Plasma Protocol

This is a trifactor of three very complicated fields.

Plasma + Hyperbaric Compressor + Stem Cells (with scar tissue removal), with telomere lengthening and also some antioxidants.

  • The first audio (Plasma Combo 1) targets the Bones, Muscles, Joints, and nervous system.
  • The second one (Plasma Combo 2) targets all internal organs.
  • Finally, the final one (Plasma Combo 3) targets the epidermis, hair follicles on the head, and all of the circulating blood.

All combined to provide a fast but hard restorative effect (and faster de-aging)

Hard in that, you are probably gonna get very exhausted using these and need a lot more rest than regular. In fact, some may barely be able to get out of bed sometimes, so use when you can spare the time, work out a routine that is best for you.

I personally think sticking to one audio for a week is good before moving to another. (with taking breaks in-between)

I think each should be used twice to thrice per listen. Work out what works best for you and good luck!

Be careful as there is somewhat of a little detox with this, and also if you use drugs it may change your tolerance levels as things are being regenerated.

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Updated on 7/20/2022 - The Plasma Protocol Combo is no longer available. This is being replaced by an updated field that combines all three protocols, plus more, including smart field capabilities.

Read the below thread for details about the new field - The Plasma Flaunt.

The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
The Sacred Flower
Long time user lacking real results
Do you know psionic warriors?
Health, Wealth, and Confidence
Plasma Protocol (3 pack audio)
Physical condition can't find the cause
Advice for kidney pain
Effects/Side effects from Plasma protocol
Malignes Melanom/Cancer Advice
Advanced Healing
What would you suggest to get back my Testosterone (New here)
Skin Cancer
Fields for somebody with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm?
Is there a field I can use for PMD?
Blue print of life and plasma protocol 2023
Audio for spondyloarthrosis
The Plasma Flaunt
Important Q: Can we use the testosterone boost field to gradually and permanently increase our testosterone levels?
The Plasma Flaunt
For Healing
The Requests and Fields
Hypotrophy Achilles tendons/muscles
The Plasma Flaunt
If I have The Plasma Flaunt, should I buy Plasma skin also
Opinion on stack - 18th october
Useful Paid Fields for Arthritis
The Plasma Flaunt
Skull Fructure Healing Field
The Legendary Hair Serum
Field Suggestion for Reversing Modafinil Overuse
Need Help Please❤
Advice for dementia
Hyperbaric Compressor Field Missing
The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
Physical condition can't find the cause
Beauty & Rejuvenation Audio List for People Over 40
Seeking first NFT/ AUDIO to purchase
Blueprint of life vs plasma flaunt
The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
Neurofibromatosis NF2
Which of the many Hair fields to use?
Did Plasma Protocol 3 audio has helped you to regrow your hair/made them thick?
Scar removal stack
Eye Regeneration results
Payment Plan?
How Smart are Stem Cells?
The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

For those that liked the Plasma audio, this is NEXT GEN stuff. This may be easily one of the most powerful and comprehensive series created by Dream for healing and anti aging.

As noted in Captain’s description - be careful if you decide to “spam” it because this is POWERFUL stuff.

This stack of 3 can replace A LOT of audios.

There is a lot of wisdom to this statement. I got a little overwhelmed by doing a few rounds of all three audios back to back.

Also, based on a little testing I have done, this does not feel like simply stacking a bunch of fields together. This feels like a bunch of different things harmoniously working together on a Plasma base. As Captain noted in the description, the three fields are highly complex.

Things I have noticed with just 1 round of listening last night:

  • Immediate mood brightening - like a happy wave washed over me
  • A lot of physical energy (not like a caffeine surge, but more balanced)
  • Some mild detox symptoms
  • A feeling of lightness (probably due to reduced inflammation all over)

So this is like the plasma audio combined with other audios mentioned above and targets specific parts of the body.

Sounds incredible!


Yes - this is many other healing/anti aging/regeneration audios “plasmafied” :slight_smile:


Its like combining the other anti aging audios/healing audios and mixing them with the plasma field.

Wonder what @_OM has to say about this field.

He will explode with joy


He knows about it … and can provide his own magnificent testimonial :slight_smile:




:flushed::flushed::flushed: my God.

This is crazy :two_hearts:


It was bound to happen indeed :heart_eyes: :exploding_head: looks like Captain has moved 3 levels up in creating the fields :man_dancing: :man_dancing:


Oh man, I was wondering when he was going to do this. I saw some hints of it earlier. Amazing


As I was listening to this last night…it came to me

It’s the Holy Grail.

Dream has literally recreated the Holy Grail.


Interestingly, Dream was supposed to be on a vacation, or at least OM was trying to convince Dream to take a much deserved vacation. And this is what Captain did while he was expected to be on a vacation, doing nothing but relaxing - created a super complicated “Holy Grail” field!! … :sunglasses: :sunglasses:



Yes exactly.

