I came to be


Hristo Lazarov3 years ago

Hello dear ones!
As you may know we wear shoes, we travel by air, we live high above the ground in our flats in the big cities of our world. Most of us have blocked contact points on our feet with the planet. and believe me almost all of us have no real connection with that planet.
Useful grounding tip from me today:
Use a stainlesssteel spoon to rub your feet from toe to heel (not my invention and i am very grateful for it). an then comes my idea:
Place/stick a copper coin on each side of your both heel and on each side of your everyday shoes, that you wear (home and work). The coin can be for example as big as 5 Eurocent. Then you may take a walk in the nearby park (of course u will walk on the grass). Then sit and enjoy the feeilng.
The above said helps with very many problems (EMF, negativity, astral parasites and most of todays ailments).
Have fun and live free!


aithaf3 years ago

Merci !


𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔶𝔪𝔬𝔲𝔰3 years ago (edited)

beautiful music, dream :)


Love Life3 years ago

My go to and all time favorite field during the experimental phase using variety of different fields. It neutralized any and all side effects such as disorientation, lightheadedness or just resistance felt within after exposure to or overexposure to any specific field(s).


Vida Maria Ixchel3 years ago

Why don’t you just walk into your garden, barefoot, instead of listening to some silly music ?! :dizzy_face:


littlebopeep20113 years ago



Primal life3 years ago

Can we listen this one and right after that I listen pranayama training by sapien and pranic swirls


Damien McGuinness3 years ago

And to think that we hated being grounded as a kid… Lmao


ash s3 years ago

I really love this audio and the new schuman resonance… makes me feel really joyous


avelione3 years ago

This maybe sounds weird… but how about making a “simulator” of having a long walk in an evergreen forest? To activate legs but also the whole mechanism that work on a human while walking in pleasant surroundings. Many people can’t or doesn’t want to walk outside much nowadays, including me. I’d be very grateful. Thanks Sapien!



this is the most powerful one I have ever used, disengaging the sympathetic nervous system and allowing to experience life with more love, patience & clarity. thank you !!


Unique3 years ago

I’m stroling in the forest and I knew I need to play this. Yes! Embedded with unconditional love! This is exactly how I feel right now. It’s been a couple of days where this unconditional Love is available to me … thanks to you Sapien. This was not possible before, no matter how hard I try to be at least possible. Sometimes I cry for being pathetic trying hard to be happy. :grinning::kissing_heart::pray::rainbow::hibiscus:


Chris Casanova3 years ago

Thank you for this powerful energy frequency!


cherry swan3 years ago (edited)

I love the earth. Nature mother for us is all love, its 2 am. Love’s keeps me awake. I love water those flower, season, beauty. Joy and leaves. Flying all together as my heart blossoms after a winter in quarantine. I love you summer, fall , winter, spring. And Kaori was gone in April but were still here to love and eat ice-cream. Rainbow and colors are my soul fairies with sprinkle. I want to bake an oreo cheescake what. about you. I cherish cherry i dont know why i love fantasy and sweet. I could go eat and party all night eating i dont call eat a eating disorders but the joy of life. And living


cherry swan3 years ago

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la :two_hearts::two_hearts::laughing::laughing::kiss:lalalallalalalalalallalalalalalallalalll%:sweat_smile::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes::notes:


Claire McGee3 years ago

I absolutely bloody adore this Thank-you dreamseeds you lil godsend :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::rainbow::pray:t2:


Radhey shyam3 years ago (edited)

What’s the name of this track and artist…wonderful track…@sapien medicine ?


ShivohaMayank3 years ago

Any advice for me?


Kimberley Aultman3 years ago

Wow it is 5:55 pm. Divine timing :alarm_clock:


Kimberley Aultman3 years ago

It is 10:10 am. Again omg :astonished: divine tim ing. :arrow_up_small::small_red_triangle::arrow_up_small::innocent::+1:


Limerence3 years ago

I recently watched a documentary about killers in the Victorian household. It was about how the victorians unknowingly inviting products into their homes that were making them sick and killing them. That got me thinking what products do we have in our house in 2020 that were silently causing illness. Then the next day I discovered a documentary about earthing and it’s benefits. And it turns out that the things that are now draining our life force are synthetic fibers that we use in shoes and other things. These shoes are disconnecting us from the earth and this caused inflammation in the body and that is the root of all illness. I had struggled with depression, anxiety, insomnia and migraines my whole life and I saw this video in my feed and finally decided to give it a try.


AKp0w3r3 years ago

Your work is incredible sapien, keep doing what you do. It has the power to heal/awaken the collective consciousness.


