List of All Community Projects & NFTs


  1. Gift of Numbers
  2. Power of Numbers

Draft completed, sent to Captain
The Programmer


Project: Psychic Empathy
Leader: Me

Status: Complete

Summary: A noded servitor. A core function will strongly develop the physical and energetic components of empathy in the NFT owner. This is the main benefit but it has twofold significance: it is a skill unto itself, and it enables the NFT owner to work more comprehensively with the servitor. The servitor has the ability to teach and help develop any conceivable psychic ability in the NFT owner using multiple strategies. There are also a few helpful utilities for the NFT owner that have been planned/built-into the project. (All features subject to change by Dream during the creation process).



I must remind people of something here. Although these private groups are private, they are still under the me and dream’s rules. Fairness above everything. I am against being authoritarian but I will exercise my authority to ensure no group leaders starts getting authoritarian in this forum.

People undermining others or getting too authoritative in these private groups is a big nono. These are group projects and project leaders might lead a group but they aren’t the outright authority, of even those private threads. Me and Dream are.

So if issues of unfairness ever occur, come to me. Doesn’t mean I will always agree with you as I will analyze the issue and see if things were done fairly, and you might be in the wrong. But I will always do my best to make things as fair as possible.


Project: The Becoming of Brahmarshi - Master of All
Leader: Me
Status - Submitted


Look what i have missed out :sob:

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:sparkles: Awww…don’t cry…there’s always the Buying & Selling thread. With any luck, you’ll find a friendly forum member to trade or sell you at least some of what you’re looking for.


Project: The Light of Mages
Leader: Me

Status: Complete

Summary: A servitor and a Magic Wand maker function. The servitor is inspired, to a great extent, by the Arc Light and Tower of Power NFTs. The Servitor can be conceived of as a noded, superintelligent Mage Light—possessed of qualities similar to the Infinite Light (as appears in Kabbalah Ohr - Wikipedia ) but defined by the Consciousness, Energy, Wisdom, and Power of all benevolent magical beings and magical traditions/lineages.
It should be able to help the NFT owner make different energy constructs and spells (supplying energy and intelligent guidance); and it can store the creations in a catalog.
The Magic Wand that can be created is a special complex item that should function like an actual magic wand (as appears in fantasy media) and it should be linked to the servitor so that different stored constructs can be more easily utilized or “cast” as spells.

Project: The Immortal Path
Leader: Me

Status: Complete

Summary: This project will basically serve as a talisman. If the NFT owner is committed to a regimen of meditation and is willing to make significant changes in their life to reach the Ultimate Goal of spirituality, then this will help the NFT owner to achieve the goal in this lifetime. It will do a few things for health and provide a few meditation aids as well.


1] The Beacon of Knowledge:

2] The Ernest Neuron:

3] The Oligarch:

4] The Way of the Cobra

5] The CEO

6]The Financier

7] The Masterpiece

8] Tengri: God of The Blue Sky

9] Major League Human

10] The Ninja

11] The Thinker

12] The Psychologist

13] Way Back Machine

14] Arcturian Brain

15] Déja-vu (know the future)

16] Codex Galactica

17] Beyond the Horizon

18] Silver thread

19] Empowered Individual

I may have forgot one or two projects.

Thanks @Beast


How does one gain access to private projects , many of them are interesting and seem to be password protected ? ; I been listening to sm fields for almost a decade and have many gumroad audios — just the Nft trade situtation seems a bit difficult and obscure to me so I don’t have many nfts for that reason

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Leaders of prospective projects create a thread like this one here in the Community and Side Projects category. If you see one you are interested in joining, that’s the place to post.

NFTs that are minted and available for the private groups can be found in the Sapien Shop. Each project is password-protected so that only the private group has access.

If you have a winning idea for an NFT project you may start a group and ask for interested people to join.

NFTs for sale or trade by owners may be found here.


Do the community project NTFs have the same quality and effectiveness like the ones made by the Sapien medicine Team?

Or are the community NTFs just experimental?

All community projects are made by Sapien medicine Team, specifically DreamWeaver.

Community NFTs can have a little more experimental character, since they are more custom and not made for public, but still not to the far end.


Thank you Powren😊

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