No, YOU will explode…

Side effects of this field include:

  • Feeling Blissed Out All Day
  • Copious Amounts of Energy
  • A Magical Feeling of Well-Being
  • Rapid Youthing
  • Complete Healing and Rejuvenation

Please consult your doctor and tell him you will no longer be needing him anymore :)


would you say that this is even better than the plasma field alone?




What’s to tell?
it’s a combination of all the above fields

So all the goodness of Plasma PLUS all the goodness of Stem Cell treatments, Hyperbaric Treatments, Telemere Lengthing…


Plasma field

too big to cover… go here :slight_smile:

Hyperbaric Compression Field

Scientists have done some revolutionary work which seems to have biologically reversed aging by using a form of oxygen therapy.
These researchers from the University of Tel Aviv have given remarkable results from their elderly sample, with telomere increases of up to 20 percent.
They have noticed it also helped with cognitive decline and general cellular rejuvenation.

This uses a similar approach, by allowing you to absorb a lot more oxygen then compressing it gently for faster absorption into your cells.
So that starts totally saturate all parts of you.
Use as you see fit.
But do not go past an hour in one listen.

This can help with all kinds of recoveries from drug abuse to muscle recovery.
How is this different than the normal Hyperbaric one on the channel.?
Well it compresses the oxygen from the inside outwards, which is different than how it is normally approached in real life. All of the Alveoli are induced to absorb as much oxygen as possible (while also drawing a lot more oxygen from the outside to your body)
Then the oxygen is (as absorbed) compressed into all cells and areas in your body, (from the inside) providing a deep total saturation.

Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal Field

This combines the previous two fat to stem cells and generalized stem cells along with induced apoptosis of scar tissue in organs, muscles and skin. This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, Listening and allowing the music to flow through you will also theoretically pour the energy states of adult stem cells into your body and being, causing cells to resonate with that morphogenic state, which would help produce the obvious benefits of stem cell treatments. it works with the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected. It should help you to regenerate. This combination should be pretty effective and may even help with damaged nerves (Where scar tissue has formed between nerve connections. It should be highly effective for healing.

This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, it works more to the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coherced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.

Telomere Lengthening Field

Want to Slow Down Aging? Meet Your Telomeres.

Ever wish there was a magic bullet that could slow down aging? Maybe even stop the process altogether? While there’s no way to actually stop the aging process, there might be a way to slow it down. Meet your telomeres. Telomeres sit on the end of our chromosomes (the molecules in most of our cells that contain genetic information,) protecting them from deterioration and our bodies from early onset disease.

Now, while telomeres naturally shorten as we age, research has found that there may be ways to slow down the telomere shortening process. Some studies have shown that lifestyle factors can play a large role in telomere shortening and because shorter telomeres have been associated with an increased risk of disease it’s in our best interest to figure out what lifestyle adjustments we can make to slow it down and therefore protect ourselves and our chromosomes for a little bit longer. Taking a deep dive, we look at what telomeres are, why they shorten with age, how to lengthen them and how to know if yours should be cause for concern.

What are telomeres?

Telomeres are a specific sequence of DNA that forms a cap at the two ends of each chromosome. This cap – like the plastic cap on the end of a shoelace – keeps the chromosome from fraying each time it’s replicated. When a cell divides, it replicates everything inside of it, including its chromosomes – the bundles of DNA that provide the genetic blueprint for building and running your body. Without telomeres to protect them, chromosomes get increasingly tangled and damaged, resulting in poorly constructed cells and speeding up the process that leads to cell death. This, in turn, means an older, less resilient body.

What are telomeres?

Research shows that longer telomeres are associated with a longer lifespan, and that shorter telomeres are associated with the diseases of aging: heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

What causes telomere shortening?

Interestingly enough, telomeres themselves can be damaged in the aging process; the shorter telomeres get, the less protective they are to the chromosome. This is where telomerase comes in. Telomerase is an enzyme–a protein–whose job it is to repair the telomeres. Over time, telomerase can be depleted and degraded, making it harder for the body to repair its telomeres.

An important research paper in Nature, showed that mice genetically engineered without telomerase aged prematurely, but bounced back to health when telomerase was added back in. The mice literally got younger in real-time.

It turns out that we may have more control of our telomeres than we previously thought. Lifestyle is an important determinant of telomere length and telomerase function – this may explain how we age more, or less, than others through the choices we make every day.

AntiOxidants Field

This should be key in helping with body restoration and delaying the aging process.
Antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Many experts believe this damage is a factor in the development of blood vessel disease (atherosclerosis), cancer, and other conditions.

Increasing one’s antioxidant intake can prove to be quite essential for optimum health, especially in today’s polluted world. Boosting your antioxidant intake can help provide added protection for the body against:

• Heart problems
• Eye problems
• Memory problems
• Mood disorders
• Immune system problems

It basically covers everything that causes someone to age/poor health in one way or the other.


Of course!


Do the other anti aging fields included in this have concepts from the plasma fields?

Basically, do they have new concepts incorporated in them from the plasma field or is it just adding all of them together?