Saskia D.3 years ago

I feel this in my tailbone and feet… wow! Great way to start the day🥰


Imogenpsychic3 years ago

I am empath. This helps a lot. Thank you sweet heart


Arrafi Farzansyakieb3 years ago

Thank you very much your amazing


Razfaren3 years ago

Makes me feel my body again just one listen, after a day of out from body feeling


Angel love3 years ago

Sapien, you are a blessing. You have no idea how grateful i am for you and your channel. :)


Kimberley Aultman3 years ago

:phone: is 94% :alarm_clock: says 9:43. Omg :astonished:


Kimberley Aultman3 years ago

H a p p y. E a r t h. D a y. 4-22-2020. :earth_americas: :cupid:


M M3 years ago

@Dreamseed :Can this calm down on my Hyperactive child :worried: ? And would it be good ?


अमोघ the source3 years ago

Happy World Earths Day
!! Aum prithvye namah, Aum bhudevye Namah !!


Kimberley Aultman3 years ago

Wow the time is 10:10


Billhaze673 years ago

Omg no joke you know i meditated whith my herkimer diamond phenacite moldavite azeztulite at the same time while using my pc muscle to direct my kundalini energy in my upper chakras 3rd eye crown i ended after 1 hour and was feeling dizzy and like drunk asfuck inwas thinking why i feel like this then i realized hm i must be ungrounded i used this twice and i begin feeling better this works instantly and its life saving if your way to spacy… Thank you


First Supreme Power3 years ago

Plz make a video for 5 elements balance


Claire McGee3 years ago

Ahhhh I love this seriously mate when my dreams come true so will your trust me :rofl::sparkling_heart::rainbow::kissing_heart::sunflower::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Molly holly3 years ago

Thk u thk u… this is just toooooo good


James Perry4 years ago

Wow! and TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ :bangbang:
Does this mean I have to walk barefoot at home to njoy the benefits?


Melissa St. Charles4 years ago

First time using this my foot bottom started twitching and then my feet started to warning up I kinda got a little scared now there’s a cool breeze sensation on my feet. This definitely works


Claire McGee4 years ago

Wow :star_struck: well that was feckin amazeballs y’all seriously divine :sparkling_heart::rainbow::pray:t2:


Hini ShaSha4 years ago

thk u Sapien​:rainbow:i always feel spacey and need to feel grounded​:sparkles::ok_hand:t2:


Yvette tovar4 years ago

Will these work by just listening through the phone?


Martin4 years ago

after tree listens I am gounded af


Jacaranda Marie4 years ago

Thanks Dream!! I’ve been doing a lot of energy work and sending love to ALL, so this magic you’ve created pulled all of that upper chakra energy down (tingle feet!!) and balanced me out. You’re so appreciated :pray:t2:


r g4 years ago

not sure what is making the waves of joy flow through my body right now … is it the track or the lovely comments of gratitude :):)
thank u all


Axillaris Thubten4 years ago

Automated swimming/diving/ocean with waterstone larimar would be nice!


Danielle Mincey White4 years ago

Thank you!


Love a Bull Linny4 years ago

I have a grounding mat and walk barefoot 90 % of the time. It really is amazing. We have lost that and in so the connection to beautiful Mother Earth. Thank you for your service​:pray::green_heart:


Aletta Esbach4 years ago

Thank you!


Thelma Romero4 years ago

eww why all images that involve feet has to have so ugly feet why don’t select prettier feet pics at least?


Mez4 years ago

Question regarding the 4 fields limit?

Below are the following audio I listen to before bed and/or while sleeping:

  1. Disconnect From Negative Energy in Your Life ( Morphic Frequency )
  2. Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal (energetic energy programming)
  3. Antioxidant Formula
  4. Androstenol for Men ( Become The Alpha Male) Energetic Morphic Programming
  5. Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)
  6. Natural Enhancement (Patreon)

10 Min Break

  1. The Sun Gazer
  2. Vitamin D Production (Energetically programmed audio)
  3. Masculine Enhancement (Gumroad)
  4. Far Infrared light therapy (Energetic/Morphic Field Programmed Video)
  5. POWERFUL GOOD LUCK ENERGY: Attract Good Fortune and Miracles W/ Law of Attraction Vibration
  6. Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance (Energetically Programmed Audio)

15 Minute Break

  1. The Energetic Salt Cleanse
  2. Corona Virus Disruption (energetically programmed audio)
  3. Fungus Destroyer (Experimental) Energetic and Morphic Programmed Audio
  4. Bacteria Destroyer (Experimental) Energetic and Morphic Programmed Audio
  5. Stomach and Intestinal Ulcers healing (Energetically Programmed Audio)
  6. Love Gravitation Wave
  7. Attract More Love Into Your Life: Energetic and Morphic programming
  8. Uplift Yourself, People you meet and the world. (energetic/psychic programmed audio) ver2.0

So, my question is that the audios that I’m listening to, do they count as more than 4 fields or am I doing everything just fine? I don’t want to overload my body hence I ask and if there’s any fields that I should perhaps remove like the ones that clash with each other, please let me know


Claudia C4 years ago (edited)

This has an immediate healing effect on me. I probably need it more than anyone…been housebound for a couple of yrs or so…due to health problems, and living on 4th floor.
My body is aching to touch the earth again…feet on soil and grass.
Maybe, ironically, this year it shall happen. Music made me smile bit…made me dance too,which I don’t do v often these days, sadly.
Thankyou so much…


Michael Johnson4 years ago

This is a good one too! Thanks so much Dream Seeds, btw, I love this music ahaha


Hope Evans4 years ago

Thank you, I was headed out the door to wiggle my toes in the grass at midnight! This made my heart smile! :two_hearts::heartpulse:


Alexandra Fortun4 years ago

Thank You Sapien Medicine so Much! :blush::pray:t3::om:


Lori Pinello4 years ago

Thanks again and so much for the work you do and share with all.:sparkler::stars::fireworks:


George ten kate4 years ago

Omg I want to hug you love you and just cuddle you into paradise, mate, you are saving my life. As a shamanic soul I have great problems staying grounded due to a lot of generational trauma in my root and my god this is working! Thank you so much men, I’m literally crying of joy​:pray:t3::heart::infinity::heart:


iLeaveUspchless4 years ago

Idk how you made this happen, but you’re such the miracle worker! :partying_face::sparkling_heart: THANK YOU

I’ve been wanting to ground all week but haven’t for personal reasons.


Borisju4 years ago

This is amazing Dream, thank you so much <3


Kimberley Aultman4 years ago

B L E S S. Y O U //:earth_asia::earth_americas::earth_africa:\:herb::ear_of_rice::herb::ear_of_rice::herb::palm_tree::seedling::palm_tree::seedling::palm_tree::seedling::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::chestnut::deciduous_tree::chestnut::deciduous_tree::chestnut::cherry_blossom:L​:cherry_blossom:O​:cherry_blossom:V​:cherry_blossom:E


maxwell4 years ago

The sound is familiar, I’m pretty sure i heard it somewhere.


Maria Chrisidis4 years ago

Thankyou!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Ed Bengtson4 years ago

With sincere and gratitude of heart, thank you, thank you, thank you! Divine Divine blessings come. upon you dream seeds/sapienmed for All you do…:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


HI🧿4 years ago

This makes me feel so happy


sneha03 Khapre4 years ago

Thanks a lot for this sapien…I was missing the connection with earth and the sky…


HierosGamos Vibration4 years ago

A beautiful vibration! May we connect even more with the great mother in the times we are in and forever.


random phantom4 years ago

You’re one of reasons why I feel so grateful and happy toward my life despite it’s a bit complicated :) thank you so much for the way you share your gifts to us :)


Vj sharma4 years ago

Hope it is helpful after kundlini awakening :)


Shay A4 years ago

Omg thank you Sapien . I was literally thinking about this yesterday.


Oni Saifura4 years ago

Tq for your brilliant work ,:+1: love & light from malaysia ,:malaysia::malaysia::malaysia:


Larosa4 years ago

Yess!! I was looking for something like this!! Thank you!!!


jennifer simon4 years ago

Thank you Sapien, we need this, you bring the outside in. Wonderful!


Mahirimah4 years ago (edited)

Dream Seeds Is there a video, here or on your other channel you would recommend that we could play around a young person that we think is starting to develop narcissistic tendencies? So it can help them overcome that.


Jens Jensen4 years ago

Is there a reaon your videos are so short? I thought it takes around 7 minutes for you brain to entrain to frequencies. I love both your channels and have listened to your videos for years. Just curious about the length. Thank you so much for all the work you put out it is greatly appreciated.


Nabs L4 years ago (edited)

Brother, you’re psychic! This one couldn’t have come at any better time! This should be helpful in grounding me from being overwhelmed by “accidental” overuse of energy fields. I send you thoughts and feelings of intense gratitude and thank the Source Creator for your existence in mine. Namaste :pray::heartpulse:


Rebecca Destura4 years ago

Amaazingggg!!! Thankyou so much <33


oly4 years ago

OMG BRO I have no word thats just amazing


Mez4 years ago (edited)

When you say, lasts quite awhile, do you mean couple of hours or like a whole day?


LordYama4 years ago

I live in a flat on the top floor under lockdown rn so very grateful for this! Thankyou :pray:t4::purple_heart::tulip::joy:


Subconscious Alchemy 4 years ago

The superhero of the world :earth_americas:


Selenee Rodriguez Rebolloso4 years ago

Ohh i love it. Thank you!


Kite Sky4 years ago

I got to do the 111th ‘like’, first time ever :smirk: After a gruelling and stressful day, this just blooming came right in time to rescue me from a big bad dark hole. All is good again so THANK YOU SAPIEN. Another amazing video to add to my life


Jay4 years ago

Thanks sapien medicine :heart:


Mimi Berlin4 years ago

Thank you…so helpful in these overwhelming stressfull time! :pray:t3::heart:


Crypto Gamer4 years ago

Thank you.


Ocean Project4 years ago



Angel Leo4 years ago

You must be a mind reader … I’ve been thinking of doing more grounding work but just haven’t found the time. So glad I can do this while working. Thank you so much! You’re a gem!


Clo-tii4 years ago

The music is fun and a delight to listen.🖒


Anthony Hector Plaatjies4 years ago

SM u d an outerworldly being.These are Back to the Future stuff…u sir are 50+ years of earth’s time. #respect in evey possible manner


Iight Spreader4 years ago

The music is so wonderful.
Bless you sapien and bless everyone else too.
Have a wonderful day/life my friends.


Clo-tii4 years ago

Bravo bravo Sap Med !! for this great idea especially now when we are confined. BTW so far so long the UV C one + the Corona are keeping me safe when I have to go and buy food in the grocery, I am playing it with my 4G Internet. A big Thank you. :relaxed::innocent:


Cristian Andrei4 years ago (edited)

Its ok if i listen it in ma room ?


Just4 years ago

You make life so easy! I am grateful!


Angel love4 years ago

Can you send me some positive and good energy please? So needed… Huggs.


Angel love4 years ago

Thank you, <3 :) Much love…


white light sheddin’ , weed smokin’4 years ago

Just what we need right now🤲


Disponent 784 years ago (edited)



Boomalcala Cruz4 years ago

Thank you.


A skyWalker4 years ago

much appreciated
tq so muchhhh


Aparna M4 years ago (edited)

Thanks a ton Sapien :pray::pray::pray:you are an angel on Earth :relaxed: really. Every day new gifts to humanity :blush:. This will connect us to mother earth like roots of tree and heal our root chakra​:hugs: everyone needs this during such time when we live in illusion and disconnected from our own earth :grinning::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


LM K.4 years ago

Lovely gift :earth_africa::earth_americas::earth_asia: Thank you :pray::pray::pray:


Shan Free4 years ago



Dewy Beam4 years ago

Sìick <3


d654 years ago (edited)

I like the unconditional love part it’s smart thing to do!
I feel depressed if I make myself grounded and I feel bad energy but with this I will feel love , I think it may heals family issues and root chakra and reality issues and a lot of things :heartpulse::tada:


Vickie Vires Richie🪴4 years ago



Stephan Norswing4 years ago

This is THE BEST grounding video! Thank you again Sapien.


Trex184 years ago

This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. I never thought you’d make one for grounding.


moriiiiitz4 years ago

Does this help against EMF ?


Réjeanne Dubé4 years ago

Thank you very much DREAMSEEDS.
I love your work and you.
Love and blessings.:leaves::rose::leaves:


Jalal Ahmed4 years ago

This is great! Ever felt a bit spaced out, dizzy, out of your body? Basically use this after deep meditation, yoga, bioenergetics.


shinobi k4 years ago

Thank you so much :heart:


Tom-Lee Allinne Diego4 years ago (edited)



Snuggly Potatoes ASMR4 years ago

I am speechless…in the autumn / winter time I cant go barefoot outside and for everyone living in colder climates this is an irreplaceable Blessing ! you are so Amazing Sapien, a man of Honour working for the Highest Good of wo/mankind !!! I am so grateful for your presence in my life !


kath Croft4 years ago

Much needed tysm :heart::heart::sparkling_heart:


Stassji4 years ago

You are better than air, Dream Seeds. :sunglasses:


Snuggly Potatoes ASMR4 years ago

Your work will be honoured and praised for centuries to come - For Sure !


Sanatan Raj / Rule of Righteousness4 years ago (edited)

please tell the b
benefits ???


saleha anjum4 years ago

What brilliance! What creativity! Thank you so much for this.


CB Cea Cea4 years ago

Awesome Drean seeds

Three loops of this while in bed and kiss insomnia goodbye.

One listen to this is effective, two is definietly grounding, but three completely change how my body is working.


do automated grounding has the 3 hours rule? sorry i kinda confuse!

1 Like

Only this one has the 3-hours clearance: Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning

1 Like

This is the field that helps you utilise all the other fields effectively .
A great invention by the great man!